Factores que contribuyeron o limitaron el desarrollo del proyecto mujeres Acompañando Mujeres en el distrito de Virú, Región La Libertad, 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo del presente estudio es describir y analizar los factores que han contribuido y limitado
el desarrollo del servicio de Acompañamiento Básico en la Estrategia Comunitaria Mujeres
Acompañando a Mujeres del Programa Nacional AURORA en tiempos de Pandemia 2021 –
2022, en el distrito de Virú, región La Libertad.
La investigación que se ha desarrollado es de tipo cualitativa con estudio de casos, cuya muestra
es significativa seleccionada por juicio y conveniencia del estudio, por medio de la recolección
de información a 11 mentoras y 04 usuarias y 01 coordinadora mentora, funcionaria del programa
AURORA y, fuentes de revisión documental.
El resultado de la investigación nos muestra que la estrategia comunitaria analizada, fomenta la
participación ciudadana –capital social-, a través de la cogestión de las actoras sociales –
mentoras- quienes promueven el cambio de afronte en la lucha contra la violencia en mujeres
que han sufrido estas afectaciones producto de la discriminación y machismo su localidad. Por
lo que, estas mujeres voluntarias se convierten en actoras sociales de su propio cambio y la de
su entorno, creando redes de apoyo emocional, llamada sororidad.
Este servicio contempla un discurso de cambio social, con la ayuda de voluntarias, quienes unen
esfuerzos por un único fin social, que es la prevención y lucha contra de la violencia en mujeres
que han sido víctimas de este problema social, por medio de acompañamientos durante un año
de intervención, buscando la modificación de actitud en estas mujeres, reforzando sus
habilidades socioemocionales.
Las limitaciones para mejorar los procesos operativos en el servicio de acompañamiento básico,
fue la poca participación de las voluntarias en el seguimiento y evaluación del servicio; y los
horarios insuficientes de los servicios de atención del Centro Emergencia Mujer - CEM VIRÚ,
que, a pesar de ello, se lograron obtener cambios sustantivos en la actitud de las mujeres que
recibieron este servicio.
The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the factors that have contributed to and limited the development of the Basic Accompaniment service within the Women Accompanying Women Community Strategy of the National Program AURORA during the 2021 – 2022 pandemic, in the district of Virú, La Libertad region. The conducted research is qualitative, employing a case study approach, using a significant sample selected on judgement and convenience. The study information was gathered from 11 mentors, 4 users, and 1 AURORA program mentor coordinator, and through documentary review sources. The research findings reveal that the analyzed community strategy promotes citizen participation –social capital– through the co-management of social actors – specifically, mentors – who promote a transformative approach in combating violence against women. These volunteer women, who have experienced the impacts of discrimination and sexism in their local context, emerge as social actors of their own change and that of their surroundings, creating networks of emotional support, known as sisterhood. This service includes a discourse of social change, facilitated by volunteers who come together for a common social purpose: preventing and combatting violence against women who have suffered from this social issue, through accompaniment during a year of intervention, aiming to transform the attitudes of these women, reinforcing their socio-emotional skills. The limitations in enhancing the operational processes of the basic accompaniment service were the low participation of volunteers in monitoring and evaluating the service, and the insufficient working hours of the services of the Women's Emergency Center (CEM VIRÚ). However, despite these challenges, significant positive changes in the attitudes of the women who received this service were accomplished.
The objective of this study is to describe and analyze the factors that have contributed to and limited the development of the Basic Accompaniment service within the Women Accompanying Women Community Strategy of the National Program AURORA during the 2021 – 2022 pandemic, in the district of Virú, La Libertad region. The conducted research is qualitative, employing a case study approach, using a significant sample selected on judgement and convenience. The study information was gathered from 11 mentors, 4 users, and 1 AURORA program mentor coordinator, and through documentary review sources. The research findings reveal that the analyzed community strategy promotes citizen participation –social capital– through the co-management of social actors – specifically, mentors – who promote a transformative approach in combating violence against women. These volunteer women, who have experienced the impacts of discrimination and sexism in their local context, emerge as social actors of their own change and that of their surroundings, creating networks of emotional support, known as sisterhood. This service includes a discourse of social change, facilitated by volunteers who come together for a common social purpose: preventing and combatting violence against women who have suffered from this social issue, through accompaniment during a year of intervention, aiming to transform the attitudes of these women, reinforcing their socio-emotional skills. The limitations in enhancing the operational processes of the basic accompaniment service were the low participation of volunteers in monitoring and evaluating the service, and the insufficient working hours of the services of the Women's Emergency Center (CEM VIRÚ). However, despite these challenges, significant positive changes in the attitudes of the women who received this service were accomplished.
Participación ciudadana--Perú--La Libertad, Empoderamiento--Perú--La Libertad--Investigaciones, Violencia contra la mujer--Perú--La Libertad
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