El cierre de minas: un reto de la minería moderna
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La minería afronta varios retos socio ambientales, entre ellos el garantizar a la sociedad
en general, que las operaciones mineras puedan cerrarse de manera sustentable al final
de su periodo productivo. Sin embargo, el cierre de una operación minera puede darse
de manera súbita antes de haber culminado su cierre progresivo y haber extraído
totalmente la reserva estimada, creando impactos socio ambientales significativos y/o
El Estado para corregir las externalidades negativas que se asocian a la contaminación
ambiental en las actividades mineras, ha desarrollado mecanismos de Comando y
Control para modificar y/o controlar la conducta degradativa, entre ellos, la
obligatoriedad del plan de cierre de minas y la consignación de la garantía ambiental.
En línea a este preludio; el objetivo central del presente estudio, es fundar lineamientos
para el fortalecimiento del marco regulatorio de cierre de minas a fin de suprimir la
evasión de responsabilidad ante el abandono súbito de una operación minera.
El plan de cierre de una mina es una proyección a futuro, por lo que el análisis de costos
de las actividades de cierre, previo a extraer todas las reservas de mineral es inexacto,
por existir diversas fuentes de incertidumbre que no se conocen, enmarcando el
problema de investigación, en torno a la estimación de la idoneidad de la garantía
ambiental para salvaguardar todas las actividades de cierre en caso de abandono y/o
incumplimiento de cierre. La metodología del presente estudio es cualitativa que incluye
métodos teóricos y prácticos, basado en el diagnóstico actual de marco normativo de la
gestión del cierre
Las conclusiones obtenidas a manera de resultados se circunscriben en que la Ley de
Cierre de Minas N°28090 y su reglamentación debe contemplar cambios relevantes, a
efectos de permitir una adecuada estimación de costos y gastos de las actividades de
cierre, donde; no solo se contemplen costos regulatorios sino también costos
potenciales, se suprima toda tentativa de quiebras pre planificadas y se incorpore en el
cálculo de la garantía ambiental los costos de cierre progresivo y el valor del riesgo
potencial de las actividades de cierre en el largo plazo. Finalmente, en relación al caso
Quiruvilca, la ejecución de la garantía ambiental por parte del Estado ante el abandono
súbito de la unidad minera, no salvaguarda a la sociedad de asumir la mitigación
ambiental en el largo plazo, siendo hoy por hoy la Ex unidad minera Quiruvilca es un
nuevo pasivo ambiental minero.
Mining faces several socio-environmental challenges, including guaranteeing to society in general that mining operations can be closed in a sustainable manner at the end of their productive period. However, the closure of a mining operation may occur suddenly before its progressive closure has been completed and the estimated reserve has been fully extracted, creating significant socio-environmental impacts or contamination. The State to correct the negative externalities that are associated with environmental contamination in mining activities, has developed Command and Control mechanisms to modify and / or control the degrading behavior, including the mandatory closure of the mine plan and the provision of the environmental guarantee. Online to this prelude; The main objective of this study is to establish guidelines for strengthening the regulatory framework for mine closure in order to eliminate the evasion of responsibility for the sudden abandonment of a mining operation. The mine closure plan is a projection into the future, therefore, the cost analysis of the closure activities, prior to extracting all the mineral reserves, is inaccurate, as there are various sources of uncertainty that are not known, framing the research problem, around the estimation of the suitability of the environmental guarantee to safeguard all closure activities in case of abandonment and / or failure to close. The methodology of the present study is qualitative that includes theoretical and practical methods, based on the current diagnosis of the regulatory framework for closure management The conclusions obtained as results are circumscribed in that the Mine Closure Law No. 28090 and its regulations must contemplate relevant changes, in order to allow an adequate estimation of costs and expenses of the closure activities, where; Not only regulatory costs but also potential costs are contemplated, all pre-planned bankruptcy attempts are eliminated and the costs of progressive closure and the value of the potential risk of closing activities in the long term are incorporated in the environmental guarantee calculation. Finally, in relation to the Quiruvilca case, the execution of the environmental guarantee by the State in the face of the sudden abandonment of the mining unit does not safeguard society from assuming environmental mitigation in the long term, being today the former mining unit. Quiruvilca is a new mining environmental liability. 1
Mining faces several socio-environmental challenges, including guaranteeing to society in general that mining operations can be closed in a sustainable manner at the end of their productive period. However, the closure of a mining operation may occur suddenly before its progressive closure has been completed and the estimated reserve has been fully extracted, creating significant socio-environmental impacts or contamination. The State to correct the negative externalities that are associated with environmental contamination in mining activities, has developed Command and Control mechanisms to modify and / or control the degrading behavior, including the mandatory closure of the mine plan and the provision of the environmental guarantee. Online to this prelude; The main objective of this study is to establish guidelines for strengthening the regulatory framework for mine closure in order to eliminate the evasion of responsibility for the sudden abandonment of a mining operation. The mine closure plan is a projection into the future, therefore, the cost analysis of the closure activities, prior to extracting all the mineral reserves, is inaccurate, as there are various sources of uncertainty that are not known, framing the research problem, around the estimation of the suitability of the environmental guarantee to safeguard all closure activities in case of abandonment and / or failure to close. The methodology of the present study is qualitative that includes theoretical and practical methods, based on the current diagnosis of the regulatory framework for closure management The conclusions obtained as results are circumscribed in that the Mine Closure Law No. 28090 and its regulations must contemplate relevant changes, in order to allow an adequate estimation of costs and expenses of the closure activities, where; Not only regulatory costs but also potential costs are contemplated, all pre-planned bankruptcy attempts are eliminated and the costs of progressive closure and the value of the potential risk of closing activities in the long term are incorporated in the environmental guarantee calculation. Finally, in relation to the Quiruvilca case, the execution of the environmental guarantee by the State in the face of the sudden abandonment of the mining unit does not safeguard society from assuming environmental mitigation in the long term, being today the former mining unit. Quiruvilca is a new mining environmental liability. 1
Industria minera--Aspectos ambientales--Perú, Minas--Clausura, Industria minera--Legislación--Perú, Política minera--Perú
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