La narración de cuentos como estrategia didáctica para desarrollar la expresión oral de los niños de segundo ciclo de Educación Básica Regular
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación surge a partir del interés de la autora respecto de
dos tópicos que son relevantes para lograr el desarrollar integral del niño en edad
preescolar. En este sentido, a partir de la conexión y reflexión de experiencias previas
tanto del ámbito personal como laboral y la revisión bibliográfica pertinente, se
propone a la narración de cuentos como estrategia didáctica, es decir, una alternativa
didáctica frente a una problemática que se evidencia en los educandos del segundo
ciclo del nivel inicial: las desigualdades en la habilidad de la expresión oral. A raíz de
ello, este estudio, plantea como objetivo general: analizar cómo la narración de
cuentos como estrategia didáctica favorece el desarrollo de la expresión oral de los
niños de segundo ciclo de Educación Básica Regular.
Para lograr el desarrollo del objetivo propuesto, se tiene como metodología el enfoque
de estudio cualitativo con el método de investigación documental, a partir del cual, se
tiene una aproximación indirecta a la realidad que se centra en la indagación y
selección de documentos, y lectura y análisis de textos con el fin de elaborar un
Como resultado de la investigación, se concluye que la estrategia didáctica de la
narración de cuentos contribuye favorablemente en el desarrollo de las cualidades de
la expresión oral (fluidez, coherencia, dicción, vocabulario, volumen) de los niños del
segundo ciclo de Educación Inicial, Por consiguiente, esta es una práctica que todo
docente debe considerar en su labor pedagógica.
This research arises from the author's interest regarding two topics that are relevant to achieve the integral development of the preschool child. In this sense, from the connection and reflection of previous experiences both in the personal and work spheres and the pertinent bibliographic review, storytelling is proposed as a didactic strategy, that is, a didactic alternative to a problem that is evident in students of the second cycle of preschool: inequalities in the ability of oral expression. As a result, this study has as a general objective: to analyze how storytelling as a didactic strategy favors the development of oral expression in children in the second cycle of Regular Basic Education. To achieve the development of the proposed objective, the methodology is the qualitative study approach with the documentary research method, from which, there is an indirect approach to reality that focuses on the investigation and selection of documents, and reading and analysis of texts in order to prepare a report. As a consequence of the investigation, it is concluded that the didactic strategy of storytelling contributes favorably in the development of the qualities of oral expression (fluency, coherence, diction, vocabulary, volume) of the children of the second cycle of preschool, Therefore, this is a practice that every teacher should consider in their pedagogical work.
This research arises from the author's interest regarding two topics that are relevant to achieve the integral development of the preschool child. In this sense, from the connection and reflection of previous experiences both in the personal and work spheres and the pertinent bibliographic review, storytelling is proposed as a didactic strategy, that is, a didactic alternative to a problem that is evident in students of the second cycle of preschool: inequalities in the ability of oral expression. As a result, this study has as a general objective: to analyze how storytelling as a didactic strategy favors the development of oral expression in children in the second cycle of Regular Basic Education. To achieve the development of the proposed objective, the methodology is the qualitative study approach with the documentary research method, from which, there is an indirect approach to reality that focuses on the investigation and selection of documents, and reading and analysis of texts in order to prepare a report. As a consequence of the investigation, it is concluded that the didactic strategy of storytelling contributes favorably in the development of the qualities of oral expression (fluency, coherence, diction, vocabulary, volume) of the children of the second cycle of preschool, Therefore, this is a practice that every teacher should consider in their pedagogical work.
Educación preescolar--Perú, Cuentos, Comunicación oral--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación de niños--Perú
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