Planeamiento estratégico de Buenaventura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Compañía de Minas Buenaventura es una de las principales empresas mineras
peruanas que explora y explota oro y plata. El presente plan estratégico ha sido desarrollado
con la finalidad de que dicha empresa pueda proyectarse al futuro y alcance la visión que se
ha establecido, la cual está enfocada en el aumento de la producción, la reducción de costos,
y el cumplimiento de normas ambientales, laborales y de seguridad. El estudio se inició con
un análisis de la situación general de Buenaventura, y luego se ha presentado la visión,
misión, valores y código de ética.
A continuación se ha realizado la evaluación externa a fin de determinar la influencia
del entorno en la empresa. Se identificó las oportunidades que la podrían beneficiar, tales
como: la legislación favorable, existencia de proyectos mineros, entre otras; y las amenazas
que debe evitar, por ejemplo, los conflictos sociales, y las variaciones en los precios de los
minerales. Luego, se ha realizado un análisis de la situación de los competidores y los
factores claves de éxito en el sector minero, que permitirían a la empresa posicionarse
sostenidamente con respecto a la competencia.
Posteriormente, se ha desarrollado la evaluación interna, la cual se encuentra
orientada a la definición de estrategias que permitan a Buenaventura capitalizar sus fortalezas
(personal profesional y técnico, indicadores financieros positivos y alianzas estratégicas) y
neutralizar sus debilidades (gestión social y ambiental, inadecuada gestión de costos y bajo
clima laboral), de modo que se pueda construir ventajas competitivas a partir de la
identificación de las competencias distintivas. Luego se establecieron los objetivos de corto y
largo plazo.
En la siguiente fase se encontraron las estrategias que conducirían a Buenaventura de
la situación actual al futuro estado deseado. Tales estrategias se han generado mediante el
emparejamiento y combinación de las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades, y amenazas junto a los resultados previamente analizados. Al final de la formulación estratégica, se ha
realizado la elección de las estrategias retenidas y de contingencia; por ejemplo, entre las
retenidas, podemos mencionar las siguientes: (a) consolidar y brindar sostenibilidad a las
actuales operaciones; (b) fortalecer el área de investigación social, ambiental y de seguridad,
entre otras.
A continuación, para poder realizar la evaluación estratégica, se elaboró el tablero de
control balanceado, de manera que se pueda monitorear el logro de los objetivos de corto y
largo plazo, y a partir de ello, tomar las acciones correctivas pertinentes. Finalmente, se
plantearon las conclusiones y recomendaciones finales y la situación futura deseada de la
Compania de Minas Buenaventura is a major Peruvian mining company exploring and exploiting gold and silver. The strategic plan has been developed so that the company can project into the future and reach the vision established, which is focused on increasing production, lowering costs, and compliance with environmental standards, labor and safety norms. The study began with an analysis of the general situation at Buenaventura, and then the vision, mission, values and ethics was presented. Then the external evaluation was performed in order to determine the influence of the environment on the company. Opportunities have been identified that could be a benefit, such as favorable legislation, existence of mining projects, among others, and also dangers to be avoided, for example: social conflicts and changes in mineral prices. Then, an analysis was made of the situation of competitors and key success factors in the mining sector, which would allow the company to be favorably positioned relative to the competition. Subsequently, an internal evaluation was developed, which was aimed at defining strategies to capitalize on the strengths of Buenaventura ( professional and technical personnel, positive financial indicators and strategic alliances ) and neutralize their weaknesses ( social and environmental management, inadequate management of costs and low labor environment ), so they can build competitive advantages by identifying distinctive competitors. Then short and long term priorities were established. In the next phase, they found strategies that would lead Buenaventura from the actual situation to the desired future state. Such strategies were generated by matching and combining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and dangers along with the results previously analyzed. At the end of strategic, has made the choice of retained and contingency strategies. After defining strategies, they made mention of the following: ( a) to consolidate and provide sustainability to current operations, ( b ) to strengthen the social, environmental and safety research, among others. Then the strategic assessment, which was carried out using the balanced scorecard, was to monitor the achievement of objectives in the short and long term, as a result of this to take appropriate corrective action. Finally, conclusions and final recommendations were proposed and the desired future state of the organization.
Compania de Minas Buenaventura is a major Peruvian mining company exploring and exploiting gold and silver. The strategic plan has been developed so that the company can project into the future and reach the vision established, which is focused on increasing production, lowering costs, and compliance with environmental standards, labor and safety norms. The study began with an analysis of the general situation at Buenaventura, and then the vision, mission, values and ethics was presented. Then the external evaluation was performed in order to determine the influence of the environment on the company. Opportunities have been identified that could be a benefit, such as favorable legislation, existence of mining projects, among others, and also dangers to be avoided, for example: social conflicts and changes in mineral prices. Then, an analysis was made of the situation of competitors and key success factors in the mining sector, which would allow the company to be favorably positioned relative to the competition. Subsequently, an internal evaluation was developed, which was aimed at defining strategies to capitalize on the strengths of Buenaventura ( professional and technical personnel, positive financial indicators and strategic alliances ) and neutralize their weaknesses ( social and environmental management, inadequate management of costs and low labor environment ), so they can build competitive advantages by identifying distinctive competitors. Then short and long term priorities were established. In the next phase, they found strategies that would lead Buenaventura from the actual situation to the desired future state. Such strategies were generated by matching and combining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and dangers along with the results previously analyzed. At the end of strategic, has made the choice of retained and contingency strategies. After defining strategies, they made mention of the following: ( a) to consolidate and provide sustainability to current operations, ( b ) to strengthen the social, environmental and safety research, among others. Then the strategic assessment, which was carried out using the balanced scorecard, was to monitor the achievement of objectives in the short and long term, as a result of this to take appropriate corrective action. Finally, conclusions and final recommendations were proposed and the desired future state of the organization.
Industria minera--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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