Análisis de la Resolución N°7 recaída en el Exp. 00581- 2019-0-1817-SP-CO-02
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como fin analizar la Resolución N° 7 emitida por la
Segunda Sala Civil Subespecialidad Comercial de la Corte Superior de Justicia
de Lima recaída en el Exp. N° 00581-2019-0-1817-SP-CO-02, en la cual se
dispuso declarar fundado el recurso de anulación del laudo arbitral, emitido el 22
de julio de 2019, presentado por Provias Nacional del MTC, en el arbitraje
seguido contra Obras de Ingeniería S.A. – Obrainsa. La referida resolución tuvo
como objeto determinar si la decisión adoptada por el Tribunal Arbitral vulneró el
derecho a la motivación y determinar la procedencia del recurso interpuesto bajo
la causal indicada en el literal b), inciso 1 del artículo 63 de la Ley de Arbitraje.
El informe en curso pretende realizar una indagación respecto a la alegación de
problemas en la motivación dentro de los laudos arbitrales como causal de
anulación de los mismos. Para ello, se efectuará un análisis respecto de la
importancia de la motivación en los laudos arbitrales y luego se continuará con
identificar las consecuencias que se generarían en caso un laudo arbitral no haya
estado motivado. Con todo ello, se concluirá que el derecho a la motivación sí
fue vulnerado en el presente laudo arbitral y que fue correcta la alegación de la
causal b) del Decreto Legislativo N° 1071 como la correspondiente para invocar
la inexistencia de motivación en el laudo como causal de anulación.
The purpose of this report is to analyze the Resolution No. 7 issued by the Second Civil Chamber Commercial Subspecialty of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima, relapsed in the Exp. No. 00581-2019-0-1817-SP-CO-02, in which it was decided to declare founded the appeal for annulment of the arbitration award, issued on July 22, 2019, presented by National Provias of the MTC, in the arbitration followed against Works of Engineering S.A. – Obrainsa. The aforementioned resolution had the object of determining whether the decision adopted by the Arbitral Tribunal violated the right to reason and to determine the origin of the appeal filed under the grounds indicated in subparagraph b), paragraph 1 of article 63 of the Arbitration Law. The current report intends to carry out an inquiry regarding the allegation of problems in the motivation within the arbitration awards as grounds for their annulment. To do this, an analysis will be made regarding the importance of motivation in arbitration awards and then continue to identify the consequences that would be generated if an arbitration award has not been motivated. With all this, it will be concluded that the right to motivation was violated in this arbitration award and that the allegation of cause b), paragraph 1 of article 63 of the Arbitration Law was correct as the corresponding one to invoke the non-existence motivation of the award as grounds for annulment.
The purpose of this report is to analyze the Resolution No. 7 issued by the Second Civil Chamber Commercial Subspecialty of the Superior Court of Justice of Lima, relapsed in the Exp. No. 00581-2019-0-1817-SP-CO-02, in which it was decided to declare founded the appeal for annulment of the arbitration award, issued on July 22, 2019, presented by National Provias of the MTC, in the arbitration followed against Works of Engineering S.A. – Obrainsa. The aforementioned resolution had the object of determining whether the decision adopted by the Arbitral Tribunal violated the right to reason and to determine the origin of the appeal filed under the grounds indicated in subparagraph b), paragraph 1 of article 63 of the Arbitration Law. The current report intends to carry out an inquiry regarding the allegation of problems in the motivation within the arbitration awards as grounds for their annulment. To do this, an analysis will be made regarding the importance of motivation in arbitration awards and then continue to identify the consequences that would be generated if an arbitration award has not been motivated. With all this, it will be concluded that the right to motivation was violated in this arbitration award and that the allegation of cause b), paragraph 1 of article 63 of the Arbitration Law was correct as the corresponding one to invoke the non-existence motivation of the award as grounds for annulment.
Arbitraje--Perú, Arbitraje y laudo--Perú, Motivación, Tribunales
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