Modelo Prolab: ParkeaYA!: La aplicación móvil para reservar un estacionamiento y mantener tu auto seguro
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la actualidad, los conductores de Lima Metropolitana enfrentan diversas
preocupaciones durante sus traslados. Una de las principales inquietudes es encontrar un lugar
seguro para estacionar sus vehículos para evitar la posibilidad de un robo. Este problema social
relevante es el foco de la presente tesis, la cual busca presentar un proyecto sostenible para
abordar esta problemática, impactando positivamente a varios actores como los conductores, las
playas de estacionamiento independientes y la sociedad.
La investigación introduce el proyecto de negocio denominado "ParkeaYA!", una app
que permite a los conductores visualizar las playas de estacionamiento disponibles en la zona de
destino, verificar la disponibilidad de espacios en la playa seleccionada y hacer una reserva
realizando el pago en línea.
Luego del análisis realizado, se determinó que la propuesta de solución es viable,
representando una inversión de S/ 315,185 y generando un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de S/
2,464,179 en los primeros cinco años. Inicialmente, el proyecto abarcará cuatro distritos (San
Isidro, Miraflores, Santiago de Surco y San Borja) debido a su alta demanda, siendo ocho los
distritos alcanzados después de los primeros cinco años y con posibilidad de expansión a otros
distritos de Lima y principales ciudades del Perú.
Finalmente, se destaca que el proyecto impacta en cinco Objetivos de Desarrollo
Sostenible (ODS), con un Índice de Rentabilidad Social (IRS) del 62% y un VAN Social de S/
7,289,286, resaltando sus beneficios en términos de seguridad, ahorro de tiempo y cuidado del
medio ambiente.
Currently, drivers in Lima Metropolitana face various concerns during their commutes. One of the main issues is finding a safe place to park their vehicles to avoid the risk of theft. This relevant social problem (RSP) is the focus of this thesis, which aims to present a sustainable project to address this issue, positively impacting various stakeholders, including drivers, independent parking lots, and society. The research introduces the business project named "ParkeaYa!", a mobile app that allows drivers to view available parking lots in their destination area, check space availability in the selected lot, and make a reservation with online payment. After conducting the analysis, it was determined that the proposed solution is feasible, representing an investment of S/ 315,185 and generating a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/ 2,464,179 in the first five years. Initially, the project will cover four districts (San Isidro, Miraflores, Santiago de Surco, and San Borja) due to their high demand, with eight districts being reached after the first five years and the possibility of expansion to other districts of Lima and major cities in Peru. Finally, it is highlighted that the project impacts five Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a Social Profitability Index of 62% and a Social Net Present Value (VANS) of S/ 7,289,286, emphasizing its benefits in terms of security, time savings, and environmental care.
Currently, drivers in Lima Metropolitana face various concerns during their commutes. One of the main issues is finding a safe place to park their vehicles to avoid the risk of theft. This relevant social problem (RSP) is the focus of this thesis, which aims to present a sustainable project to address this issue, positively impacting various stakeholders, including drivers, independent parking lots, and society. The research introduces the business project named "ParkeaYa!", a mobile app that allows drivers to view available parking lots in their destination area, check space availability in the selected lot, and make a reservation with online payment. After conducting the analysis, it was determined that the proposed solution is feasible, representing an investment of S/ 315,185 and generating a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/ 2,464,179 in the first five years. Initially, the project will cover four districts (San Isidro, Miraflores, Santiago de Surco, and San Borja) due to their high demand, with eight districts being reached after the first five years and the possibility of expansion to other districts of Lima and major cities in Peru. Finally, it is highlighted that the project impacts five Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a Social Profitability Index of 62% and a Social Net Present Value (VANS) of S/ 7,289,286, emphasizing its benefits in terms of security, time savings, and environmental care.
Estacionamientos, Servicios digitales, Dispositivos móviles--Aplicaciones
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