Informe Jurídico sobre la sentencia del expediente N° 01641-2015-93-0501-JR-PE-01
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico realiza un análisis cualitativo respecto a las actuaciones de los
operadores de justicia en la recepeción de la denuncia, investigación y enjuiciamento a
Adriano Pozo, en su calidad de autor de los delitos de tentativa de feminicidio y tentativa de
violación sexual, en agravio de Arlette Contreras. A través del uso de parámetros
internacionales y normativa nacional e internacional, se demuestra que las actuaciones de la
Policía, la Fiscalía y el Poder Judicial se alejaron de los estándares establecidos para el
tratamiento, investigación y sanción en casos de violencia de género.
El tratamiento negligente de las autoridades estatales conllevó a la vulneración de diversos de
derechos de Arlette Contreras. Entre ellos, se encuentra la vulneración del derecho a la vida
libre de violencia, integridad personal, seguridad personal, igualdad de protección ante la ley
y de la ley, y acceso a la justicia. La vulneración sistemática de estos derechos y la falta de
protección, salvaguarda y resarcimiento de la víctima constituyeron, desde el Estado peruano,
una actuación de violencia institucional que sometió a Arlette Contreras a un proceso de
Dicha situación fundamenta la responsabilidad internacional del Estado peruano frente a una
eventual petición por Arlette Contreras ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos
Humanos y el posterior sometimiento de la petición ante la Corte IDH. No obstante, esta no
sería aceptada y sería declarada inadmisible por haber transcurrido el plazo normado.
This legal report carries out a qualitative analysis regarding the actions of justice operators in the receipt of the complaint, investigation and prosecution of Adriano Pozo, in his capacity as author of the crimes of attempted femicide and attempted rape, to the detriment of Arlette Contreras. Through the use of international parameters and national and international regulations, it is shown that the actions of the Police, the Prosecution and the Judiciary departed from the standards established for the treatment, investigation and punishment in cases of gender violence. The negligent treatment of the state authorities causes the violation of various human rights of Arlette Contreras. Among them is the violation of the right to a life free of violence, personal integrity, personal security, equal protection before the law and the law, and access to justice. The systematic violation of these rights and the lack of protection, safeguarding and redress for the victim constituted, from the Peruvian State, an act of institutional violence that subjected Arlette Contreras to a process of revictimization. This situation supports the international responsibility of the Peruvian State in the face of a possible petition by Arlette Contreras before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the subsequent submission of the petition before the Inter-American Court.
This legal report carries out a qualitative analysis regarding the actions of justice operators in the receipt of the complaint, investigation and prosecution of Adriano Pozo, in his capacity as author of the crimes of attempted femicide and attempted rape, to the detriment of Arlette Contreras. Through the use of international parameters and national and international regulations, it is shown that the actions of the Police, the Prosecution and the Judiciary departed from the standards established for the treatment, investigation and punishment in cases of gender violence. The negligent treatment of the state authorities causes the violation of various human rights of Arlette Contreras. Among them is the violation of the right to a life free of violence, personal integrity, personal security, equal protection before the law and the law, and access to justice. The systematic violation of these rights and the lack of protection, safeguarding and redress for the victim constituted, from the Peruvian State, an act of institutional violence that subjected Arlette Contreras to a process of revictimization. This situation supports the international responsibility of the Peruvian State in the face of a possible petition by Arlette Contreras before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the subsequent submission of the petition before the Inter-American Court.
Violencia contra la mujer--Legislación--Perú, Violencia sexual--Perú, Homicidio--Perú, Género--Investigaciones, Derechos humanos--Violación--Perú
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