Modelo ProLab: “Papaclean”, producción y comercialización de productos ecológicos para la limpieza de vidrios y superficies planas, con insumos de papa de descarte
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El proyecto de estudio de factibilidad denominado “Papaclean” es una iniciativa para
la transformación y venta de un líquido ecológico para la limpieza de vidrios y otras
superficies planas, cuyo objetivo es establecer la factibilidad de un plan de negocios para
producir este producto en base a papa de descarte y comercializarlo a nivel nacional a través
de ferreterías, mercados y supermercados. Este producto nace debido al crecimiento
importante en el uso de productos ecológicos de limpieza y el alto índice de descarte que
tiene este tubérculo en los agricultores, ofreciéndoles así más oportunidades de recuperar sus
inversiones. El estudio se desarrolló utilizando un enfoque combinado, utilizando
herramientas de recojo de información; como, encuestas a consumidores, entrevistas a
gerentes de cadenas comerciales del Perú y la utilización de documentos, reportes y análisis
vinculados con las empresas de productos de limpieza a nivel nacional.
Según los análisis se obtuvieron resultados que concluyen que implementar la
iniciativa Papaclean es viable y factible, ya que sus resultados arrojaron un VAN financiero
de 2’026,347 soles y una Tasa de retorno financiera de 77.54%, el costo beneficio tuvo un
valor de 1.42 y un recupero de inversiones se espera en el octavo mes del año tercero de las
operaciones; adicionalmente, la evaluación de sostenibilidad social arrojó un VANS de S/
928,870 soles, y la relación CLTV/CAC fue mayor a 1 en los cinco periodos proyectados.
The feasibility study project called “Papaclean” is an initiative for the transformation and sale of an ecological liquid for cleaning glass and other flat surfaces, whose objective is to establish the feasibility of a business plan to produce this product based on discard potato and market it nationally through hardware stores, markets and supermarkets. This product was born due to the significant growth in the use of ecological cleaning products and the high discard rate that this tuber has among farmers, thus offering them more opportunities to recover their investments. The study was developed using a combined approach, using information collection tools; such as consumer surveys, interviews with managers of commercial chains in Peru and the use of documents, reports and analyzes linked to cleaning product companies nationwide. According to the analysis, results were obtained that conclude that implementing the Papaclean initiative is viable and feasible, since its results showed a financial NPV of 2,026,347 soles and a financial rate of return of 77.54%, the cost benefit had a value of 1.42 and A recovery of investments is expected in the eighth month of the third year of operations; Additionally, the social sustainability evaluation showed a VANS of S/ 928,870 soles, and the CLTV/CAC ratio was greater than 1 in the five projected periods.
The feasibility study project called “Papaclean” is an initiative for the transformation and sale of an ecological liquid for cleaning glass and other flat surfaces, whose objective is to establish the feasibility of a business plan to produce this product based on discard potato and market it nationally through hardware stores, markets and supermarkets. This product was born due to the significant growth in the use of ecological cleaning products and the high discard rate that this tuber has among farmers, thus offering them more opportunities to recover their investments. The study was developed using a combined approach, using information collection tools; such as consumer surveys, interviews with managers of commercial chains in Peru and the use of documents, reports and analyzes linked to cleaning product companies nationwide. According to the analysis, results were obtained that conclude that implementing the Papaclean initiative is viable and feasible, since its results showed a financial NPV of 2,026,347 soles and a financial rate of return of 77.54%, the cost benefit had a value of 1.42 and A recovery of investments is expected in the eighth month of the third year of operations; Additionally, the social sustainability evaluation showed a VANS of S/ 928,870 soles, and the CLTV/CAC ratio was greater than 1 in the five projected periods.
Productos de limpieza--Industria y comercio
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