Modelo prolab: Servicios Ya!
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la sociedad actual, uno de los desafíos comunes es la dificultad para resolver los
problemas cotidianos relacionados con el mejoramiento y cuidado del hogar. Durante y
después del período del Covid, el gasto en mejoras para el hogar ha experimentado un notable
aumento. Sin embargo, encontrar técnicos de confianza que satisfagan las necesidades de los
usuarios sigue siendo un problema recurrente. A pesar de diversos intentos de abordar esta
problemática mediante seguros, tiendas por departamento y plataformas de conexión, ninguna
ha logrado ofrecer una solución integral que cumpla con las expectativas de técnicos y
En respuesta a esta problemática, nuestro equipo propone el proyecto “Servicios Ya!”,
una plataforma digital de economía colaborativa, que asesora y conecta ágilmente a los
usuarios con expertos en múltiples servicios de mantenimiento para el hogar. Para diseñar la
solución, empleamos diversas metodologías y herramientas de innovación y ágiles.
El proceso comenzó con un acercamiento al usuario mediante entrevistas y encuestas
para comprender sus problemas y necesidades. Esta valiosa información nos permitió diseñar
un prototipo que fue validado con usuarios reales, garantizando su relevancia y efectividad.
Luego de ello se desarrolló un MVP, el cual nos permitió hacer validaciones más certeras con
potenciales clientes y los resultados fueron alentadores. Del mismo modo, se tuvo un
acercamiento con los técnicos para conocer más de cerca sus retos, gustos y preferencias, ya
que, lo que se busca es crear una plataforma que beneficie a ambos tipos de usuarios.
En cuanto a la viabilidad financiera, proyectamos una estructura de costos y ventas
que respalda el desarrollo y sostenibilidad del proyecto. Los indicadores financieros obtenidos son altamente favorables, con un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de $704,000 dólares o
su equivalente de S/.2.57 millones de soles, una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del 39.9%, un
Índice de Rentabilidad (ROI) del 22% y un período de recuperación de la inversión
proyectado a 35 meses.
Por otro lado, la viabilidad social del proyecto está fundamentada en el cumplimiento
de la "ODS 8", que busca alcanzar un trabajo decente y un crecimiento económico sostenible.
El impacto social fue cuantificado a través de los costos sociales y beneficios, demostrando el
compromiso social de "Servicios Ya!".
En conclusión, "Servicios Ya!" es una solución integral y eficiente que busca mejorar
la vida de las personas al resolver problemas de mantenimiento y mejoramiento del hogar de
manera confiable. Con indicadores financieros y sociales positivos, este proyecto se presenta
como una alternativa deseable, factible, viable y sostenible que marca la diferencia en el
mercado y aporta valor a la sociedad.
In today's society, one of the common challenges is the difficulty in solving everyday problems related to home improvement and care. During and after the Covid period, spending on home improvements has experienced a remarkable increase. However, finding trustworthy technicians to meet the users' needs remains a recurring problem. Despite various attempts to address this issue through insurance, department stores, and connection platforms, none has managed to offer a comprehensive solution that meets the expectations of technicians and customers. In response to this issue, our team proposes the project "Servicios Ya!" - a digital collaborative economy platform that efficiently advises and connects users with experts in multiple home maintenance services. To design this solution, we employed various innovative and agile methodologies and tools. The process began with a user-centric approach through interviews and surveys to understand their problems and needs. This valuable information allowed us to design a prototype that was validated with real users, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness. Following that, an MVP was developed, which allowed for more accurate validations with potential clients, and the results were encouraging. Similarly, we engaged with technicians to get a closer look at their challenges, preferences, and tastes, as the goal is to create a platform that benefits both types of users. Regarding financial viability, we projected a cost and sales structure that supports the development and sustainability of the project. The financial indicators obtained are highly favorable, with a Net Present Value (NPV) of $704,000 dollars or its equivalent of S/.2.57 million soles, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 39.9%, a Return on Investment (ROI) of 22%, and a projected payback period of 35 months. On the other hand, the social viability of the project is based on the achievement of "SDG 8," which aims to promote decent work and sustainable economic growth. The social impact was quantified through social costs and benefits, demonstrating the social commitment of "Servicios Ya!" In conclusion, "Servicios Ya!" is a comprehensive and efficient solution that seeks to improve people's lives by reliably solving home maintenance and improvement issues. With positive financial and social indicators, this project presents itself as a desirable, feasible, viable, and sustainable alternative that makes a difference in the market and adds value to society.
In today's society, one of the common challenges is the difficulty in solving everyday problems related to home improvement and care. During and after the Covid period, spending on home improvements has experienced a remarkable increase. However, finding trustworthy technicians to meet the users' needs remains a recurring problem. Despite various attempts to address this issue through insurance, department stores, and connection platforms, none has managed to offer a comprehensive solution that meets the expectations of technicians and customers. In response to this issue, our team proposes the project "Servicios Ya!" - a digital collaborative economy platform that efficiently advises and connects users with experts in multiple home maintenance services. To design this solution, we employed various innovative and agile methodologies and tools. The process began with a user-centric approach through interviews and surveys to understand their problems and needs. This valuable information allowed us to design a prototype that was validated with real users, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness. Following that, an MVP was developed, which allowed for more accurate validations with potential clients, and the results were encouraging. Similarly, we engaged with technicians to get a closer look at their challenges, preferences, and tastes, as the goal is to create a platform that benefits both types of users. Regarding financial viability, we projected a cost and sales structure that supports the development and sustainability of the project. The financial indicators obtained are highly favorable, with a Net Present Value (NPV) of $704,000 dollars or its equivalent of S/.2.57 million soles, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 39.9%, a Return on Investment (ROI) of 22%, and a projected payback period of 35 months. On the other hand, the social viability of the project is based on the achievement of "SDG 8," which aims to promote decent work and sustainable economic growth. The social impact was quantified through social costs and benefits, demonstrating the social commitment of "Servicios Ya!" In conclusion, "Servicios Ya!" is a comprehensive and efficient solution that seeks to improve people's lives by reliably solving home maintenance and improvement issues. With positive financial and social indicators, this project presents itself as a desirable, feasible, viable, and sustainable alternative that makes a difference in the market and adds value to society.
Servicio doméstico, Empresas de servicios--Soporte técnico