Business consulting Asociación Vidawasi Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La Asociación Vidawasi Perú es una organización no gubernamental sin fines de lucro, fundada
con el propósito de salvar la vida de niños y jóvenes que padecen de enfermedades complejas y
cáncer infantil de las poblaciones más vulnerables de nuestro país, para lo cual está construyendo
el primer hospital de pediatría especializada y cáncer infantil del Perú en la provincia de
Urubamba. La finalidad de la consultoría fue identificar el problema principal y las causas raíz
que no le permiten a Vidawasi alcanzar su objetivo principal el cual es la culminación de la
construcción del hospital pediátrico, así como plantear alternativas de solución a este problema.
Luego de diferentes reuniones de co-creación con los funcionarios de Vidawasi donde se
utilizaron diferentes herramientas de análisis, se determinó que el problema principal es la
recaudación insuficiente de fondos y bienes, así mismo se detectó que la causa raíz estaría
relacionada con: (a) baja difusión de marca, (b) no contar con un plan de gestión anual para la
captación de donaciones y, (c) falta de donaciones recurrentes; para solucionar este problema se
plantearon 11 alternativas agrupadas en tres grupos: (a) grupo 1, cuyas alternativas de solución
están relacionadas con el intercambio de publicidad mediante alianzas con empresas de
diferentes rubros, (b) grupo 2, cuyas alternativas de solución están relacionadas con la identidad
verbal de la marca y, (c) grupo 3, cuyas alternativas de solución están relacionadas con la
publicidad en medios digitales y tradicionales. La implementación de estas iniciativas de
solución se llevará a cabo en dos etapas, las cuales tendrán una inversión de S/ 57,889 con lo
cual se proyecta recaudar S/ 860,107 en un periodo de 12 meses iniciada las actividades,
teniendo como resultado un aporte del 12% del valor restante para la construcción del hospital
Vidawasi, así mismo las iniciativas tienen el propósito de posicionar y difundir la marca
Vidawasi y su consolidación en la región del Cusco. Cabe aclarar que el análisis de identificación del problema principal, las causa raíz y las alternativas de solución, se
desarrollaron en un escenario de estado de emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19.
The Vidawasi Peru Association is a non-profit non-governmental organization, founded with the purpose of saving the lives of children and young people who suffer from complex diseases and childhood cancer of the most vulnerable populations, for which it is building the first pediatric hospital specialized and childhood cancer of Peru in the province of Urubamba. The purpose of the consultancy was to identify the main problem and the root causes that do not allow Vidawasi to achieve its main objective, which is the culmination of the construction of the Pediatric Hospital, as well as to propose alternative solutions to this problem. After different co-creation meetings with Vidawasi officials, it was determined that the main problem is insufficient collection of funds and goods, it was also detected that the root cause would be related to: (a) Low brand diffusion, (b) Not having an annual management plan to attract donations and, (c) Lack of recurring donations; To solve this problem, 11 alternatives were proposed grouped into three groups: (a) Group 1, whose solution alternatives are related to the exchange of advertising through alliances with companies of different sectors, (b) Group 2, whose solution alternatives are related with the verbal identity of the brand and, (c) Group 3, whose alternative solutions are related to advertising in digital and traditional media. The implementation of these solution initiatives will be carried out in two stages, which will have an investment of S / 57,689, with which it is projected to collect S / 860,107. It should be clarified that the analysis to identify the main problem, the root causes and the alternative solutions, were developed in a scenario of a state of health emergency due to COVID-19.
The Vidawasi Peru Association is a non-profit non-governmental organization, founded with the purpose of saving the lives of children and young people who suffer from complex diseases and childhood cancer of the most vulnerable populations, for which it is building the first pediatric hospital specialized and childhood cancer of Peru in the province of Urubamba. The purpose of the consultancy was to identify the main problem and the root causes that do not allow Vidawasi to achieve its main objective, which is the culmination of the construction of the Pediatric Hospital, as well as to propose alternative solutions to this problem. After different co-creation meetings with Vidawasi officials, it was determined that the main problem is insufficient collection of funds and goods, it was also detected that the root cause would be related to: (a) Low brand diffusion, (b) Not having an annual management plan to attract donations and, (c) Lack of recurring donations; To solve this problem, 11 alternatives were proposed grouped into three groups: (a) Group 1, whose solution alternatives are related to the exchange of advertising through alliances with companies of different sectors, (b) Group 2, whose solution alternatives are related with the verbal identity of the brand and, (c) Group 3, whose alternative solutions are related to advertising in digital and traditional media. The implementation of these solution initiatives will be carried out in two stages, which will have an investment of S / 57,689, with which it is projected to collect S / 860,107. It should be clarified that the analysis to identify the main problem, the root causes and the alternative solutions, were developed in a scenario of a state of health emergency due to COVID-19.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Cáncer--Pacientes., Niños--Enfermedades