Tipología del doble en el relato fantástico peruano en el siglo XX y principios del siglo XXI a partir del análisis de la obra de Clemente Palma, José B. Adolph y Carlos Calderón Fajardo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El propósito de esta investigación doctoral es ofrecer una clasificación pormenorizada
del doble fantástico peruano. Para ello, se ha elegido un corpus compuesto por narraciones
de Clemente Palma, José B. Adolph y Carlos Calderón Fajardo. Autores elegidos por: tratarse
de figuras representativas de la literatura fantástica del Perú; ser considerados insulares –
cuyas obras han sido poco estudiadas hasta el día de hoy–; y, por representar a tres períodos
distintos de la narrativa fantástica en el país (la obra de Palma se ubica en los primeros años
del siglo XX, la de Adolph –su obra más importante– en las décadas 60 y 70 del mismo siglo
y la de Calderón Fajardo en los primeros años del siglo XXI). Estas distinciones temporales,
además, permitirán contemplar a la literatura fantástica desde los tres paradigmas del género:
fantástico clásico, fantástico moderno y fantástico posmoderno. De esta manera, el análisis
inicia cómo se presenta y cómo opera el tema del doble en el fantástico clásico (a través de
la auscultación de la obra de Palma). Seguidamente, cómo se presenta y cómo opera el tema
del doble en el fantástico moderno (a través de la auscultación de la obra de Adolph).
Finalmente, cómo se presenta y cómo opera el tema del doble en el fantástico posmoderno
(a través de la auscultación de la obra de Calderón Fajardo). El recorrido de los capítulos
arrojará que los dobles de estas obras están determinados por modalidades, tipos y procesos
estipulados por la teoría, los cuales, efectivamente, dan cuenta de una evolución del tema en
lo fantástico peruano. Observaremos, asimismo, que dichas modalidades están determinadas,
a su vez, por el paradigma de lo fantástico al que pertenecen. Finalmente, se ofrecerá una
tipología del doble fantástico peruano a partir de: las distintas maneras cómo el sujeto
protagonista (quien sufre la duplicación en la mayoría de los casos) ve trastornada su realidad
objetiva; la modalidad respectiva; y, las características esenciales de cada uno de los dobles
The purpose of this doctoral research is to offer a detailed classification of the Peruvian fantastic double. For this purpose, a corpus composed of narratives by Clemente Palma, José B. Adolph and Carlos Calderón Fajardo has been chosen. Authors chosen because: they are representative figures of Peruvian fantastic literature; being considered insular –whose works have been little studied until today–; and, for representing three different periods of non-mimetic narrative in the country (Palma's work is set in the early years of the 20th century, Adolph's work –his most important work– in the 60s and 70s of the same century and that of Calderón Fajardo in the early years of the 21st century). These temporal distinctions will also allow us to view fantastic literature from the three paradigms of the genre: classic fantastic, modern fantastic and postmodern fantastic. In this way, the analysis begins with how the theme of the double is presented and how it operates in the classic fantastic (through the examination of Palma's work). Next, how the theme of the double is presented and how it operates in modern fantastic (through an examination of Adolph's work). Finally, how the theme of the double is presented and how it operates in the postmodern fantastic (through an examination of Calderón Fajardo's work). The chapters will show that the doubles of these works are determined by modalities, types and processes stipulated by the theory, which, effectively, account for an evolution of the theme in Peruvian fantastic. We will also observe that these modalities are determined, in turn, by the paradigm of the fantastic to which they belong. Finally, a typology of the Peruvian fantastic double will be offered based on: the different ways in which the protagonist subject (who suffers duplication in most cases) sees his objective reality disrupted; the respective modality; and, the essential characteristics of each of the doubles analyzed.
The purpose of this doctoral research is to offer a detailed classification of the Peruvian fantastic double. For this purpose, a corpus composed of narratives by Clemente Palma, José B. Adolph and Carlos Calderón Fajardo has been chosen. Authors chosen because: they are representative figures of Peruvian fantastic literature; being considered insular –whose works have been little studied until today–; and, for representing three different periods of non-mimetic narrative in the country (Palma's work is set in the early years of the 20th century, Adolph's work –his most important work– in the 60s and 70s of the same century and that of Calderón Fajardo in the early years of the 21st century). These temporal distinctions will also allow us to view fantastic literature from the three paradigms of the genre: classic fantastic, modern fantastic and postmodern fantastic. In this way, the analysis begins with how the theme of the double is presented and how it operates in the classic fantastic (through the examination of Palma's work). Next, how the theme of the double is presented and how it operates in modern fantastic (through an examination of Adolph's work). Finally, how the theme of the double is presented and how it operates in the postmodern fantastic (through an examination of Calderón Fajardo's work). The chapters will show that the doubles of these works are determined by modalities, types and processes stipulated by the theory, which, effectively, account for an evolution of the theme in Peruvian fantastic. We will also observe that these modalities are determined, in turn, by the paradigm of the fantastic to which they belong. Finally, a typology of the Peruvian fantastic double will be offered based on: the different ways in which the protagonist subject (who suffers duplication in most cases) sees his objective reality disrupted; the respective modality; and, the essential characteristics of each of the doubles analyzed.
Literatura fantástica--Perú--Estudio y crítica, Literatura peruana--Estudio y crítica, Calderón Fajardo, Carlos, 1946---Estudio y crítica, Palma, Clemente, 1872-1946--Estudio y crítica, Adolph, José B., 1933-2008--Estudio y crítica
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