Estrategias docentes para motivar la lectura en niños de 5 años en una I.E.I. pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de tesis busca investigar sobre las estrategias docentes para
motivar la lectura en niños de 5 años en una I.E.I. pública. La pregunta problema que
se pretende responder es: ¿Cuáles son las estrategias que utiliza una docente para
motivar la lectura en un aula de 5 años de una institución educativa inicial pública de
Lima Metropolitana? Para ello, se plantea como objetivo general analizar las
estrategias que utiliza una docente para motivar la lectura en un aula de 5 años.
Consecuentemente, surgen dos objetivos específicos. El primero es caracterizar el
desarrollo de la lectura en niños y niñas de 5 años, a partir de la percepción de la
docente del aula. El segundo es describir las estrategias que utiliza una docente para
motivar la lectura en un aula de 5 años. La investigación es de tipo cualitativo y nivel
descriptivo. La técnica e instrumento utilizados son la entrevista y la guía de entrevista.
En el estudio se encontraron diversas estrategias docentes desarrolladas en el ámbito
escolar y familiar, por ejemplo, recibir a los infantes leyendo un cuento, desarrollar
diferentes prácticas de lectura, interrelacionar el cuento, la rima y la dramatización,
invitar a la familia a leer un cuento para los infantes, entre otros. Es indispensable que
las estrategias docentes estén interrelacionadas y busquen alcanzar el mismo
objetivo: motivar la lectura. Finalmente, se recomienda profundizar sobre el uso de las
TIC en la motivación de la lectura; puesto que, actualmente, los infantes expresan un
alto interés hacia la tecnología.
The present work aims to research about teaching strategies to promote reading in 5- year-old children at a public school. The research question aimed to be answered is the following: Which strategies are employed by a teacher to promote reading in a public preschool 5-year-old classroom in Lima Metropolitana? In order to answer the question, it is proposed as a general objective to analyze the teaching strategies used by a teacher to promote reading in a 5-year-old classroom. Consequently, two specific objectives appear. The first one encompasses characterizing reading development in 5-year-old children based on the perception of the classroom teacher. The second objective is to describe the strategies employed by a teacher to promote reading in a 5-year-old classroom. The research work performed is qualitative and descriptive. The research technique and tool used were the interview and interview guide respectively. In this research, many strategies developed and promoted by the teacher in the school and family environment were found. It is important that the strategies proposed be interconnected and aim to reach the same objective: to promote reading. Finally, it is recommended to deepen about the use of ICT for reading motivation, since, currently, children show great interest in technology.
The present work aims to research about teaching strategies to promote reading in 5- year-old children at a public school. The research question aimed to be answered is the following: Which strategies are employed by a teacher to promote reading in a public preschool 5-year-old classroom in Lima Metropolitana? In order to answer the question, it is proposed as a general objective to analyze the teaching strategies used by a teacher to promote reading in a 5-year-old classroom. Consequently, two specific objectives appear. The first one encompasses characterizing reading development in 5-year-old children based on the perception of the classroom teacher. The second objective is to describe the strategies employed by a teacher to promote reading in a 5-year-old classroom. The research work performed is qualitative and descriptive. The research technique and tool used were the interview and interview guide respectively. In this research, many strategies developed and promoted by the teacher in the school and family environment were found. It is important that the strategies proposed be interconnected and aim to reach the same objective: to promote reading. Finally, it is recommended to deepen about the use of ICT for reading motivation, since, currently, children show great interest in technology.
Educación preescolar--Investigaciones, Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar), Tecnología educativa, Motivación (Educación)
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