Business Consulting Académico Financiero para una empresa de consumo masivo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Acceso al texto completo solo para la Comunidad PUCP
El presente business consulting académico ha sido desarrollado haciendo uso de
información pública para la empresa Alicorp S.A.A. El documento que sustenta lo indicado
es la declaración jurada firmada y presentada por los miembros del grupo, el mismo que fue
validado por la Oficina de Coordinación de Tesis de la Centrum PUCP.
Fundada en 1956, Alicorp es una empresa peruana que a lo largo de su historia se ha
caracterizado por una estrategia en base a fusiones y adquisiciones de empresas locales que
contribuyeron a su expansión de portafolio, así como internacionales que le permitieron
ingresar a nuevos mercados y posicionarse en los mismos. En la actualidad, cuenta con más
de 150 marcas distribuidas en cuatro líneas de negocio, así como operaciones en siete países
latinoamericanos. El objetivo del presente business consulting fue establecido a raíz de la
revisión de información de dominio público como Reportes Integrados, Earnings Call,
Memorias Anuales, Notas de los EE.FF., entre otros publicados por Alicorp S.A.A., en base a
los cuáles pudimos evaluar el contexto de la empresa tanto interno como externo, así como la
industria donde se desempeña. Revisando la información interna y de entorno identificamos
que Alicorp S.A.A. presenta oportunidades de mejora en indicadores de rentabilidad,
apalancamiento y de nivel de endeudamiento en los informes de clasificadoras de riesgos
asimismo en las noticias financieras, por lo que decidimos enfocar el análisis del presente
business consulting desde un panorama financiero dado que es un frente medular para que la
compañía continúe generando valor de manera sostenible. Asimismo, recurrimos a la matriz
de impacto esfuerzo a fin de determinar y priorizar que el principal problema a evaluar viene
relacionado con la alta razón de endeudamiento en la empresa. Según validamos además en la
matriz de Ishikawa, a fin de resolver el problema central, la empresa debe enfocarse en
mejorar su estrategia de capital de trabajo, la misma que le permitirá mejorar su liquidez y
por ende reducir su endeudamiento. Incorporamos estas consideraciones en las proyecciones de flujo de caja futuros a siete años, los mismos que fueron comparados en un escenario base
en el que se ve una mejora en el VAN como consecuencia de una mejora en los días
promedio de cobro y pago, pasando el VAN de - S/1,209 a S/ 862 millones.
The present academic business consulting has been developed using publicly available information for the company Alicorp S.A.A. The document supporting the above is the sworn statement signed and submitted by the members of the group, which was validated by the Thesis Coordination Office of Centrum PUCP. Founded in 1956, Alicorp is a peruvian company with an strategy based on merges and acquisitions of local companies that contributed to their portfolio expansion, leading also to international purchases that allowed them to enter and position themselves into new markets. They currently have 150 brands allocated in four business channels, and operate in seven latin american countries. The main objective of the present business consulting was established after reviewing public information, such as Integrated Reports, Earnings Call, Annual Reports, Financial Statements Notes, among others published by Alicorp S.A.A., and reports from risk rating agencies where we were able to evaluate the company's context, intern and extern, and also the industry in which it operates. Reviewing internal and environmental information, we identified that Alicorp S.A.A. presents opportunities for improvement in profitability indicators, leverage, and debt levels in credit rating reports as well as in financial news. Therefore, we decided to focus the analysis of this business consulting from a financial standpoint, as it is a crucial front for the company to continue generating sustainable value. We also based our analysis on the impact-effort matrix in order to prioritize and determine that our main problem is related to high debt ratio of the company. As we validated in Ishikawa matrix, in order to solve the main problem, the company has to focus their efforts in improving working capital, which will help improve their liquidity and hence reduce their debt. We included this consideration in seven-year forecasting of cash flow, that were compared with base scenario in which we see an improvement in VAN as a consequence of reduction of average days of receivables and increase in days of payment, with a VAN variance from S/ 125 to S/ 2,499 million.
The present academic business consulting has been developed using publicly available information for the company Alicorp S.A.A. The document supporting the above is the sworn statement signed and submitted by the members of the group, which was validated by the Thesis Coordination Office of Centrum PUCP. Founded in 1956, Alicorp is a peruvian company with an strategy based on merges and acquisitions of local companies that contributed to their portfolio expansion, leading also to international purchases that allowed them to enter and position themselves into new markets. They currently have 150 brands allocated in four business channels, and operate in seven latin american countries. The main objective of the present business consulting was established after reviewing public information, such as Integrated Reports, Earnings Call, Annual Reports, Financial Statements Notes, among others published by Alicorp S.A.A., and reports from risk rating agencies where we were able to evaluate the company's context, intern and extern, and also the industry in which it operates. Reviewing internal and environmental information, we identified that Alicorp S.A.A. presents opportunities for improvement in profitability indicators, leverage, and debt levels in credit rating reports as well as in financial news. Therefore, we decided to focus the analysis of this business consulting from a financial standpoint, as it is a crucial front for the company to continue generating sustainable value. We also based our analysis on the impact-effort matrix in order to prioritize and determine that our main problem is related to high debt ratio of the company. As we validated in Ishikawa matrix, in order to solve the main problem, the company has to focus their efforts in improving working capital, which will help improve their liquidity and hence reduce their debt. We included this consideration in seven-year forecasting of cash flow, that were compared with base scenario in which we see an improvement in VAN as a consequence of reduction of average days of receivables and increase in days of payment, with a VAN variance from S/ 125 to S/ 2,499 million.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú