Planeamiento estratégico para la Industria peruana de la siderurgia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La industria siderúrgica es uno de los motores de la economía mundial ya que se
presenta en la mayoría de sectores económicos de los países. El hierro y el acero son
productos que caracterizan la industria y tienen comportamientos de producción similares.
El hierro es el elemento base para la fabricación del acero. Actualmente, la industria
siderúrgica en el mundo sufre una desaceleración por la actual contracción económica.
Sumado a esto, la sobreoferta de hierro de Australia y Brasil y una errática política de
producción de acero en China hicieron que los precios se desplomaran.
El mayor productor y consumidor de hierro y acero a nivel mundial es China de lejos.
El 75% de la producción del hierro y el 50% de la producción de acero son solo demandados
por este gigante asiático, siendo su demanda influyente sobre los factores determinantes del
La abrupta caída de los precios en la industria ha desvalorizado proyectos y activos
fijos a tal punto de suspender la producción por no ser rentable.
El Perú no ha sido ajeno a este impacto mundial. El problema de contracción y
sobreoferta del hierro y del acero y una parálisis de inversiones privadas y públicas generan
un clima de incertidumbre sobre la demanda y los precios de la industria. Empresas como
Aceros Arequipa y Siderperú vienen implementando una agresiva reducción de costos de
producción para mitigar el impacto de la reducción de precios en el mercado.
El sector siderúrgico en nuestro país tiene una extraordinaria oportunidad para
aprovechar esta coyuntura mundial, tomando como estrategias una eficiente reducción de
costos de producción y aprovechando una privilegiada ubicación en el Pacífico Sur. Se
proyecta lograr a partir del año 2017 un incremento de las ventas de USD 2,040 millones, un
ROE de 10.5% y la generación de 4,800 puestos de trabajo, ocupando el segundo lugar a
nivel de Sudamérica
The Iron and Steel industry is one of the engines of the world economy as it is present in most of the economic sectors of the countries. Iron and steel are products that characterize the industry and have similar production behaviors. Iron, is the basic element for the manufacture of steel. Currently, the worldwide industry is undergoing a slowdown due to a global economic contraction. On top of this, the oversupply of iron from Australia and Brazil and an erratic policy of steel production in China, caused prices to plummet. The largest producer and consumer of iron and steel in the world, is China by far. 75% of the iron production and 50% of the steel production, are only demanded in this Asian giant, being its demand influential on the determinants factors of the price. The sharp fall in prices in the industry has devalued projects and fixed assets to the point of suspending production because it is not profitable. Peru has not been unaware of this global impact. The problem of contraction and oversupply of the iron and steel and a paralysis of private and public investment generates a climate of uncertainty about the demand and prices of the industry. Companies like Aceros Arequipa and Siderperú have been implementing an aggressive reduction of production costs to mitigate the impact of the reduction of prices in the market. The Iron and Steel sector in our country has a tremendous opportunity to take advantage of this global situation, taking as strategies an efficient reduction of production costs and taking advantage of a privileged location in the South Pacific. We plan to achieve an increase in sales of USD 2,040 million from the year 2017, a ROE of 10.5% and the generation of 4,800 jobs, ranking 2nd in South America
The Iron and Steel industry is one of the engines of the world economy as it is present in most of the economic sectors of the countries. Iron and steel are products that characterize the industry and have similar production behaviors. Iron, is the basic element for the manufacture of steel. Currently, the worldwide industry is undergoing a slowdown due to a global economic contraction. On top of this, the oversupply of iron from Australia and Brazil and an erratic policy of steel production in China, caused prices to plummet. The largest producer and consumer of iron and steel in the world, is China by far. 75% of the iron production and 50% of the steel production, are only demanded in this Asian giant, being its demand influential on the determinants factors of the price. The sharp fall in prices in the industry has devalued projects and fixed assets to the point of suspending production because it is not profitable. Peru has not been unaware of this global impact. The problem of contraction and oversupply of the iron and steel and a paralysis of private and public investment generates a climate of uncertainty about the demand and prices of the industry. Companies like Aceros Arequipa and Siderperú have been implementing an aggressive reduction of production costs to mitigate the impact of the reduction of prices in the market. The Iron and Steel sector in our country has a tremendous opportunity to take advantage of this global situation, taking as strategies an efficient reduction of production costs and taking advantage of a privileged location in the South Pacific. We plan to achieve an increase in sales of USD 2,040 million from the year 2017, a ROE of 10.5% and the generation of 4,800 jobs, ranking 2nd in South America
Industria siderúrgica -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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