Diagnóstico estructural preliminar de la Catedral de Lima mediante la aplicación sistemática de inspección visual, termografía infrarroja y boroscopía
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El centro histórico de Lima alberga una gran cantidad de legados virreinales entre ellas la Basílica
Catedral de Lima. Dentro de esta estructura, se encuentran obras de tallado de madera, pinturas y
diferentes esculturas de estilos góticos, renacentistas, barroco y plateresco. Todos estos elementos le
confieren a la Catedral un valor patrimonial único. En esta tesis, se presenta un protocolo para la
aplicación de técnicas no destructivas como la inspección visual, la termografía infrarroja y la
boroscopía para el diagnóstico estructural preliminar de edificaciones patrimoniales como la Catedral
de Lima. Inicialmente se abordarán las técnicas disponibles de inspección y recojo de anomalías. Los
termogramas permitirán detectar los cambios de material y las anomalías en los diferentes elementos
estructurales como en el recubrimiento de las bóvedas y en los muros. La boroscopía se aplicará en los
elementos que presenten indicios de daños o incompatibilidades en los materiales, lo cual permitirá
verificar y evaluar el estado interno de estos elementos. Los resultados que se obtendrán de la
integración de estas técnicas aplicando el protocolo propuesto definirán un diagnóstico estructural
preliminar de la edificación patrimonial. Basado en los resultados, se determinó que la fachada de los
Judíos y las torres campanarios presentan una mayor vulnerabilidad sísmica.
The historic center of Lima houses a vast collection of colonial heritage, among which the Basílica Catedral de Lima stands out. This structure contains wood carvings, paintings, and various sculptures in Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and Plateresque styles, all of which confer a unique patrimonial value to the Cathedral. This thesis presents a protocol for the application of non-destructive techniques, such as visual inspection, infrared thermography, and borescopy, for the preliminary structural diagnosis of heritage buildings, using the Cathedral of Lima as a case study. Initially, the available inspection techniques and the collection of anomalies will be addressed. Thermograms will allow the detection of material changes and anomalies in different structural elements, such as the dome coverings and walls. Borescopy will be applied to elements that show signs of damage or material incompatibilities, enabling verification and evaluation of their internal condition. The results obtained from integrating these techniques through the proposed protocol will define a preliminary structural diagnosis of the heritage building. Based on the findings, it was determined that the façade of Los Judíos and the bell towers exhibit greater seismic vulnerability.
The historic center of Lima houses a vast collection of colonial heritage, among which the Basílica Catedral de Lima stands out. This structure contains wood carvings, paintings, and various sculptures in Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, and Plateresque styles, all of which confer a unique patrimonial value to the Cathedral. This thesis presents a protocol for the application of non-destructive techniques, such as visual inspection, infrared thermography, and borescopy, for the preliminary structural diagnosis of heritage buildings, using the Cathedral of Lima as a case study. Initially, the available inspection techniques and the collection of anomalies will be addressed. Thermograms will allow the detection of material changes and anomalies in different structural elements, such as the dome coverings and walls. Borescopy will be applied to elements that show signs of damage or material incompatibilities, enabling verification and evaluation of their internal condition. The results obtained from integrating these techniques through the proposed protocol will define a preliminary structural diagnosis of the heritage building. Based on the findings, it was determined that the façade of Los Judíos and the bell towers exhibit greater seismic vulnerability.
Análisis estructural (Ingeniería), Catedral de Lima--Conservación y restauración, Termografía, Dispositivos optoelectrónicos--Aplicaciones
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