Plan estratégico del sistema de generación térmica de electricidad en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El sistema de generación térmica de electricidad forma parte de la estructura del sector eléctrico peruano y produce la energía mediante el uso de recursos energéticos. El gas natural es el motor de este sistema por tener ventajas como su precio competitivo y su disponibilidad actual sobre otros insumos como el carbón y el petróleo.
El presente modelo estratégico proyecta una visión para el año 2030 en el que el sistema de generación térmica lidera la producción de electricidad en base a eficiencia y productividad, satisfaciendo la alta demanda nacional, desarrollando nuevos mercados con altos estándares de calidad y respetando a todos los stakeholders. Ello se logrará con la implementación de plantas en base al gas natural, usando tecnología eficiente, optimizando los procesos para aprovechar al máximo la capacidad de la planta; así mismo, formar alianzas estratégicas con los integrantes del sector eléctrico y otros potenciales clientes que contribuyan a la rentabilidad del sistema y sobre todo su sostenibilidad en base a un crecimiento alineado al desarrollo del sector gasífero en el país. De acuerdo a la visión establecida, el sistema de generación térmico de electricidad cubrirá la mayor parte de la demanda de electricidad en el país, luego se podrá empezar a exportar energía a países vecinos aprovechando la interconexión energética y/o mediante acuerdos de integración contribuyendo con el posicionamiento regional del Perú en materia energética.
La metodología de trabajo se basa en el plan estratégico asignado por el Dr. Fernando D’Alessio, según el modelo secuencial del proceso estratégico que consta de tres fases: planeamiento, implementación y control. Con respecto a las referencias se han incluido consultas de libros, informes de entidades del sector público, memorias de las principales empresas del sistema energético peruano; así como también entidades nacionales e internacionales y documentos emitidos por los principales partícipes del sector eléctrico.
The thermal electricity system is part of Peruvian electric sector structure and produces the energy by use of energetic resources. The gas natural is the driving force of this system because has advantages like its competitive price and current availability over other inputs such as coal and oil. The strategic model present projects a vision for the year 2030 where the thermal generation system lead the electricity production based on efficiency and productivity, satisfying the high domestic demand, developing new markets with the high quality standards and with respecting all stakeholders. That will be achieved through implementation of plants based on natural gas, using efficiency technology, optimizing projects to take maximum advantage of the plant capacity; similarly we development of strategic partnerships with electric sector members and other clients potential that contribute the profitability of the system and specially sustainability based on growth aligned to development of gas sector in the country. According to established vision, the thermal generation system of electricity will cover the most part of the demand of electricity in the country, and then it may to start exporting power to neighboring countries taking advantage of the energetic interconnection and/or by integration agreements contributing with regional position of Peru on energy. The work methodology is based on the strategic plan assigned by Dr. Fernando D’Alessio, according to sequential model of strategic process that is constituted of three phases: Planning, implementation and control. Regarding to the references had included consult of books, entities reports of public sector, reports of the main companies from Peruvian energetic system; as well as national and international entities, and emitted documents by the main participants of electric sector.
The thermal electricity system is part of Peruvian electric sector structure and produces the energy by use of energetic resources. The gas natural is the driving force of this system because has advantages like its competitive price and current availability over other inputs such as coal and oil. The strategic model present projects a vision for the year 2030 where the thermal generation system lead the electricity production based on efficiency and productivity, satisfying the high domestic demand, developing new markets with the high quality standards and with respecting all stakeholders. That will be achieved through implementation of plants based on natural gas, using efficiency technology, optimizing projects to take maximum advantage of the plant capacity; similarly we development of strategic partnerships with electric sector members and other clients potential that contribute the profitability of the system and specially sustainability based on growth aligned to development of gas sector in the country. According to established vision, the thermal generation system of electricity will cover the most part of the demand of electricity in the country, and then it may to start exporting power to neighboring countries taking advantage of the energetic interconnection and/or by integration agreements contributing with regional position of Peru on energy. The work methodology is based on the strategic plan assigned by Dr. Fernando D’Alessio, according to sequential model of strategic process that is constituted of three phases: Planning, implementation and control. Regarding to the references had included consult of books, entities reports of public sector, reports of the main companies from Peruvian energetic system; as well as national and international entities, and emitted documents by the main participants of electric sector.
Recursos energéticos--Perú, Energía eléctrica--Producción
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