Plan estratégico de marketing para incrementar la recaudación de fondos en personas naturales en una organización no lucrativa: Caso Vidawasi
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente plan de marketing tiene como objetivo incrementar la recaudación de
fondos en personas naturales en la organización no lucrativa VIDAWASI a través del
incremento de la recaudación en el canal B2C en un 340% para el término del año 2027. Se
realizó una investigación para conocer las motivaciones del donante peruano, preferencias y
temores al realizar un aporte económico a una ONG con el objetivo de identificar a los
segmentos que podrían estar interesados en realizar un aporte económico a VIDAWASI y
cuyas necesidades no eran atendidas por la oferta de ONGs actual. Dicha investigación
contó con dos etapas: una de tipo cualitativa realizando 16 entrevistas en profundidad de las
cuales siete fueron realizadas a donadores y nueve a no donadores; y otra de tipo
cuantitativa aplicando una encuesta virtual a 355 hombres y mujeres entre 18 y 50 años de
todo el país, pertenecientes a todos los sectores socioeconómicos, logrando un nivel de
confianza del 95% con un margen de error del 5.20%.
Se identificó que los factores claves al momento de realizar una donación son, en
primer lugar, el conocer al beneficiario de la ayuda, siendo las organizaciones que impulsan
la niñez las más importantes; en segundo lugar, está la confianza en la institución. Los
segmentos más atractivos para desarrollar la estrategia de captación es el de Potenciales y
Efectivos. Finalmente, la ONG deberá enfocarse en crecer y construir aplicando estrategias
de penetración de mercado y desarrollo de productos diseñados al segmento identificado con
mayor potencial, una agresiva propuesta de comunicación para derribar las barreras
detectadas en los no donantes y aplicar una estrategia de marketing mix con una propuesta
de valor centrada en la oferta única que ofrece Vidawasi.
The objective of this marketing plan is to increase the collection of funds in natural persons in the non-profit organization VIDAWASI through the increase in collection in the B2C channel by 340% by the end of the year 2027. An investigation was carried out to find out the motivations of the Peruvian donor, preferences and fears when making an economic contribution to an NGO with the objective of identifying the segments that could be interested in making an economic contribution to VIDAWASI and whose needs were not met by the current NGO offer. Said investigation had two stages: a qualitative one, carrying out 16 in-depth interviews, of which seven were carried out with donors and nine with non donors; and another of a quantitative type applying a virtual survey to 355 men and women between 18 and 50 years of age from all over the country, belonging to all socioeconomic sectors, achieving a confidence level of 95% with a margin of error of 5.20%. It was identified that the key factors when making a donation are, first of all, knowing the beneficiary of the aid, being the organizations that promote children the most important; Secondly, there is trust in the institution, which is shaped by its trajectory and the position it has built in the community. The most attractive segments to develop the recruitment strategy is Potential and Effective. Finally, the NGO should focus on growing and building by applying market penetration strategies and product development designed for the segment identified with the greatest potential, developing an aggressive communication proposal to break down the barriers detected in non-donors, as well as applying a marketing strategy. marketing mix with a value proposition focused on the unique offer that Vidawasi offers, such as providing the opportunity to decentralize specialized pediatric and pediatric cancer treatment in the south of the country.
The objective of this marketing plan is to increase the collection of funds in natural persons in the non-profit organization VIDAWASI through the increase in collection in the B2C channel by 340% by the end of the year 2027. An investigation was carried out to find out the motivations of the Peruvian donor, preferences and fears when making an economic contribution to an NGO with the objective of identifying the segments that could be interested in making an economic contribution to VIDAWASI and whose needs were not met by the current NGO offer. Said investigation had two stages: a qualitative one, carrying out 16 in-depth interviews, of which seven were carried out with donors and nine with non donors; and another of a quantitative type applying a virtual survey to 355 men and women between 18 and 50 years of age from all over the country, belonging to all socioeconomic sectors, achieving a confidence level of 95% with a margin of error of 5.20%. It was identified that the key factors when making a donation are, first of all, knowing the beneficiary of the aid, being the organizations that promote children the most important; Secondly, there is trust in the institution, which is shaped by its trajectory and the position it has built in the community. The most attractive segments to develop the recruitment strategy is Potential and Effective. Finally, the NGO should focus on growing and building by applying market penetration strategies and product development designed for the segment identified with the greatest potential, developing an aggressive communication proposal to break down the barriers detected in non-donors, as well as applying a marketing strategy. marketing mix with a value proposition focused on the unique offer that Vidawasi offers, such as providing the opportunity to decentralize specialized pediatric and pediatric cancer treatment in the south of the country.
Planificación estratégica, Recolección de fondos, Organizaciones no lucrativas, Comunicación--Aspectos sociales