Informe Jurídico sobre la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional recaída en el Expediente N° 03525-2021-PA/TC: precedente vinculante sobre la suspensión del cobro de intereses moratorios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Tribunal Constitucional peruano, mediante la Sentencia recaída en el
Expediente N° 03525-2021-PA/TC, ha fijado un precedente constitucional
vinculante que establece la suspensión de la aplicación de intereses moratorios.
La sentencia, más que convencer sobre la primacía de ciertos valores y
principios constitucionales sobre otros, lo que ha hecho es generar diversos
cuestionamientos y problemas por responder.
El presente Informe tratará de abarcar algunos de los problemas que se han
generado a partir de la emisión de la sentencia: la equiparación del plazo
razonable al plazo legal, y cómo se han visto comprometidos principios y valores
constitucionales como la seguridad jurídica, el deber de contribuir, la capacidad
contributiva, y el principio de solidaridad
The Peruvian Constitutional Court, through the Judgment handed down in File N° 03525-2021-PA/TC, has set a binding constitutional precedent that establishes the suspension of the application of moratorium interest. The sentence, more than convincing about the primacy of certain constitutional values and principles over others, what it has done is generate various questions and problems to be answered. This Report will try to cover some of the problems that have been generated from the issuance of the sentence: the equating of the reasonable term to the legal term, and how constitutional principles and values have been compromised such as legal certainty, the duty to contribute, the contributory capacity, and the principle of solidarity
The Peruvian Constitutional Court, through the Judgment handed down in File N° 03525-2021-PA/TC, has set a binding constitutional precedent that establishes the suspension of the application of moratorium interest. The sentence, more than convincing about the primacy of certain constitutional values and principles over others, what it has done is generate various questions and problems to be answered. This Report will try to cover some of the problems that have been generated from the issuance of the sentence: the equating of the reasonable term to the legal term, and how constitutional principles and values have been compromised such as legal certainty, the duty to contribute, the contributory capacity, and the principle of solidarity
Tribunales constitucionales--Perú, Mora (Derecho)--Legislación--Perú, Intereses--Legislación--Perú
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