El rol docente en la enseñanza de la educación emocional en la modalidad de educación a distancia en un aula de 4 años de una Institución Pública del distrito de San Miguel
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Después de dos años de educación a distancia a causa del virus SARS-CoV-2 que afectó a
la población de nuestro país, se observa la necesidad de realizar una investigación que se
relacione a la educación emocional y cómo es que ésta requiere de un docente comprometido
a educar emocionalmente teniendo en cuenta la educación a distancia. Ante ello, el objetivo
general que comprende la presente investigación es: Analizar el rol docente en la enseñanza
de la educación emocional en la modalidad a distancia en un aula de 4 años en una Institución
Pública del distrito de San Miguel. Cabe resaltar que es una investigación cualitativa y de
estudio de caso, que tiene como informantes a dos docentes de un aula de 4 años de una
escuela de gestión pública. Las técnicas utilizadas para recoger la información fueron una
entrevista y la observación de las sesiones de clase. Para el procesamiento y análisis de la
información, se hizo uso de una guía de entrevista semiestructurada y una lista de cotejo. Los
hallazgos demuestran que la perspectiva docente acerca de la educación emocional es que
ésta puede ser trabajada desde los 4 años considerando sus conocimientos claves en relación
a las emociones. A la par, se demuestra que el rol docente en la educación emocional es ser
conscientes de sus propios sentires, y ser capaces de guiar a sus estudiantes en el
reconocimiento e identificación de sus emociones, así como el lograr adaptar todo ello en la
educación a distancia, a partir de estrategias y actividades que conecten a los estudiantes con
sus emociones a pesar de las limitaciones.
After two years of long-distance education due to the pandemic that affected the population globally and of our country, it is necessary to carry out a research related to emotional education and how it requires a teacher committed to educate emotionally taking into account long-distance education. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to analyze the role of the teacher in the teaching of emotional education in long-distance education in a 4-year old classroom in a public school in the district of San Miguel. It should be noted that it is a qualitative and case study research, which has as reporters two teachers of a 4-year-old classroom of a public school. The techniques used to collect information were an interview and observation of classroom lessons. For the data processing and analysis, a semi-structured interview guide and a checklist were applied. The findings show that the teacher's perspective on emotional education is that it can be worked on from the age of 4, considering their key knowledge related to emotions. In addition, it is shown that the role of teachers in emotional education is to be aware of their own feelings, and to be able to guide their students in the recognition and identification of their emotions, as well as to be able to adapt all this to long distance education, based on strategies and activities that connect students with their emotions in spite of their limitations.
After two years of long-distance education due to the pandemic that affected the population globally and of our country, it is necessary to carry out a research related to emotional education and how it requires a teacher committed to educate emotionally taking into account long-distance education. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to analyze the role of the teacher in the teaching of emotional education in long-distance education in a 4-year old classroom in a public school in the district of San Miguel. It should be noted that it is a qualitative and case study research, which has as reporters two teachers of a 4-year-old classroom of a public school. The techniques used to collect information were an interview and observation of classroom lessons. For the data processing and analysis, a semi-structured interview guide and a checklist were applied. The findings show that the teacher's perspective on emotional education is that it can be worked on from the age of 4, considering their key knowledge related to emotions. In addition, it is shown that the role of teachers in emotional education is to be aware of their own feelings, and to be able to guide their students in the recognition and identification of their emotions, as well as to be able to adapt all this to long distance education, based on strategies and activities that connect students with their emotions in spite of their limitations.
Personal docente, Emociones, Educación a distancia, Educación preescolar--Perú--San Miguel (Lima : Distrito)
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