Evaluación de la erosión y producción de sedimentos en la cuenca del río Jequetepeque bajo escenarios de cambio climático
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Perú es uno de los países más vulnerables al cambio climático. De entre los diversos
efectos de este, se prevé un incremento sostenido en la erosión y producción de
sedimentos a lo largo de la región Andina. Dicha proyección supondría el aceleramiento
en la sedimentación de todos los reservorios del país. Por ello, la presente tesis aborda
como los escenarios de cambio climático afectan la zona aguas arriba del reservorio de
Gallito Ciego, y si la implementación de políticas verdes reducirá la tendencia esperada
en comparación al escenario de tendencia o inacción (Business As Usual).
Para ello, se analizaron las condiciones históricas (1981-2010) de la zona de estudio
empleando el modelo SWAT, obteniendo que el caudal y concentración de sedimentos
medio anual en la estación Yonán fue de 30 m3
/s y 1.0 gr/L respectivamente. A su vez,
las tasas de erosión y producción de sedimentos se entimaron en 16.1 y 12.6 ton/ha/yr
respectivamente, mientras que la tasa de sedimentación observada es de 3.72 hm3
(1988-2017). Tras ello, se simularon los escenarios de cambio climático (SSP2-RCP4.5 y
SSP5-RCP8.5), y usos de suelo y cobertura vegetal (3 escenarios con medidas verdes:
preservación, conservación y recuperación, y 1 escenario de tendencia) para el periodo
Los resultados muestran que la proyección promedio del caudal medio anual no se ve
afectada por la variabilidad de los escenarios de usos de suelo y cobertura vegetal,
puesto que para los escenarios de tendencia y con medidas verdes el aumento promedio
es del 43%. Sin embargo, ocurre lo opuesto para el resto de variables. Por un lado, para
la concentración de sedimentos media anual, el escenario de tendencia estima un
aumento promedio del 69%, mientras que, los escenarios con medidas verdes, un
aumento promedio del 41%. Por otro lado, para las tasas de erosión y de producción de
sedimentos, el escenario de tendencia estima un aumento promedio del 137% y 122%
respectivamente, mientras que, para los escenarios con medidas verdes, un aumento
promedio del 99% y 93% respectivamente. Por último, para la tasa de sedimentación del
reservorio, el escenario de tendencia estima un aumento promedio del 40%, mientras
que, los escenarios con medidas verdes, un aumento promedio del 24%.
Peru is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change. Among the various effects of climate change, a sustained increase in erosion and sediment production throughout the Andean region is expected. This projection would mean an acceleration in the sedimentation of all the country's reservoirs. Therefore, this thesis addresses how climate change scenarios affect the area upstream of the Gallito Ciego reservoir, and whether the implementation of green policies will reduce the expected trend compared to the trend or inaction scenario (Business As Usual). For this purpose, the historical conditions (1981-2010) of the study area were analyzed using the SWAT model, obtaining that the mean annual flow and sediment concentration at the Yonán station was 30 m3 /s and 1.0 gr/L respectively. In turn, erosion and sediment production rates were estimated at 16.1 and 12.6 ton/ha/yr respectively, while the observed sedimentation rate is 3.72 hm3 /yr (1988-2017). After that, climate change scenarios (SSP2-RCP4.5 and SSP5-RCP8.5), and land use and vegetation cover (3 scenarios with green measures: preservation, conservation and recovery, and 1 trend scenario) were simulated for the period 2021-2080. The results show that the average annual mean flow projection is not affected by the variability of the land use and vegetation cover scenarios, since for the trend scenarios and scenarios with green measures the average increase is 43%. However, the opposite occurs for the rest of the variables. On the one hand, for the average annual sediment concentration, the trend scenario estimates an average increase of 69%, while the scenarios with green measures estimate an average increase of 41%. On the other hand, for erosion and sediment production rates, the trend scenario estimates an average increase of 137% and 122% respectively, while for the scenarios with green measures, an average increase of 99% and 93% respectively. Finally, for the reservoir sedimentation rate, the trend scenario estimates an average increase of 40%, while the green scenarios estimate an average increase of 24%,
Peru is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change. Among the various effects of climate change, a sustained increase in erosion and sediment production throughout the Andean region is expected. This projection would mean an acceleration in the sedimentation of all the country's reservoirs. Therefore, this thesis addresses how climate change scenarios affect the area upstream of the Gallito Ciego reservoir, and whether the implementation of green policies will reduce the expected trend compared to the trend or inaction scenario (Business As Usual). For this purpose, the historical conditions (1981-2010) of the study area were analyzed using the SWAT model, obtaining that the mean annual flow and sediment concentration at the Yonán station was 30 m3 /s and 1.0 gr/L respectively. In turn, erosion and sediment production rates were estimated at 16.1 and 12.6 ton/ha/yr respectively, while the observed sedimentation rate is 3.72 hm3 /yr (1988-2017). After that, climate change scenarios (SSP2-RCP4.5 and SSP5-RCP8.5), and land use and vegetation cover (3 scenarios with green measures: preservation, conservation and recovery, and 1 trend scenario) were simulated for the period 2021-2080. The results show that the average annual mean flow projection is not affected by the variability of the land use and vegetation cover scenarios, since for the trend scenarios and scenarios with green measures the average increase is 43%. However, the opposite occurs for the rest of the variables. On the one hand, for the average annual sediment concentration, the trend scenario estimates an average increase of 69%, while the scenarios with green measures estimate an average increase of 41%. On the other hand, for erosion and sediment production rates, the trend scenario estimates an average increase of 137% and 122% respectively, while for the scenarios with green measures, an average increase of 99% and 93% respectively. Finally, for the reservoir sedimentation rate, the trend scenario estimates an average increase of 40%, while the green scenarios estimate an average increase of 24%,
Suelos--Erosión--Jequetepeque, Río, Cuenca (Perú), Manejo de cuencas--Perú--Jequetepeque, Río, Cuenca (Perú), Sedimentación--Perú--Jequetepeque, Río, Cuenca (Perú)