Análisis de los factores que limitan la efectividad del Proyecto Especial de Desarrollo – PROVRAEM en el valle del Río Apurímac del 2015 al 2016
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las herramientas metodológicas de la gerencia social pueden proveer mayores perspectivas para el análisis de proyectos de desarrollo que forman parte de la estrategia de lucha contra la producción y tráfico ilícito de drogas en el Perú. En “Análisis de los factores que limitan la efectividad del Proyecto Especial de Desarrollo – PROVRAEM en el valle del Río Apurímac 2015 - 2016”, se aborda el complejo escenario en que se encuentra una iniciativa Estatal, con el propósito de promover el desarrollo rural con enfoque integral, en pos de mejorar el nivel de vida de su público objetivo, y a la vez emplear como instrumento técnico para la reducción de la oferta de cultivos ilícitos.
El VRAEM es el área geográfica donde confluyen tres valles entre los límites de las regiones de Ayacucho, Cusco, Junín, Apurímac y Huancavelica, en el cual, se produce la mayor cantidad de hoja de coca y cocaína en el Perú. No obstante, este boom de la coca, antes que contribuir al logro del desarrollo social, hace uso y reproduce las carentes condiciones expresadas en la pobreza rural, causadas por una baja competitividad de la actividad agraria y hasta cierto grado por la deficiente coordinación con los mercados de productos lícitos. Éstas son condiciones suficientes para tomar en cuenta su importancia en el diseño de las políticas públicas que promueven el desarrollo humano en las cuencas con influencia de cultivos de coca.
En el presente documento que consta de cinco capítulos, además de las conclusiones y recomendaciones, se describe como un estudio de caso, los factores que limitan la implementación del Plan de Reconversión Productiva Agropecuaria (PRPA) en el marco del PROVRAEM desde la versión de los actores. Para ello se realizó una revisión panorámica de los procesos históricos referidos a las principales políticas públicas que se aplicaron en la zona con propósitos de lograr el desarrollo social y enfrentar al “terrorismo” y el “narcotráfico”.
La metodología empleada, fue de carácter cualitativo, y se ha centrado en la aplicación de instrumentos de recojo de información tales como, las entrevistas semiestructuradas y a profundidad, retroalimentado sobre todo con la revisión documental. Las fuentes secundarias provienen de documentos oficiales en cada sector correspondiente, principalmente con datos hasta el 2013. Para efectos de establecer comparaciones de las condiciones del escenario con otra cuenca
cocalera, se incluyó en el marco contextual algunos datos relevantes de la cuenca del río Huallaga.
En los hallazgos se presentan las versiones con el que los actores involucrados identifican el origen de las fallas o limitaciones que pueden haberse presentado, o que se mantienen, a nivel del diseño, implementación, monitoreo y evaluación de la Estrategia de Desarrollo hasta fines de julio del 2016.
La tesis concluye identificando los errores detectados en todo el ciclo del PROVRAEM, en términos de desarticulación, inoperatividad, actividades inconclusas o realizadas a destiempo, y limitaciones de procedencia externa a los alcances del proyecto. El análisis siguió un enfoque del ciclo de proyectos, retroalimentado con las percepciones de los mismos actores en cada una de sus fases, los cuales sirvieron para proponer, como recomendaciones, los ajustes que se requieren para asegurar una aplicación eficiente y eficaz de la intervención.
The methodological tools of social management can provide largest perspectives to analysis of development projects as part of the strategy against illicit drug production and trafficking in Peru. In "Analysis of the factors that limit the effectiveness of the Special Development Project - PROVRAEM in the Apurímac River Valley 2015-2016", describes the complex scenario in which a State initiative is located with the purpose to promote rural development with Integral approach, to increase the standard of living of its public, and at the time to employ as a technical instrument to reduce the supply of illicit crops. The VRAEM is the area that three valleys converge between Ayacucho, Cusco, Junín, Apurímac and Huancavelica regions. These place is the biggest producer of coca leaf and cocaine in Peru. However, rather than contributing to social development, the coca boom uses and reproduces the poor conditions expressed in rural poverty caused by a low competitiveness of agrarian activity and by the wrong articulation with the licit products markets . These are sufficient conditions to take into account its importance in the design of public policies to promote human development in watersheds influenced by coca crops. This document has five chapters in addition to the conclusions and recommendations, it describes a case study about the factors that limit the implementation of the Agricultural Productive Reconversion Plan (PRPA) into the framework of PROVRAEM from the actors’ version. For this, it has reviewed a panoramic view historical processes related to the main public policies that were applied in these area looking for social development and against "terrorism" and "drug trafficking". The methodology used was qualitative and focused on the application of information gathering instruments such as semi-structured and in-depth interviews, mainly to feedback with documentary review. The secondary sources comes from official documents in each corresponding sector, mainly with data until 2013. To establish comparisons between the conditions of the scenario in the VRAEM with another coca producer valley (bechmark), some relevant data were included from Huallaga river valley. 5 In the findings it presents the versions that each involved actors identify the couse of the flaws or limitations that may have occurred or that are maintained at the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation level of the Development Strategy until July 2016. The thesis concludes identifying the errors detected throughout the cycle of the PROVRAEM intervention as a special strategy in the vraem, in terms of disarticulation, inoperability, unfinished or untimely activities, and limitations from external origin to the scope of the project. The analysis followed a project cycle approach that was feedback with the perceptions of the key actors in each phases, which had served to propose recommendations, and adjustments to ensure an efficient and effective implementation of the intervention.
The methodological tools of social management can provide largest perspectives to analysis of development projects as part of the strategy against illicit drug production and trafficking in Peru. In "Analysis of the factors that limit the effectiveness of the Special Development Project - PROVRAEM in the Apurímac River Valley 2015-2016", describes the complex scenario in which a State initiative is located with the purpose to promote rural development with Integral approach, to increase the standard of living of its public, and at the time to employ as a technical instrument to reduce the supply of illicit crops. The VRAEM is the area that three valleys converge between Ayacucho, Cusco, Junín, Apurímac and Huancavelica regions. These place is the biggest producer of coca leaf and cocaine in Peru. However, rather than contributing to social development, the coca boom uses and reproduces the poor conditions expressed in rural poverty caused by a low competitiveness of agrarian activity and by the wrong articulation with the licit products markets . These are sufficient conditions to take into account its importance in the design of public policies to promote human development in watersheds influenced by coca crops. This document has five chapters in addition to the conclusions and recommendations, it describes a case study about the factors that limit the implementation of the Agricultural Productive Reconversion Plan (PRPA) into the framework of PROVRAEM from the actors’ version. For this, it has reviewed a panoramic view historical processes related to the main public policies that were applied in these area looking for social development and against "terrorism" and "drug trafficking". The methodology used was qualitative and focused on the application of information gathering instruments such as semi-structured and in-depth interviews, mainly to feedback with documentary review. The secondary sources comes from official documents in each corresponding sector, mainly with data until 2013. To establish comparisons between the conditions of the scenario in the VRAEM with another coca producer valley (bechmark), some relevant data were included from Huallaga river valley. 5 In the findings it presents the versions that each involved actors identify the couse of the flaws or limitations that may have occurred or that are maintained at the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation level of the Development Strategy until July 2016. The thesis concludes identifying the errors detected throughout the cycle of the PROVRAEM intervention as a special strategy in the vraem, in terms of disarticulation, inoperability, unfinished or untimely activities, and limitations from external origin to the scope of the project. The analysis followed a project cycle approach that was feedback with the perceptions of the key actors in each phases, which had served to propose recommendations, and adjustments to ensure an efficient and effective implementation of the intervention.
Proyectos de desarrollo rural--Perú--Estudio de casos, Cocaína--Control--Perú--Estudio de casos, Tráficos de drogas--VRAEM (Perú)--Estudio de casos, Narcotráfico--Política gubernamental--VRAEM(Perú)--Estudio de casos, Investigación cualitativa--Estudio de casos
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