Consultoría de negocios de la empresa World Textile Sourcing S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
World Textile Sourcing S.A.C. Bic, es una empresa peruana del sector textil con
más de 12 años de experiencia en el mercado. Cuenta con un portafolio de clientes de
30 importantes marcas norteamericanas la que la convierte en una de las líderes del
sector en el Perú con una facturación anual de 120 millones de dólares
aproximadamente. WTS opera sobre un modelo de negocio de trader textil que es único
en el país y brinda más 1,500 puestos de trabajo directos e indirectos dentro de su
cadena de valor; además de ser una Sociedad de Beneficio e Interés Colectivo.
En los últimos cinco años, WTS ha tenido un crecimiento en ventas de un
promedio de 2% interanual; sin embargo, el análisis empresarial realizado por la
consultoría identificó que la compañía funciona en silos organizacionales dentro de sus
jefaturas comerciales, con un impacto directo sobre el proceso de facturación. La
Gerencia de Finanzas no cuenta con las herramientas de información online necesarias
para la toma de decisiones de endeudamiento lo que origina que la empresa opte por la
utilización sin planificación de herramientas de financiamiento como el factoring que
acaban generando un sobregasto financiero de 595 miles de dólares anuales.
Se sugiere la reestructuración de la gerencia de Operaciones que centralizará las
funciones de facturación a través de la implementación de un nuevo módulo ERP. El
proyecto será factible mediante una inversión de 202 mil dólares en un plazo de
ejecución de seis meses para obtener un VAN de 1.5 millones dólares en cinco años. Se
concluye que la propuesta es viable, por lo que WTS debe implementar las opciones de
solución planteadas para lograr sus objetivos y trabajar con una gestión empresarial
eficiente y rentable basada en procesos integrados a partir del tercer trimestre del 2023.
World Textile Sourcing S.A.C. Bic is a Peruvian company in the textile sector with more than 12 years of experience in the market. It has more than 30 important North American brands, which makes it one of the leaders in the sector in Peru with an annual turnover of approximately 120 million dollars. WTS operates on a textile trader business model that is unique in the country and provides more than 1,500 direct and indirect jobs within its value chain; besides being a Society of Benefit and Collective Interest. In the last five years, WTS has had sales growth of an average of 2% year-on year; however, the business analysis carried out by the consultancy identified that the company operates in organizational silos within its commercial headquarters, with a direct impact on the billing process. The Finance Department does not have the online information tools necessary for making debt decisions, which causes the company to opt for the use of financing tools such as factoring, which generates a financial expense of 595 thousand dollars annual. It is suggested the restructuring of the Operations management that will centralize the billing functions through the implementation of a new ERP module. The project will be feasible through an investment of 202 thousand dollars in an execution period of six months to obtain a NPV of 1.5 million dollars in five years. It is concluded that the proposal is viable, so WTS must implement the proposed solution options to achieve its objectives and work with an efficient and profitable business management based on integrated processes as of the third quarter of 2023.
World Textile Sourcing S.A.C. Bic is a Peruvian company in the textile sector with more than 12 years of experience in the market. It has more than 30 important North American brands, which makes it one of the leaders in the sector in Peru with an annual turnover of approximately 120 million dollars. WTS operates on a textile trader business model that is unique in the country and provides more than 1,500 direct and indirect jobs within its value chain; besides being a Society of Benefit and Collective Interest. In the last five years, WTS has had sales growth of an average of 2% year-on year; however, the business analysis carried out by the consultancy identified that the company operates in organizational silos within its commercial headquarters, with a direct impact on the billing process. The Finance Department does not have the online information tools necessary for making debt decisions, which causes the company to opt for the use of financing tools such as factoring, which generates a financial expense of 595 thousand dollars annual. It is suggested the restructuring of the Operations management that will centralize the billing functions through the implementation of a new ERP module. The project will be feasible through an investment of 202 thousand dollars in an execution period of six months to obtain a NPV of 1.5 million dollars in five years. It is concluded that the proposal is viable, so WTS must implement the proposed solution options to achieve its objectives and work with an efficient and profitable business management based on integrated processes as of the third quarter of 2023.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Industria textil--Perú, Servicios financieros--Perú, Servicios digitales, Innovaciones tecnológicas--Administración, Control de procesos--Mejoramiento