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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Estilo Personal del Terapeuta es comprendido como un variable común a la
psicoterapia, presente en todo proceso psicoterapéutico. El presente estudio evalúa las
propiedades psicométricas de la versión abreviada del cuestionario de auto-reporte
creado para medir el constructo (EPT-C) en 126 terapeutas acreditados de Lima
Metropolitana (terapeutas psicoanalíticos, n=48; psicoanalistas, n=30; y terapeutas
cognitivos, n=48). Se analiza la validez del instrumento mediante un Análisis Factorial
Exploratorio, hallando una estructura de 4-factores subyacentes reproduciendo
resultados anteriores (Fernández-Álvarez, García, Lo Bianco & Corbella-Santomá,
2003; Castañeiras, Ledesma, García, & Fernández-Alvarez, 2008). Asimismo se
evidencia el elevado efecto modulador de la orientación teórica sobre las funciones que
organizan el EPT, así como diferencias significativas en 4 de las 5 funciones el EPT en
los terapeutas de Lima Metropolitana.
The Personal Style of the Therapist (PST) is understood as a common variable in psychotherapy, present in al therapeutic processes. This study evaluates the psychometric properties of the abbreviated version of the self-descriptive questionnaire created to measure the construct (PST-Q) in 126 accredited therapists from Metropolitan Lima (psychoanalytic therapists, n=48; psychoanalysts, n=30; y cognitive therapists, n=48). The instrument’s validity is analyzed through Exploratory Factor Analysis, finding a subjacent 4-factor structure exposed in past investigations (García, Lo Bianco & Corbella-Santomá, 2003; Castañeiras, Ledesma, García, & Fernández-Alvarez, 2008). Furthermore evidence is show for a high modulating effect of the therapists’ theoretical orientation of functions that organize the PST, as well as significant differences in 4 of the 5 PST functions in therapists from Metropolitan Lima.
The Personal Style of the Therapist (PST) is understood as a common variable in psychotherapy, present in al therapeutic processes. This study evaluates the psychometric properties of the abbreviated version of the self-descriptive questionnaire created to measure the construct (PST-Q) in 126 accredited therapists from Metropolitan Lima (psychoanalytic therapists, n=48; psychoanalysts, n=30; y cognitive therapists, n=48). The instrument’s validity is analyzed through Exploratory Factor Analysis, finding a subjacent 4-factor structure exposed in past investigations (García, Lo Bianco & Corbella-Santomá, 2003; Castañeiras, Ledesma, García, & Fernández-Alvarez, 2008). Furthermore evidence is show for a high modulating effect of the therapists’ theoretical orientation of functions that organize the PST, as well as significant differences in 4 of the 5 PST functions in therapists from Metropolitan Lima.
Psicoterapeutas, Psicoterapia--Investigaciones
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