Business consulting – Akamai S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Akamai S.A.C. es una empresa de gestión inmobiliaria de reciente creación, julio del
2020, pero que recoge experiencia de inversión inmobiliaria de siete años en Perú y veinticinco
años en la región Andina. El objetivo de la presente consultoría de negocios fue principalmente
identificar las oportunidades que permitan expandir las operaciones en Perú. En el proceso
también se analizaron algunos problemas inherentes a este inicio de gestión.
La metodología ejecutada incluía la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas con
todos los niveles jerárquicos de la empresa, el análisis de la información de la misma, y luego
con la matriz de complejidad versus beneficio se estableció la oportunidad principal. Como
resultado, la principal oportunidad, en nuestra opinión, es desarrollar proyectos en los NSE C y
D que sufren de menor oferta de vivienda y tienen programas de subsidio del Ministerio de
Vivienda destinados a su atención. Luego de la revisión de literatura, ofrecemos alternativas y
sugerencias para aprovechar la oportunidad identificada en el mercado local.
Akamai S.A.C. is a real estate management company established in July 2020, but which incorporates seven years of real estate investment experience in Peru and twenty-five years in the Andean region. The objective of this business consultancy was mainly to identify opportunities that will allow them to expand operations in Peru. In the process, we also analyzed some problems inherent to the beginning of this management. The methodology followed were semi-structured interviews with all the hierarchical levels of the company, analysis of the information of the company, and the establishment of the main opportunity through the complexity-benefit matrix. As a result, the main opportunity, in our opinion, is to develop projects in the socioeconomic levels C and D that struggle from a lower supply of housing and has subsidy programs from the Ministry of Housing aimed at their care. After the literature review, we offered alternatives and suggestions to take advantage of the opportunity identified in the local market.
Akamai S.A.C. is a real estate management company established in July 2020, but which incorporates seven years of real estate investment experience in Peru and twenty-five years in the Andean region. The objective of this business consultancy was mainly to identify opportunities that will allow them to expand operations in Peru. In the process, we also analyzed some problems inherent to the beginning of this management. The methodology followed were semi-structured interviews with all the hierarchical levels of the company, analysis of the information of the company, and the establishment of the main opportunity through the complexity-benefit matrix. As a result, the main opportunity, in our opinion, is to develop projects in the socioeconomic levels C and D that struggle from a lower supply of housing and has subsidy programs from the Ministry of Housing aimed at their care. After the literature review, we offered alternatives and suggestions to take advantage of the opportunity identified in the local market.
Consultores de empresas, Empresas inmobiliarias