Modelo prolab: Papiblood, una propuesta de papilla para prevenir la anemia en niños de 6 a 36 meses
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el Perú, la anemia y la mala alimentación o malnutrición; son los principales
causantes de los problemas cognitivos y otras afecciones crónicas de la salud que comienzan
en la infancia. Estos problemas son aún brechas que se deben reducir y/o erradicar de la
sociedad peruana, ya que imposibilita la producción operativa e intelectual de los futuros
ciudadanos. Es por ello, que, la Organización Mundial de la Salud, definen en sus estudios
que la anemia es una afección en la que, el número de glóbulos rojos o la concentración de
hemoglobina dentro de ellos; es menor de lo normal y que durante los primeros años de vida,
los niños están más propensos a contraer esta enfermedad.
Así mismo, de acuerdo con el Ministerio de Salud señala que la anemia, en los
infantes de 6 a 36 meses, es adquirida principalmente por deficiencia de hierro (anemia
ferropénica). Ante este problema identificado, se plantea como solución la elaboración de
papillas de fruta a base de sangrecita de pollo, que será un suplemento alimenticio para niños
entre 6 a 36 meses. Este modelo de negocio es altamente sostenible ya que se encuentra
alineado al objetivo 2: “Hambre Cero” de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. En lo
relacionado con el resultado económico, se espera tener un valor actual neto (VAN)
aproximado de S/ 1,169,074.90 Soles durante un período de cinco años.
In Peru, one of the main causes of cognitive problems and other chronic health conditions is caused by anemia, poor diet or malnutrition that begins in childhood, this problem is still a gap that we must reduce and / or eradicate from our society since it makes impossible the operational and intellectual production of future citizens. That is why, in studies of the World Health Organization, they define that anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or the concentration of hemoglobin within them is lower than normal and that during the first year of life and childhood, are the stages where they are more likely to contract this disease. Likewise, according to the Ministry of Health, in infants from 6 to 36 months of age, anemia is primarily acquired by iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia). Faced with this identified problem, the solution is the elaboration of fruit porridge based on chicken blood, which will be a food supplement for children between 6 and 36 months. This business model is highly sustainable as it is aligned with goal 2: "Zero Hunger" of the Sustainable Development Goals. In relation to the economic result, it is expected to have an approximate net present value (NPV) of S /. 1,169,074.90 for a period of five years.
In Peru, one of the main causes of cognitive problems and other chronic health conditions is caused by anemia, poor diet or malnutrition that begins in childhood, this problem is still a gap that we must reduce and / or eradicate from our society since it makes impossible the operational and intellectual production of future citizens. That is why, in studies of the World Health Organization, they define that anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or the concentration of hemoglobin within them is lower than normal and that during the first year of life and childhood, are the stages where they are more likely to contract this disease. Likewise, according to the Ministry of Health, in infants from 6 to 36 months of age, anemia is primarily acquired by iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia). Faced with this identified problem, the solution is the elaboration of fruit porridge based on chicken blood, which will be a food supplement for children between 6 and 36 months. This business model is highly sustainable as it is aligned with goal 2: "Zero Hunger" of the Sustainable Development Goals. In relation to the economic result, it is expected to have an approximate net present value (NPV) of S /. 1,169,074.90 for a period of five years.
Negocios--Planificación, Niños--Alimentación, Niños--Nutrición, Anemia--Perú
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