Planeamiento estratégico del sector salud
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El planeamiento estratégico propuesto tiene como objetivo analizar y
comprender el funcionamiento actual de la salud y su ecosistema en el Perú,
evaluando los principales factores que impactan sobre la salud en la población y
proponiendo estrategias que permitan posicionar la salud en el país como un referente
internacional de acuerdo a la visión establecida. Así mismo, para determinar las
estrategias, es necesario analizar la interrelación de los factores internos y externos,
fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas que conducen al sector, que lleven
a la salud hacia la universalidad, contando con un servicio de calidad, oportuno y que
atienda de manera descentralizada a toda la población.
La salud es una prioridad y se busca su universalidad, sin embargo, deberá
haber estrategias convergentes que mejoren las vías de comunicación y que a su vez
permitan el desarrollo sostenible de la infraestructura en salud. El Perú hoy en día se
encuentra en una posición privilegiada con respecto a otros países del globo terrestre.
Este fenómeno de transición demográfica llamado “bono demográfico” le da la
oportunidad al Perú de maximizar el potencial productivo y mejorar la economía del
país, en este sentido, la salud toma un rol fundamental, si las personas no están
saludables, no podrán volcar esa productividad hacia el país, y si esa productividad no
se da, el Perú no aprovechará uno de los grandes momentos históricos que tiene para
el desarrollo del mismo. Es por esto que una planificación estratégica formal del
sector deberá permitirle al país salir de este círculo vicioso, y tomar un
aprovechamiento definitivo de los recursos humanos, quienes serán los principales
protagonistas del crecimiento del Perú.
The main objective of the proposed strategic plan is to analyze and understand the current operation and environment of the health sector in Peru, evaluating the main factors that impact on population´s health, and proposing strategies to position Peruvian health sector, as an international reference in accordance with the established vision. To determine strategies is necessary to analyze the interplay of internal and external factors, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, that lead the health sector and that allow the universality of the health services with quality, effectiveness, timely and decentralized. Health is a priority and seeks its universality; however, convergent strategies to improve the lines of communication must be generated to get in turn the sustainable development of the health infrastructure. Peru is in a privileged position compared to other countries of the globe, due to the demographic transition phenomenon called "demographic bonus”, which gives the chance to maximize the productive potential and improve the country's economy. Health plays a vital role in this regard, if people are not healthy, their productivity will not dump into the economy, also without productivity, Peru will not leverage one of the great historical moments that have as an opportunity for development. Consequently, a formal strategic planning focused on the health sector, will enable the country to get out from the vicious circle in which is immersed, and maximize the utilization of human resources, who are the main protagonists of the growth in Peru.
The main objective of the proposed strategic plan is to analyze and understand the current operation and environment of the health sector in Peru, evaluating the main factors that impact on population´s health, and proposing strategies to position Peruvian health sector, as an international reference in accordance with the established vision. To determine strategies is necessary to analyze the interplay of internal and external factors, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, that lead the health sector and that allow the universality of the health services with quality, effectiveness, timely and decentralized. Health is a priority and seeks its universality; however, convergent strategies to improve the lines of communication must be generated to get in turn the sustainable development of the health infrastructure. Peru is in a privileged position compared to other countries of the globe, due to the demographic transition phenomenon called "demographic bonus”, which gives the chance to maximize the productive potential and improve the country's economy. Health plays a vital role in this regard, if people are not healthy, their productivity will not dump into the economy, also without productivity, Peru will not leverage one of the great historical moments that have as an opportunity for development. Consequently, a formal strategic planning focused on the health sector, will enable the country to get out from the vicious circle in which is immersed, and maximize the utilization of human resources, who are the main protagonists of the growth in Peru.
Servicios de salud--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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