Plan estratégico aplicado para el Banco Financiero del Perú del 2017 al 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El alcance de este documento es la elaboración de un Plan Estratégico del Banco
Financiero del Perú que abarque un horizonte temporal de cinco años (2017-2021), con el fin
de mejorar su competitividad, posicionándolo entre los cinco mejores bancos del Perú en
términos de participación de mercado, calidad de servicios, y recordación de la marca;
además, permitirá mejorar el ambiente de trabajo y la cultura organizacional. Esto lo
posicionaría entre los 20 primeros puestos del ranking de las mejores empresas para trabajar
en Perú con más de 1,000 colaboradores.
Los seis objetivos de largo plazo alineados en la visión del banco son: (a) incremento
de los ingresos financieros, (b) mejoramiento del ratio de morosidad de la cartera de créditos,
(c) incremento del retorno sobre patrimonio, (d) mejoramiento de la recordación de marca,
(e) mejoramiento del ambiente de trabajo, y (f) mejoramiento de la calidad de servicio. El
cumplimiento de estos objetivos de largo plazo será posible a través de la realización de 23
objetivos de corto plazo (OCP).
Con el fin de alcanzar los objetivos de largo plazo, se han retenido diferentes tipos de
estrategias: (a) intensiva, (b) diversificación, (c) reingeniería de procesos, (d) defensivas, (e)
gerencia de procesos, y (f) calidad total. En línea con los valores y código de ética del Banco
Financiero, se han fijado diez políticas, que incluyen las directrices, reglas, métodos, formas
prácticas y procedimientos, a que debe responder la acción del banco; estas políticas,
inspiradas por principios de legalidad, eficiencia, productividad, desarrollo responsable,
innovación, y orientación al cliente, representan las fronteras y límites del accionar gerencial
que acotan la implementación de cada estrategia. Todo el planeamiento estratégico se ha
desarrollado bajo el modelo secuencial del proceso estratégico, descrito por el Dr. Fernando
The scope of this document is the elaboration of the Strategic Plan of the Banco Financiero del Peru, within a five-year horizon (2017-2021), in order to improve the bank's competitiveness, positioning it among the best five banks in Peru, in terms of market share, quality of services, and brand awareness; this would also improve the work climate and the organizational culture, positioning it among the top 20 in the ranking of the best companies to work in Peru with more than 1,000 employees. The six long-term objectives, aligned with the bank's vision are: (a) increase in financial income, (b) improvement in the ratio of loan portfolio delinquency, (c) increase in return on equity, (d) improvement of the brand awareness, (e) improvement of the work climate, and (f) improvement of quality of service. The fulfillment of these long-term objectives will be possible through the achievement of 23 short-term objectives. With the scope to achieve the long-term objectives, different types of strategies have been retained: (a) intensive, (b) diversification, (c) process reengineering, (d) process management, and (f) total quality. In line with the values and code of ethics of Banco Financiero, ten policies have been set, including guidelines, rules, methods, practical applications and procedures, to which the bank's action must respond; These policies, inspired by principles of legality, efficiency, productivity, responsible development, innovation, and customer orientation, represent the boundaries and limits of management action that guide the implementation of each strategy. All strategic planning has been developed under the sequential model of the strategic process described by Dr. Fernando D'Alessio
The scope of this document is the elaboration of the Strategic Plan of the Banco Financiero del Peru, within a five-year horizon (2017-2021), in order to improve the bank's competitiveness, positioning it among the best five banks in Peru, in terms of market share, quality of services, and brand awareness; this would also improve the work climate and the organizational culture, positioning it among the top 20 in the ranking of the best companies to work in Peru with more than 1,000 employees. The six long-term objectives, aligned with the bank's vision are: (a) increase in financial income, (b) improvement in the ratio of loan portfolio delinquency, (c) increase in return on equity, (d) improvement of the brand awareness, (e) improvement of the work climate, and (f) improvement of quality of service. The fulfillment of these long-term objectives will be possible through the achievement of 23 short-term objectives. With the scope to achieve the long-term objectives, different types of strategies have been retained: (a) intensive, (b) diversification, (c) process reengineering, (d) process management, and (f) total quality. In line with the values and code of ethics of Banco Financiero, ten policies have been set, including guidelines, rules, methods, practical applications and procedures, to which the bank's action must respond; These policies, inspired by principles of legality, efficiency, productivity, responsible development, innovation, and customer orientation, represent the boundaries and limits of management action that guide the implementation of each strategy. All strategic planning has been developed under the sequential model of the strategic process described by Dr. Fernando D'Alessio
Bancos -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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