Felicidad y estrés laboral de los trabajadores en una agencia de aduanas del Callao
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La felicidad en las organizaciones, es un concepto de cada vez mayor interés debido a
la gran cantidad de publicaciones que demuestran su relación positiva con la productividad y
rendimiento de los trabajadores. En un mundo de servicios, cada vez más competitivo y
eficiente, es necesario enfocar los recursos hacia el bienestar del trabajador. Por otro lado,
existen estudios en donde indican que la relación recíproca entre el trabajador y la empresa a
veces suele superar las capacidades de este, lo cual conlleva a un estrés laboral de carácter
negativo. La Organización Mundial de la Salud concluye que en los países en desarrollo se
presentan índices de estrés laboral superiores a los países desarrollados. La investigación
busca determinar, mediante un enfoque cuantitativo del tipo correlacional, no experimental y
transversal, la relación entre la felicidad y el estrés laboral en una empresa de aduanas de la
ciudad del Callao, en Perú. La muestra utilizada es de 128 trabajadores, a los cuales se les
aplicó los instrumentos de la escala de Felicidad de Lima y la escala de Estresores Laborales
de OIT/ OMS. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que existe un bajo nivel de estrés en los
trabajadores (77%) y una felicidad media (84.4%) en los trabajadores. Existe una correlación
entre Felicidad y Estrés laboral significativa, negativa y débil de -.210 (P<0.05) en los
trabajadores en general, en donde las dimensiones de estructura organizacional (. -253, -.256)
y territorio organizacional (. -280, -.269) presentan correlación significativa con las
dimensiones de sentido positivo de la vida y satisfacción con la vida. Además, existe una
relación significativa, negativa y moderada entre la felicidad y el estrés laboral en el género
femenino de -.492 (p<0.01) y en el área de finanzas de -.597 (p<0.01), lo cual guarda relación
con otros estudios en donde se indica que el género femenino presenta mayores niveles de
estrés en las empresas y que el contexto y contenido del trabajo influyen en el nivel de estrés
en las áreas.
Happiness at work is a concept of growing interest due to the large number of publications that demonstrate a positive relationship with the productivity and performance of workers. In a world of services, increasingly competitive and efficient, it is necessary to focus resources towards the well-being of the worker. On the other hand, there are studies in which they indicate that the reciprocal relationship between the worker and the company often exceeds the capabilities of this, which entails a negative work stress. The World Health Organization concludes that in countries in development, labor stress indexes are superior than in developed countries. The research seeks to determine, through a quantitative approach and a correlational type, non-experimental and transversal, the relationship between happiness and work stress in a company in the city of Callao, in Peru. The sample is of 128 workers, and the application of the instruments with the scale of Happiness of Lima and the scale of Labor Stressors of ILO / OMS. The results show that there is a low level of stress in the workers (77%) and a medium or high happiness (84.4%) in the workers. There is a weak and negative correlation of -.210 (P <0.05) in workers in general, where the dimensions of the organizational structure (. -253, -.256) and organizational territory (. -280, -269) present a significant correlation with the dimensions of the positive meaning of life and satisfaction with life. In addition, there is a moderate relationship between happiness and work stress in the female gender of -.492 (p <0.01) and in the area of finance of -.597 (p <0.01), which is related to other studies in where it is indicated that the female gender presents higher levels of stress in companies and that the context and content of the work influence the level of stress in the areas.
Happiness at work is a concept of growing interest due to the large number of publications that demonstrate a positive relationship with the productivity and performance of workers. In a world of services, increasingly competitive and efficient, it is necessary to focus resources towards the well-being of the worker. On the other hand, there are studies in which they indicate that the reciprocal relationship between the worker and the company often exceeds the capabilities of this, which entails a negative work stress. The World Health Organization concludes that in countries in development, labor stress indexes are superior than in developed countries. The research seeks to determine, through a quantitative approach and a correlational type, non-experimental and transversal, the relationship between happiness and work stress in a company in the city of Callao, in Peru. The sample is of 128 workers, and the application of the instruments with the scale of Happiness of Lima and the scale of Labor Stressors of ILO / OMS. The results show that there is a low level of stress in the workers (77%) and a medium or high happiness (84.4%) in the workers. There is a weak and negative correlation of -.210 (P <0.05) in workers in general, where the dimensions of the organizational structure (. -253, -.256) and organizational territory (. -280, -269) present a significant correlation with the dimensions of the positive meaning of life and satisfaction with life. In addition, there is a moderate relationship between happiness and work stress in the female gender of -.492 (p <0.01) and in the area of finance of -.597 (p <0.01), which is related to other studies in where it is indicated that the female gender presents higher levels of stress in companies and that the context and content of the work influence the level of stress in the areas.
Felicidad y satisfacción laboral--Callao (Perú : Provincia Constitucional), Felicidad y satisfacción profesional--Callao (Perú : Provincia Constitucional), Investigación cuantitativa
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