Planeamiento estratégico de la papa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La papa es un cultivo destinado principalmente al consumo interno, contribuyendo a la
seguridad alimentaria y llegándose a producir 4.47 millones de TM en el año 2012. De esta
cantidad, menos del 4% fue utilizado en procesos de transformación, mientras que el resto se
comercializó en fresco, principalmente a través de acopiadores que negocian el producto en
los mercados mayoristas de Lima, así como en otras ciudades del país.
Se ha desarrollado el planeamiento estratégico para la papa en el Perú, cubriendo todas sus
presentaciones, como son la papa fresca, papa cortada en tiras, papa procesada congelada,
hojuelas y el chuño o tunta. Se caracteriza por ser un cultivo con una gran dispersión
geográfica y variabilidad en las tecnologías utilizadas; donde intervienen, acopiadores,
mayoristas y minoristas. Los productores son mayoritariamente pequeños agricultores
minifundistas ubicados en la sierra del Perú, quienes operan de manera informal sin acceso a
insumos de calidad. A nivel de la comercialización se experimenta la amenaza de una
disminución en el consumo per cápita, debido a la presencia de sustitutos en la dieta de los
peruanos. Es por ello, que se tiene que motivar la demanda y el consumo de papa entre la
población de todos los niveles socioeconómicos, resaltando sus cualidades y mejorando los
sistemas de mercadeo, principalmente la presentación del producto, tanto en supermercados
como en mercados tradicionales.
Este planeamiento estratégico presenta una visión para el año 2023, en donde la papa seguirá
siendo el producto líder en producción y consumo a nivel de Sudamérica, identificando al
Perú como un país referente por la biodiversidad que ofrece el suelo peruano; utilizando
tecnología de punta para mejorar el rendimiento del cultivo. Para alcanzar esta visión se
incrementará la producción y las exportaciones, se aumentará la cantidad de papa
transformada o procesada y se incrementará el consumo per cápita
The potato is a crop grown primarily for domestic consumption, contributing to food security. In 2012, 4.47 MT were produced and only less than 4% was processed or transformed, while the rest is sold fresh, mainly through middlemen who negotiate the product in wholesale markets in Lima and other big cities in the country. This strategic planning has been developed for potatoes, covering all products, such as fresh potatoes, shredded potatoes, frozen processed potatoes, chips and potato flour. It is characterized as a crop with a wide geographical spread and variability in the technologies used, which involves, collectors, wholesalers and retailers. Producers are mostly small farmers located in the highlands of Peru, who operate informally without access to quality seeds or any other inputs. In terms of marketing, the main threat is a decline in per capita consumption, due to the presence of substitutes in the diet of Peruvians as rice or pasta. That is why demand and potato consumption among the population of all socioeconomic levels have to be motivated, highlighting their strengths and improving marketing systems, mainly a more attractive and clean presentation of the product, both in supermarkets and traditional markets. This strategic plan presents a vision for the year 2023, the Peruvian potatowill the main product lead in production and food level in Latin America, recognized the Peru as a the country reference for biodiversity in the Peruvian land, used to high technology to better farming rates. To achieve this vision, production and exportswill be increased, encouraging production chains and raising the percentage of potatoes transformed or processed, and increasing per capita consumption
The potato is a crop grown primarily for domestic consumption, contributing to food security. In 2012, 4.47 MT were produced and only less than 4% was processed or transformed, while the rest is sold fresh, mainly through middlemen who negotiate the product in wholesale markets in Lima and other big cities in the country. This strategic planning has been developed for potatoes, covering all products, such as fresh potatoes, shredded potatoes, frozen processed potatoes, chips and potato flour. It is characterized as a crop with a wide geographical spread and variability in the technologies used, which involves, collectors, wholesalers and retailers. Producers are mostly small farmers located in the highlands of Peru, who operate informally without access to quality seeds or any other inputs. In terms of marketing, the main threat is a decline in per capita consumption, due to the presence of substitutes in the diet of Peruvians as rice or pasta. That is why demand and potato consumption among the population of all socioeconomic levels have to be motivated, highlighting their strengths and improving marketing systems, mainly a more attractive and clean presentation of the product, both in supermarkets and traditional markets. This strategic plan presents a vision for the year 2023, the Peruvian potatowill the main product lead in production and food level in Latin America, recognized the Peru as a the country reference for biodiversity in the Peruvian land, used to high technology to better farming rates. To achieve this vision, production and exportswill be increased, encouraging production chains and raising the percentage of potatoes transformed or processed, and increasing per capita consumption
Papas (Tubérculos)--Industria y comercio -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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