Desarrollo de Estrategias de Autocuidado Preventivo, mediado por las TIC, en madres de Ventanilla
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Ante la emergencia de salud y económica generada por la pandemia del COVID-19 y
a la que se suma la situación de inestabilidad política y social en el Perú, se ha agudizado la
situación de las familias peruanas. Quienes cuentan con limitadas estrategias de soporte
emocional, poca capacidad para solucionar conflictos dentro de la familia y altos niveles de
estrés y frustración (Rojas, 2021); lo que produce el debilitamiento de la salud mental y
vínculos familiares, además de generar situaciones de violencia intrafamiliar (Cárdenas-Lata
et al., 2021). Para las madres en estado de vulnerabilidad, con sobrecarga de responsabilidades
y precariedad económica, las necesidades inaplazables y que generan la mayor preocupación
se relacionan con asegurar la alimentación y educación de sus hijos; sin embargo, la atención
a la propia salud mental como las prácticas de autocuidado no se registra como una necesidad.
En ese sentido, considerando las restricciones de tiempo y recursos para acceder a
programas de atención, es necesario diseñar e implementar intervenciones y actividades de
atención para la conciliación de las diversas demandas contextuales (Jaramillo y Ñopo, 2020).
El objetivo de la presente tesis es sensibilizar, a través del uso de las TIC, a las madres sobre
la importancia de implementar estrategias de autocuidado preventivo para la resolución de
problemas en la interacción familiar. Como resultados principales, las madres finalizaron las
sesiones manejando las características básicas sobre el autocuidado e identificando las
estrategias que pueden incorporar a su rutina a través de las TIC.
The situation of Peruvian families has worsened in the face of the health and economic emergency generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the political and social instability. The families have limited emotional support strategies, little ability to resolve conflicts within the family and high levels of stress and frustration (Rojas, 2021); which produces the weakening of mental health and family ties, in addition to generating situations of domestic violence (Cárdenas-Lata et al., 2021). For mothers in a state of vulnerability, with an overload of responsibilities and economic precariousness, the urgent needs that generate the greatest concern are related to ensuring the nutrition and education of their children; however, attention to one's own mental health, such as self-care practices, is not recorded as a need. In this context, considering the restrictions of time and resources to access care programs, it is necessary to design and implement care interventions and activities to reconcile the various demands the mothers face (Jaramillo and Ñopo, 2020). The objective of this thesis is to think over, using ICTs, the importance of implementing preventive self-care strategies for solving problems in family interaction. As main results, the mothers completed the sessions managing the basic characteristics of self-care and identifying the strategies that they can incorporate into their routine through ICT.
The situation of Peruvian families has worsened in the face of the health and economic emergency generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the political and social instability. The families have limited emotional support strategies, little ability to resolve conflicts within the family and high levels of stress and frustration (Rojas, 2021); which produces the weakening of mental health and family ties, in addition to generating situations of domestic violence (Cárdenas-Lata et al., 2021). For mothers in a state of vulnerability, with an overload of responsibilities and economic precariousness, the urgent needs that generate the greatest concern are related to ensuring the nutrition and education of their children; however, attention to one's own mental health, such as self-care practices, is not recorded as a need. In this context, considering the restrictions of time and resources to access care programs, it is necessary to design and implement care interventions and activities to reconcile the various demands the mothers face (Jaramillo and Ñopo, 2020). The objective of this thesis is to think over, using ICTs, the importance of implementing preventive self-care strategies for solving problems in family interaction. As main results, the mothers completed the sessions managing the basic characteristics of self-care and identifying the strategies that they can incorporate into their routine through ICT.
Innovaciones educativas, Actitudes sanitarias, Salud mental, Madres--Perú--Ventanilla (Callao (Provincia Constitucional) : Distrito), Educación no formal, Tecnología educativa
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