Análisis de ciclo de vida de un centro educativo en la ciudad de Iquitos (Perú)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En Perú, la construcción de infraestructura educativa es cada vez mayor debido a la
necesidad de mejorar los índices de desarrollo de la nación. Sin embargo, a pesar de que estos
edificios son un medio para que la educación se desarrolle adecuadamente, detrás de ello existe
el impacto ambiental y consumo energético de su construcción; impactos que dependiendo del
tamaño, ubicación y diseño tendrán una mayor o menor incidencia en el perjuicio del ambiente.
Por ello, si bien se tiene gran información de cómo construir este tipo de infraestructuras, no
se tienen estudios que empleen las herramientas del Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) utilizando
las metodologías del ISO 14040 y ISO 14044 para cuantificar los efectos ambientales de la
construcción de un colegio en Perú. De este modo, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo de
tesis es generar un análisis de ciclo de vida utilizando el software SimaPro en la etapa de
construcción de un colegio ubicado en el departamento de Iquitos con el fin de proporcionar
información sobre la huella ambiental generada por la construcción del colegio. La base de
datos es Ecoinvent y las metodologías utilizadas son ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint (H) y CED 1.1.
Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la energía consumida por la construcción del
centro educativo es de 3.91 x 104 GJ, en el cual la manufactura del “Casco Gris” tuvo una
participación del 49% debido a que está constituido por concreto armado, material de gran
demanda energética e impacto ambiental en su producción. En cuanto al impacto ambiental, la
“Ecotoxicidad terrestre” con 19 943 ton 1,4-DCB y el “Calentamiento Global” con 2 587 ton
CO2 eq fueron los factores con más incidentes en los resultados finales. Asimismo, el estudio
encontró que, debido a las demandas y modificaciones en las especificaciones técnicas del
expediente técnico, el consumo energético y el impacto ambiental fue similar a construir en
una zona de mayor peligro sísmico, ya que se utilizó gran cantidad de concreto armado y no
materiales propios de la zona, los cuales serían menos perjudiciales para el ambiente y no sería
necesario transportarlos a distancias tan largas.
In Peru, the construction of educational infrastructure is increasing due to the need to improve the nation's development rates. However, even though these buildings are means for education to develop accordingly, there's still the environmental impact and energy consumption of its construction. These impacts that depend on the size, location, and design will have a greater or lesser consequence on the damage to the environment. For this reason, although there is a large amount of information on how to build this type of infrastructure, there are no studies that use the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tool using the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 methodologies to quantify the environmental effects of the construction of infrastructure of a school in Peru. The study's goal is to generate a life cycle analysis using the SimaPro software in the construction stage of a school located in the department of Iquitos, providing information on the environmental footprint created by the construction of the school. The database is Ecoinvent, and the methodologies used are ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint (H) and CED 1.1. The results obtained show that the energy consumed by the construction of the educational center is 3.91 x 104 GJ, which the manufacture of the "Grey Helmet" had a participation of 49% since it is made of reinforced concrete, a material of high energy demand and environmental impact in its production. Regarding the environmental impact, "Terrestrial Ecotoxicity" with 19,943 tons 1,4-DCB and "Global Warming" with 2,587 tons CO2 eq was the most incident factors in the results. The study found that, due to the requirements and modifications in the technical specifications of the technical file, the energy consumption and the environmental impact are like building in an area of high seismic activity since a large amount of reinforced concrete and not materials from the region were used, which would be less harmful to the environment, and wouldn’t be necessary to transport them over such long distances.
In Peru, the construction of educational infrastructure is increasing due to the need to improve the nation's development rates. However, even though these buildings are means for education to develop accordingly, there's still the environmental impact and energy consumption of its construction. These impacts that depend on the size, location, and design will have a greater or lesser consequence on the damage to the environment. For this reason, although there is a large amount of information on how to build this type of infrastructure, there are no studies that use the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tool using the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 methodologies to quantify the environmental effects of the construction of infrastructure of a school in Peru. The study's goal is to generate a life cycle analysis using the SimaPro software in the construction stage of a school located in the department of Iquitos, providing information on the environmental footprint created by the construction of the school. The database is Ecoinvent, and the methodologies used are ReCiPe 2016 Midpoint (H) and CED 1.1. The results obtained show that the energy consumed by the construction of the educational center is 3.91 x 104 GJ, which the manufacture of the "Grey Helmet" had a participation of 49% since it is made of reinforced concrete, a material of high energy demand and environmental impact in its production. Regarding the environmental impact, "Terrestrial Ecotoxicity" with 19,943 tons 1,4-DCB and "Global Warming" with 2,587 tons CO2 eq was the most incident factors in the results. The study found that, due to the requirements and modifications in the technical specifications of the technical file, the energy consumption and the environmental impact are like building in an area of high seismic activity since a large amount of reinforced concrete and not materials from the region were used, which would be less harmful to the environment, and wouldn’t be necessary to transport them over such long distances.
Edificios--Construcción--Ciclo de vida--Perú--Loreto, Centros educativos--Construcción--Ciclo de vida--Perú--Loreto, Análisis estructural (Ingeniería)
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