Aportes de la comunicación estratégica para el desarrollo en la gestión de la sostenibilidad de un proyecto de cultura viva comunitaria: El Proyecto Quijote para la Vida
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación analiza la experiencia del Proyecto Quijote para la Vida, iniciativa
de Cultura Viva Comunitaria ejecutada por la Asociación Pueblo Grande en el Asentamiento
Humano Santa Rosa, en el distrito de Puente Piedra en Lima, Perú. Se recoge la experiencia
de la gestión de la sostenibilidad del Proyecto en el periodo de 2016 al 2018, entendiéndola
desde tres dimensiones: la político-institucional, económico-administrativo y social; buscando
identificar cuáles son los aportes de la comunicación estratégica para el desarrollo en dicha
La importancia de investigar iniciativas como la presente recae en la multidimensionalidad del
desarrollo humano y la falta de garantías del pleno ejercicio de los derechos culturales por parte
del Estado, contexto en el que las organizaciones e iniciativas de Cultura Viva Comunitaria
como la presente, juegan un rol fundamental en sus comunidades.
La investigación se plantea desde el campo de la comunicación para el desarrollo, desde la
corriente de la Nueva Teoría Estratégica, y bajo un enfoque cualitativo de investigación,
aplicando revisión bibliográfica, entrevistas a profundidad, grupos focales, talleres y
observación participante. El posterior análisis de los resultados se identifica que el aporte de la
comunicación estratégica para el desarrollo en la gestión de la sostenibilidad del Proyecto está
en la construcción un relato institucional sólido basado en el personaje literario Quijote de la
Mancha, el sentido comunitario histórico de su entorno, la personalidad de sus impulsores y
una clara visión estratégica de transformación social que busca formar niños y niñas como
ciudadanos activos, participativos y sujetos de derecho. Este relato permite que el Proyecto sea
coherente e innove en su gestión y sus acciones; convoque, articule y genere valor a sus
participantes, sus grupos de interés y su entorno.
The following investigation analysis the Quijote para la Vida Project's experience, community living culture by Pueblo Grande Association in Santa Rosa human settlement, ubicated in Puente Piedra, Lima, Peru. Specifically, it collects the Project's sustainability management experience from 2016 to 2018, understanding it from its three dimensions: political and institutional, administrative and economic, and social dimensions; looking to identify which are the strategic communication for development contributions to that management. The importance to investigate initiatives such as this relies on the multidimensional concept of human development and the lack of Governmental guarantees for a full realization of cultural rights: in this context community living culture initiatives play a fundamental role within their communities. This investigation is settled from the communication for development field, from the New Strategic Theory trend, using a qualitative methodology such as bibliographic review, in-dep interviews, focus groups, workshops, and participant observation; that led to analysis of results, identifying that the strategic communication for development contribution is based in the construction of a solid institutional myth based on Quijote de la Mancha literary character, the community historic sense of its context, its promoters personalities and a clear strategic vision that aims to build children as active, participative citizens and subjects of law. This institutional myth allows that the Project remains coherent and innovative in its management and actions; convocates, articulates, and generates value to its participants, stakeholders, and context
The following investigation analysis the Quijote para la Vida Project's experience, community living culture by Pueblo Grande Association in Santa Rosa human settlement, ubicated in Puente Piedra, Lima, Peru. Specifically, it collects the Project's sustainability management experience from 2016 to 2018, understanding it from its three dimensions: political and institutional, administrative and economic, and social dimensions; looking to identify which are the strategic communication for development contributions to that management. The importance to investigate initiatives such as this relies on the multidimensional concept of human development and the lack of Governmental guarantees for a full realization of cultural rights: in this context community living culture initiatives play a fundamental role within their communities. This investigation is settled from the communication for development field, from the New Strategic Theory trend, using a qualitative methodology such as bibliographic review, in-dep interviews, focus groups, workshops, and participant observation; that led to analysis of results, identifying that the strategic communication for development contribution is based in the construction of a solid institutional myth based on Quijote de la Mancha literary character, the community historic sense of its context, its promoters personalities and a clear strategic vision that aims to build children as active, participative citizens and subjects of law. This institutional myth allows that the Project remains coherent and innovative in its management and actions; convocates, articulates, and generates value to its participants, stakeholders, and context
Gestión cultural--Perú--Puente Piedra (Lima : Distrito), Comunicación en la gestión--Perú--Puente Piedra (Lima : Distrito), Proyectos sociales--Perú--Puente Piedra (Lima : Distrito)
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