Modelo prolab: Comercialización y confección de casacas rellenas de fibra de alpaca dirigido al mercado limeño
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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ALLPAQA es un modelo de negocio presentado como una alternativa de solución
sostenible para el segmento seleccionado conformado por hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas
que desean adquirir casacas rellenas de fibra de alpaca porque necesitan una prenda de vestir
que los mantenga calientes. Estas casacas se confeccionan y comercializan bajo el método de
Triple Botton Line. Se determinaron y presentaron diferentes soluciones para solventar los
inconvenientes de los usuarios y clientes. Estos problemas se vinculan con el desperdicio de
una porción de la materia prima que puede ser usada para la confección de nuevas casacas.
Además, se brinda ayuda a los alpaqueros quienes pueden recibir un ingreso extra por la fibra
de alpaca que descartan. Usando las técnicas para recolectar información se logró conocer
que los potenciales clientes tienen disposición para aceptar una nueva marca de prenda de
vestir rellena de fibra de alpaca. Se determinó de cuánto sería la inversión que se requiere
para iniciar las operaciones del proyecto ALLPAQA y el funcionamiento de este. Así mismo,
se demostró que las estimaciones en cuanto a las prendas de vestir anualmente satisfacen las
expectativas que poseen los inversionistas y también originan rentabilidad. La propuesta tiene
alineación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible [ODS] 8 y 12, porque posee impacto
directo sobre el bienestar de los potenciales clientes y de los alpaqueros al generarles ingresos
económicos extras por esa materia primera (fibra de alpaca) que no logran comercializar. Se
trata de una empresa con sostenibilidad y responsabilidad en lo que respecta la producción y
uso de los recursos sin tener efectos medioambientales en el planeta. Específicamente, se
requiere una inversión de S/222,040.10; cantidad que será recuperada en cuatro meses y
permitirá obtener un VAN de S/4’095,813.38, una TIR de 304%; una TIRM de 107% y un
VANS de S/4’206,201. Por lo tanto, ALLPAQA se considera como un proyecto sostenible
con beneficios económicos, ambientales y sociales.
ALLPAQA is a business model that is presented as an alternative sustainable solution for the selected segment made up of men, women, boys and girls who want to buy casacas/ jackets filled with alpaca fiber because they need a garment that keeps them warm. These casacas/jackets are made and marketed using the Triple Bottom Line method. Different solutions were determined and presented to solve user and customer problems. These problems are linked to the waste of a portion of the raw material that can be used to make new casacas. In addition, help is provided to alpaqueros or alpacas shepherds who can receive extra income for the alpaca fiber they discard. Through the information gathering techniques, it was possible to know that potential clients are willing to accept a new brand of clothing stuffed with alpaca fiber. The investment required for the start-up of the ALLPAQA project and its operation were determined. Likewise, it was shown that the estimates regarding clothing annually meet the expectations of investors and generate profitability. The proposal is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals [SDG] 8 and 12, because it directly impacts the well-being of potential clients and alpaqueros by generating extra economic income from that raw material (alpaca fiber) that they cannot market. It is a sustainable and responsible company within the framework of production and use of resources without having environmental effects on the planet. Specifically, an investment of S/222,040.10 is required; an amount that will be recovered in four months and will allow obtaining a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/4’095,813.38, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 304%; a Modified Internal Rate of Return (TIRM) of 107% and a Social Net Present Value (VANS) of S/4’206,201. Therefore, ALLPAQA is considered a sustainable project with economic, environmental and social benefits.
ALLPAQA is a business model that is presented as an alternative sustainable solution for the selected segment made up of men, women, boys and girls who want to buy casacas/ jackets filled with alpaca fiber because they need a garment that keeps them warm. These casacas/jackets are made and marketed using the Triple Bottom Line method. Different solutions were determined and presented to solve user and customer problems. These problems are linked to the waste of a portion of the raw material that can be used to make new casacas. In addition, help is provided to alpaqueros or alpacas shepherds who can receive extra income for the alpaca fiber they discard. Through the information gathering techniques, it was possible to know that potential clients are willing to accept a new brand of clothing stuffed with alpaca fiber. The investment required for the start-up of the ALLPAQA project and its operation were determined. Likewise, it was shown that the estimates regarding clothing annually meet the expectations of investors and generate profitability. The proposal is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals [SDG] 8 and 12, because it directly impacts the well-being of potential clients and alpaqueros by generating extra economic income from that raw material (alpaca fiber) that they cannot market. It is a sustainable and responsible company within the framework of production and use of resources without having environmental effects on the planet. Specifically, an investment of S/222,040.10 is required; an amount that will be recovered in four months and will allow obtaining a Net Present Value (NPV) of S/4’095,813.38, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 304%; a Modified Internal Rate of Return (TIRM) of 107% and a Social Net Present Value (VANS) of S/4’206,201. Therefore, ALLPAQA is considered a sustainable project with economic, environmental and social benefits.
Negocios--Planificación, Producción--Administración, Industria textil--Perú, Prendas de vestir--Perú
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