Análisis de la Sentencia de Vista N° 384 -2018-2SC de la Segunda Sala Civil de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Arequipa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente informe se analizan las implicancias y posible afectación del derecho a la
identidad de género del demandante A. en la Sentencia de Vista N° 384 -2018-2SC
emitida por la Segunda Sala Civil de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Arequipa. El caso
versa sobre la solicitud de cambio de sexo en el Documento Nacional de Identidad del
Demandante A., resuelto en primera instancia favorable y en segunda instancia se declaró
la nulidad de esta. La autora realiza una revisión y análisis critico de los fundamentos de
la sentencia en el marco de los estándares internacionales y la jurisprudencia del Tribunal
Constitucional sobre el reconocimiento del derecho a la identidad de género y su
contenido constitucionalmente protegido, con el objetivo de determinar si la resolución
del caso vulnera el derecho a la identidad de género del demandante A., el desarrollo del
informe incluye una crítica a la motivación de la resolución, la identificación del criterio
erróneo sobre la valoración de los términos legales relevantes al caso y otros aspectos
procesales. El informe concluye que la Sala resolutora no ha realizado una valoración y
correcta aplicación de las fuentes y principios en el caso, lo que la ha llevado a una
decisión errónea que vulnera el derecho a la identidad de género del demandante.
This report analyzes the implications and possible affectation of the right to gender identity of Plaintiff A. in the Sentence No. 384 -2018-2SC issued by the Second Civil Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Arequipa. The case deals with the request for a change of sex in the National Identity Card of Plaintiff A., resolved in first instance favorable and in second instance the nullity of this was declared. The author makes a review and critical analysis of the grounds of the judgment in the framework of international standards and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court on the recognition of the right to gender identity and its constitutionally protected content, with the objective of determining whether the resolution of the case violates the right to gender identity of the plaintiff A., the development of the report includes a critique of the motivation of the resolution, the identification of the erroneous criterion on the assessment of the legal terms relevant to the case and other procedural aspects. The report concludes that the ruling Chamber has not made a correct assessment and application of the sources and principles in the case, which has led to an erroneous decision that violates the right to gender identity of the plaintiff.
This report analyzes the implications and possible affectation of the right to gender identity of Plaintiff A. in the Sentence No. 384 -2018-2SC issued by the Second Civil Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Arequipa. The case deals with the request for a change of sex in the National Identity Card of Plaintiff A., resolved in first instance favorable and in second instance the nullity of this was declared. The author makes a review and critical analysis of the grounds of the judgment in the framework of international standards and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court on the recognition of the right to gender identity and its constitutionally protected content, with the objective of determining whether the resolution of the case violates the right to gender identity of the plaintiff A., the development of the report includes a critique of the motivation of the resolution, the identification of the erroneous criterion on the assessment of the legal terms relevant to the case and other procedural aspects. The report concludes that the ruling Chamber has not made a correct assessment and application of the sources and principles in the case, which has led to an erroneous decision that violates the right to gender identity of the plaintiff.
Derechos sexuales--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Identidad de género--Perú--Arequipa, Nombres personales