Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución Nº 2893-2023/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe desarrolla las principales figuras jurídicas del derecho de
protección al consumidor en el mercado de seguros de desgravamen durante la
emergencia sanitaria del Covid-19. Para ello, se analizará el caso que recae en
la Resolución Nº 2893-2023/SPC-INDECOPI, que tiene como denunciante a la
señora Brígida Nery Chávez Cárdenas, y como denunciados al Banco
Agropecuario S.A. y Protecta S.A. Compañía de Seguros. Atendiendo ello, este
trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar los criterios de interpretación que deben
seguir las empresas de seguros cuando pretenden aplicar las cláusulas de
exclusión a efectos de analizar si se configura o no el riesgo asegurable;
asimismo, permite analizar si un beneficiario de la póliza cuenta con legitimidad
para denunciar a la empresa aseguradora ante Indecopi; sobre la base de la Ley
del Contrato de Seguro, determinar si cabe la aplicación de una interpretación a
fortiori para negar la cobertura de la póliza. Debido a todo esto, se confirma que
la Sala de Protección al Consumidor del Tribunal del Indecopi resolvió conforme
a derecho, por lo que se concluyó que Protecta S.A. infringió el artículo 19 del
Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor al negar injustificadamente a la
señora Chávez la activación de la póliza del seguro de desgravamen al subsumir
la pandemia del Covid-19 dentro de la causal de exclusión ‘epidemia’. A partir
del análisis realizado, surge la crítica acerca del grado de previsibilidad que
deben tener las aseguradoras, atendiendo su expertise en la materia, de cara al
contexto de la pandemia.
The present legal study develops the main legal figures of consumer protection law in the field of credit life insurance during the Covid-19 health emergency. For that purpose, the case covered by Resolution Nº 2893-2023/SPC-INDECOPI, which has Mrs. Brígida Nery Chávez Cárdenas as the complainant and Banco Agropecuario S.A. and Protecta S.A. Insurance Company as the respondents, will be analyzed. Accordingly, this work aims to determine the interpretation criteria that insurance companies should follow when they intend to apply exclusion clauses to analyze whether the insurable risk is configured or not; likewise, whether a policy beneficiary has the legitimacy to report the insurance company to Indecopi; based on the Peruvian Insurance Contract Law, to determine whether the application of an a fortiori interpretation to deny policy coverage is appropriate. Based on all this, it is confirmed that the Consumer Protection Chamber of the Indecopi Tribunal resolved in accordance with the law, concluding that Protecta S.A. violated article 19 of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code by unjustifiably denying Mrs. Chávez the activation of the credit life insurance policy by subsuming the Covid-19 pandemic under the exclusion cause of 'epidemic'. From the analysis carried out, criticism arises regarding the degree of predictability that insurers should have, given their expertise in the matter, in the context of the pandemic.
The present legal study develops the main legal figures of consumer protection law in the field of credit life insurance during the Covid-19 health emergency. For that purpose, the case covered by Resolution Nº 2893-2023/SPC-INDECOPI, which has Mrs. Brígida Nery Chávez Cárdenas as the complainant and Banco Agropecuario S.A. and Protecta S.A. Insurance Company as the respondents, will be analyzed. Accordingly, this work aims to determine the interpretation criteria that insurance companies should follow when they intend to apply exclusion clauses to analyze whether the insurable risk is configured or not; likewise, whether a policy beneficiary has the legitimacy to report the insurance company to Indecopi; based on the Peruvian Insurance Contract Law, to determine whether the application of an a fortiori interpretation to deny policy coverage is appropriate. Based on all this, it is confirmed that the Consumer Protection Chamber of the Indecopi Tribunal resolved in accordance with the law, concluding that Protecta S.A. violated article 19 of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code by unjustifiably denying Mrs. Chávez the activation of the credit life insurance policy by subsuming the Covid-19 pandemic under the exclusion cause of 'epidemic'. From the analysis carried out, criticism arises regarding the degree of predictability that insurers should have, given their expertise in the matter, in the context of the pandemic.
Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Perú), Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú, Derecho de seguros--Perú, Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020- --Perú
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