Propuesta de un modelo de negocio para la implementación de una plataforma de asesoría financiera digital dirigida a las MiPyMes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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¿Sabías que el Perú ocupa el primer lugar en índice de espíritu emprendedor en
Latinoamérica y es el quinto a nivel mundial? El emprendimiento en el Perú es hoy en día
uno de los principales motores de crecimiento de la economía lo cual permite la creación de
las micro, pequeña y medianas empresas (MiPyMes). Precisamente estas empresas
contribuyen al 30% del PBI y al 60% de la PEA. Sin embargo, alrededor del 7.5% de estos
negocios cierran anualmente debido a diversos factores, siendo uno de los más relevantes el
factor financiero como la falta de liquidez que se relaciona directamente con una inadecuada
gestión financiera.
El presente modelo de negocio busca contribuir al desarrollo económico de estas
empresas a través de un servicio de asesoría financiera digital, que es una propuesta
disruptiva, innovadora y exponencial que buscará llegar al 15.5% de MiPyMes de Lima
Metropolitana en sus primeros dieciocho meses. Con este porcentaje de participación se
evitará que al menos 65 mil empresas no cierren por falta de una adecuada gestión financiera
durante el año, lo cual se puede traducir en que se evitará que al menos la tasa de desempleo
crezca en un 0.40% y el PBI no llegue a caer en un 1.03%.
Por último, debido al impacto que tendrá esta propuesta sobre el segmento de
emprendedores, más aún por el contexto actual de la reactivación económica del país, se
estima una rentabilidad del 39.5% sobre la inversión en dieciocho meses, siendo el mes
número cinco en el que generará utilidades positivas.
Do you know that our country ranks first in the entrepreneurial spirit in Latin America and is fifth in the world? Entrepreneurship in Peru is today one of the main growth engines of our economy, which allows the creation of micro, small and medium-sized companies. Precisely these companies contribute 30% of GDP and 60% of PEA. However, around 7.5% of these businesses close annually due to various factors, one of the most relevant being the financial factor such as the lack of liquidity that is directly related to inadequate financial management. Our business model searchs to contribute to the economic development of these companies with a digital financial advisory service, which is a disruptive, innovative and exponential proposal that will find to reach 15.5% of these companies in Metropolitan Lima in its first eighteen months. With this percentage of participation it will be preventing at least 65 thousand companies from closing due to lack of adequate financial management during the year, which can translate into preventing at least the unemployment rate from growing by 0.40% and the GDP not reaching to drop by 1.03%. Lastly, due to the impact that this proposal will have on the entrepreneur segment, even more so due to the current context of the country's economic recovery, it will be estimating a return of 39.5% on investment in eighteen months, being the fifth month in which will generate positive profits.
Do you know that our country ranks first in the entrepreneurial spirit in Latin America and is fifth in the world? Entrepreneurship in Peru is today one of the main growth engines of our economy, which allows the creation of micro, small and medium-sized companies. Precisely these companies contribute 30% of GDP and 60% of PEA. However, around 7.5% of these businesses close annually due to various factors, one of the most relevant being the financial factor such as the lack of liquidity that is directly related to inadequate financial management. Our business model searchs to contribute to the economic development of these companies with a digital financial advisory service, which is a disruptive, innovative and exponential proposal that will find to reach 15.5% of these companies in Metropolitan Lima in its first eighteen months. With this percentage of participation it will be preventing at least 65 thousand companies from closing due to lack of adequate financial management during the year, which can translate into preventing at least the unemployment rate from growing by 0.40% and the GDP not reaching to drop by 1.03%. Lastly, due to the impact that this proposal will have on the entrepreneur segment, even more so due to the current context of the country's economic recovery, it will be estimating a return of 39.5% on investment in eighteen months, being the fifth month in which will generate positive profits.
Pequeñas y medianas empresas--Aspectos financieros--Lima, Servicios digitales, Innovaciones tecnológicas
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