Informe Jurídico sobre la Casación Nº 160-2014-Áncash
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo académico se analizan dos problemas jurídico penales identificados en la Casación 160-2014-Áncash. El primero de ellos tiene que
ver con la clarificación del contenido del elemento normativo “razón de cargo”
previsto en el tipo penal de peculado a la luz de los conceptos deber general y deber
específico del cargo, propuestos por un sector de la doctrina y recogidos en la
indicada resolución judicial. En esa dirección, luego de ensayar una definición de
ambos conceptos, el autor propone un solo y único concepto de deber que permita
comprender y aplicar de una mejor manera el artículo 387 del Código Penal.
De otra parte, el segundo problema jurídico que se aborda se centra en la aplicación
del principio de confianza en los casos en que se imputa la comisión de un delito de
corrupción al más alto funcionario de una entidad pública. Al respecto, con base en
lo establecido por la doctrina y jurisprudencia, el autor identifica que en tales
supuestos la operatividad de este filtro de imputación objetiva está sujeta a la
observancia de deberes de vigilancia, control y supervisión por parte del superior
jearáquico respecto a la conducta de sus subordinados.
Finalmente, antes que constiruirse en un aporte netamente teórico, el tratamiento de
ambos problemas jurídicos apunta a contribuir a que la resolución de casos prácticos
en materia anticorrupción sea lo más sustentada y lograda posible.
In this academic work, two legal-criminal problems identified in Cassation 160-2014-Áncash are analyzed. The first of them has to do with the clarification of the content of the normative element "reason for the charge" provided for in the criminal type of embezzlement in light of the concepts of general duty and specific duty of the position, proposed by a sector of the doctrine and collected in the aforementioned judicial resolution. In this direction, after testing a definition of both concepts, the author proposes a single and unique concept of duty that allows for a better understanding and application of article 387 of the Penal Code. On the other hand, the second legal problem that is addressed focuses on the application of the principle of trust in cases in which the commission of a crime of corruption is imputed to the highest official of a public entity. In this regard, based on what is established by doctrine and jurisprudence, the author identifies that the operation of said objective imputation filter in such cases is not unconditional, but subject to the observance of surveillance, control and supervision duties by the superior hierarchical with respect to the behavior of his subordinates. Finally, rather than constituting a purely theoretical contribution, the treatment of both legal problems aims to contribute to making the resolution of practical cases in anti-corruption matters as supported and successful as possible.
In this academic work, two legal-criminal problems identified in Cassation 160-2014-Áncash are analyzed. The first of them has to do with the clarification of the content of the normative element "reason for the charge" provided for in the criminal type of embezzlement in light of the concepts of general duty and specific duty of the position, proposed by a sector of the doctrine and collected in the aforementioned judicial resolution. In this direction, after testing a definition of both concepts, the author proposes a single and unique concept of duty that allows for a better understanding and application of article 387 of the Penal Code. On the other hand, the second legal problem that is addressed focuses on the application of the principle of trust in cases in which the commission of a crime of corruption is imputed to the highest official of a public entity. In this regard, based on what is established by doctrine and jurisprudence, the author identifies that the operation of said objective imputation filter in such cases is not unconditional, but subject to the observance of surveillance, control and supervision duties by the superior hierarchical with respect to the behavior of his subordinates. Finally, rather than constituting a purely theoretical contribution, the treatment of both legal problems aims to contribute to making the resolution of practical cases in anti-corruption matters as supported and successful as possible.
Peculado--Perú, Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú--Ancash, Corrupción--Perú, Recurso de casación--Perú
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