Contribución de un juego educativo de ordenador al desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento computacional en estudiantes de 4to grado de secundaria en la ciudad de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En un mundo cada vez más digitalizado desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento
computacional (PC) en los estudiantes es un reto para los educadores. Los
pedagogos utilizan los juegos educativos como herramienta de motivación y
enseñanza para los educandos. En este contexto surge la pregunta de investigación:
¿Cuáles son las habilidades de PC que un juego educativo de ordenador (JEO)
contribuye a desarrollar en estudiantes de 4to grado de secundaria de la ciudad de
El objetivo general fue establecer si el juego educativo de ordenador “Mariquita”
contribuye a desarrollar las habilidades de pensamiento computacional de los
estudiantes de 4to grado de secundaria de la ciudad de Lima; y como objetivos
específicos identificar si el JEO contribuye a desarrollar las siguientes habilidades:
abstracción, pensamiento lógico, pensamiento iterativo, diseñar algoritmos y
depuración de errores en estudiantes de 4to grado de secundaria de la ciudad de
La investigación es de enfoque cualitativo, su diseño es no experimental, de nivel
descriptivo simple y por su finalidad es de tipo aplicada. Para la recolección de datos
relacionados a las categorías se administró la técnica de la observación y como
instrumento una guía de observación, el cual fue aplicado a ocho estudiantes de 4to
grado de secundaria con el propósito de conocer cuáles son las habilidades de PC
que contribuye a desarrollar un JEO en ellos.
Se concluye que el JEO motiva a los estudiantes y favorece el desarrollo de las
habilidades de PC planteadas.
In an increasingly digitized world, developing computational thinking (CT) skills in students is a challenge for educators. Pedagogues use educational games as a motivational and teaching tool for learners. In this context, the research question arises: What are the CT skills that an educational computer game (ECG) helps to develop in 4th grade high school students in the city of Lima? The general objective was to establish whether the educational computer game "Mariquita" contributes to the development of computational thinking skills in 4th grade secondary school students in the city of Lima; and as specific objectives, to identify if the ECG contributes to the development of the following skills: abstraction, logical thinking, iterative thinking, designing algorithms and debugging in 4th grade high school students in the city of Lima. The research has a qualitative approach, its design is non-experimental, of a simple descriptive level and, due to its purpose, it is of an applied type. For the collection of data related to the categories, the observation technique was administered and an observation guide was used as an instrument, which was applied to eight 4th grade high school students with the purpose of knowing what CT skills contribute. to develop a ECG in them. It is concluded that the ECG motivates students and favors the development of PC skills raised.
In an increasingly digitized world, developing computational thinking (CT) skills in students is a challenge for educators. Pedagogues use educational games as a motivational and teaching tool for learners. In this context, the research question arises: What are the CT skills that an educational computer game (ECG) helps to develop in 4th grade high school students in the city of Lima? The general objective was to establish whether the educational computer game "Mariquita" contributes to the development of computational thinking skills in 4th grade secondary school students in the city of Lima; and as specific objectives, to identify if the ECG contributes to the development of the following skills: abstraction, logical thinking, iterative thinking, designing algorithms and debugging in 4th grade high school students in the city of Lima. The research has a qualitative approach, its design is non-experimental, of a simple descriptive level and, due to its purpose, it is of an applied type. For the collection of data related to the categories, the observation technique was administered and an observation guide was used as an instrument, which was applied to eight 4th grade high school students with the purpose of knowing what CT skills contribute. to develop a ECG in them. It is concluded that the ECG motivates students and favors the development of PC skills raised.
Innovaciones educativas, Enseñanza con ayuda de computadoras, Juegos educativos, Educación secundaria--Investigaciones
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