Uso de Nearpod para el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora de estudiantes de 4° grado de secundaria de un colegio público de Ica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la utilidad del recurso Nearpod en el
desarrollo de la comprensión lectora de estudiantes de 4° de secundaria de una
institución educativa pública de la ciudad de Ica, y plantea como objetivos específicos
identificar su utilidad para la obtención de información del texto; identificar su utilidad
para realizar inferencias e interpretar la información del texto; e identificar su utilidad
para reflexionar y evaluar la forma, el contenido y contexto del texto. Con ello, busca
responder el problema ¿qué impacto tiene el uso de la herramienta Nearpod en el
proceso de la comprensión lectora de estudiantes de 4° grado de secundaria de una
institución educativa pública de Ica? En la investigación se utilizó el enfoque mixto y
para recoger la información se ha aplicado los instrumentos pruebas de entrada y
salida y fichas de observación de sesiones de comprensión lectora. Tras la
comparación y análisis de datos obtenidos de 50 estudiantes, se concluye que el
trabajo con Nearpod resulta útil para la obtención de información del texto de manera
explícita con los recursos llenar espacios en blanco, hora de escalar, pregunta abierta,
prueba y pizarra colaborativa interactiva; asimismo, es útil para el desarrollo de la
reflexión y evaluación de la forma, el contenido y contexto del texto con el uso de
pregunta abierta, pizarra colaborativa, conversación con Flip, encuesta, dibújalo y
Google Slide integrado a Nearpod, pues posibilitan la descripción y explicación de
ideas, opiniones, argumentos, juicios críticos y diversas posiciones en diálogos,
discusiones y debates abiertos.
This research aims to analyze the usefulness of the Nearpod resource in the development of reading comprehension of 4th grade students of a public school in the city of Ica, and proposes as specific objectives to identify its usefulness for obtaining information from the text; identify its usefulness for making inferences and interpreting information from the text; and identify its usefulness to reflect on and evaluate the form, content and context of the text. With this, it seeks to answer the problem: what impact does the use of the Nearpod tool have on the reading comprehension process of 4th grade students of a public school in Ica? In the investigation, the mixed approach was used and for the collection of information, entrance and exit tests and observation sheets of reading comprehension sessions were applied as instruments. After the comparison and analysis of data obtained from 50 students, it was concluded that the work with Nearpod is useful for obtaining information from the text explicitly with the resources fill in the blanks, time to climb, open question, test and interactive collaborative whiteboard; likewise, there were improvements in the reflection and evaluation of the form, content, and context of the text with the use of open questions, interactive collaborative whiteboard, conversation with Flip, survey, draw it, and Google Slide integrated into Nearpod, by enabling these description and explanation ideas, opinions, arguments, critical judgments and various positions in dialogues, discussions and open debates.
This research aims to analyze the usefulness of the Nearpod resource in the development of reading comprehension of 4th grade students of a public school in the city of Ica, and proposes as specific objectives to identify its usefulness for obtaining information from the text; identify its usefulness for making inferences and interpreting information from the text; and identify its usefulness to reflect on and evaluate the form, content and context of the text. With this, it seeks to answer the problem: what impact does the use of the Nearpod tool have on the reading comprehension process of 4th grade students of a public school in Ica? In the investigation, the mixed approach was used and for the collection of information, entrance and exit tests and observation sheets of reading comprehension sessions were applied as instruments. After the comparison and analysis of data obtained from 50 students, it was concluded that the work with Nearpod is useful for obtaining information from the text explicitly with the resources fill in the blanks, time to climb, open question, test and interactive collaborative whiteboard; likewise, there were improvements in the reflection and evaluation of the form, content, and context of the text with the use of open questions, interactive collaborative whiteboard, conversation with Flip, survey, draw it, and Google Slide integrated into Nearpod, by enabling these description and explanation ideas, opinions, arguments, critical judgments and various positions in dialogues, discussions and open debates.
Tecnología educativa, Comprensión de lectura--Perú--Ica, Lectura (Educación secundaria)--Investigaciones--Perú
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