Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución Casatoria Laboral 11947-2015-PIURA
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico tiene por objetivo analizar la aplicación supletoria de las reglas de
responsabilidad civil en las relaciones laborales y, en específico, en supuestos de accidente de
trabajo. Para ello, se ha tomado como premisa principal que los fundamentos y principios del
Derecho del Trabajo condicionan la aplicación de las reglas de responsabilidad civil. En este
aspecto, se desarrolla el derecho a la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, el deber de prevención,
deber de responsabilidad y la previsibilidad como criterios fundamentales a fin de determinar
la responsabilidad del empleador, así como sus límites frente a la determinación de supuestos
de liberación de responsabilidad por causa no imputable. En consecuencia, se desarrollarán los
alcances de las obligaciones en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo del empleador (V SUR S.A.C.) y de la empresa contratista (Río Blanco Cooper S.A.) frente a la existencia de
supuestos riesgos “exógenos” a la labor desempeñada (invasión a un campamento minero) que
fueron previsibles para ambas Empresas. Asimismo, se analizarán los fundamentos jurídicos
emitidos por la Segunda Sala de Derecho Constitucional y Social Transitoria de la Corte
Suprema de Justicia del Perú, frente a la determinación de responsabilidad civil, el régimen de
responsabilidad civil aplicable a las relaciones laborales y los elementos a analizar para la
configuración de responsabilidad.
The objective of this report consists of analyzing the supplementary applicability of the civil liability rules in labor relations and, specifically, in cases of labor accidents. For this purpose, the main premise adopted is that the foundations and principles of labor law condition the applicability of the civil liability rules. In this aspect, the right to occupational safety and health, the duty of prevention, duty of responsibility and foreseeability are developed as fundamental standards to determine the employer's liability, as well as its limits against the determination of assumptions of release from liability due to non-imputable cause events. Consequently, the scope of the employer's and the contractor's obligations occupational health and safety obligations will be developed in relation to "exogenous" risks of the work performed (in the specific case, an invasion of a mining camp) that were foreseeable for both companies. In addition, we will analyze the legal grounds issued by the Second Chamber of Constitutional and Social Transitory Law of the Supreme Court of Justice of Peru, regarding the determination of civil liability, the civil liability regime applicable to labor relations and the elements to be analyzed for the configuration of liability.
The objective of this report consists of analyzing the supplementary applicability of the civil liability rules in labor relations and, specifically, in cases of labor accidents. For this purpose, the main premise adopted is that the foundations and principles of labor law condition the applicability of the civil liability rules. In this aspect, the right to occupational safety and health, the duty of prevention, duty of responsibility and foreseeability are developed as fundamental standards to determine the employer's liability, as well as its limits against the determination of assumptions of release from liability due to non-imputable cause events. Consequently, the scope of the employer's and the contractor's obligations occupational health and safety obligations will be developed in relation to "exogenous" risks of the work performed (in the specific case, an invasion of a mining camp) that were foreseeable for both companies. In addition, we will analyze the legal grounds issued by the Second Chamber of Constitutional and Social Transitory Law of the Supreme Court of Justice of Peru, regarding the determination of civil liability, the civil liability regime applicable to labor relations and the elements to be analyzed for the configuration of liability.
Responsabilidad por accidentes de trabajo--Perú, Accidentes de trabajo--Perú, Seguridad industrial--Perú, Responsabilidad civil
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