Buenas prácticas en la elaboración del pisco en la región Ica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Dado que el Pisco es la “bebida bandera”, es fundamental que las empresas cumplan
con exigentes controles para gestionar la calidad, pero sobre todo con la inocuidad del
producto. Entonces, lo mínimo que estas deben cumplir es la normativa nacional que rige en
el país, que considera las BPM como pilar y están constituidas por los principios del Codex
Alimentarius. El diseño de la investigación es de tipo transeccional, cualitativo, y
exploratorio para identificar qué buenas prácticas se realizan en empresas productoras de
Pisco en la región Ica. Para lograr los objetivos, se realizó una exhaustiva investigación de la
literatura con temas relacionados a las buenas prácticas en la elaboración del Pisco. Es
importante señalar que las normas y procedimientos aún son escasos en contenido en el Perú,
es por ello que también se recurrió a fuentes extranjeras. La investigación se basa en una
metodología cualitativa, y como herramienta de recolección de datos se utilizó una entrevista
semiestructurada, siendo el método de muestreo por conveniencia. Después se procedió al
análisis de las transcripciones de las seis empresas entrevistadas, analizándose las respuestas
de la guía de la entrevista, y se identificaron códigos y categorías de producto de las buenas
prácticas realizadas por dichas empresas. A partir de los resultados de cada pregunta, se
comparó con el marco teórico propuesto para obtener la información relacionada a los
objetivos de la investigación.
Como resultados de la investigación, se han logrado identificar algunas buenas
prácticas que se realizan en la elaboración del Pisco, donde para lograr un impacto positivo
en el sector del Pisco es necesario: (a) estandarizar la manera cómo se realizan estas buenas
prácticas para que sus resultados puedan ser reproducibles y (b) brindar asesoramiento y
capacitación gratuita por parte del Estado a las bodegas para que estas puedan reconocer los
beneficios de implementar estas buenas prácticas (e.g., incrementar su competitividad,
ingresar a nuevos mercados, entre otros).
Since Pisco is the “flag beverage”, it is fundamental that companies follow with demanding controls to manage quality, but above all with the innocuousness of the product. Therefore, the minimum these companies must follow are the national regulations that apply in the country, which considers GMP as a pillar and are constituted by the principles of the Codex Alimentarius. The research design is transectional, qualitative, and exploratory in order to identify what good practices are carried out in Pisco producing companies in Ica region. In order to achieve the objectives, an exhaustive investigation of the literature with subjects related to the good practices in the elaboration of the Pisco was carried out. It is important to note that the rules and procedures are still scarce in content in Peru, which is why foreign sources were also used. The research is based on a qualitative methodology, and as a data collection tool a semi-structured interview was used, being the method of sampling for convenience. Then the transcripts of the six companies interviewed were analyzed, the responses of the interview guide were also analyzed, and codes and product categories of good practices were identified. From the results of each question, it was compared with the proposed theoretical framework to obtain the information related to the objectives of the research. As a result of the research, some good practices have been identified in the elaboration of Pisco, where in order to achieve a positive impact in the sector, it is necessary to: (a) standardize how these good practices are performed so their results can be reproducible and (b) provide free advice and training by the State to wineries so that they can recognize the benefits of implementing these good practices (e.g., increase their competitiveness, enter new markets, among others).
Since Pisco is the “flag beverage”, it is fundamental that companies follow with demanding controls to manage quality, but above all with the innocuousness of the product. Therefore, the minimum these companies must follow are the national regulations that apply in the country, which considers GMP as a pillar and are constituted by the principles of the Codex Alimentarius. The research design is transectional, qualitative, and exploratory in order to identify what good practices are carried out in Pisco producing companies in Ica region. In order to achieve the objectives, an exhaustive investigation of the literature with subjects related to the good practices in the elaboration of the Pisco was carried out. It is important to note that the rules and procedures are still scarce in content in Peru, which is why foreign sources were also used. The research is based on a qualitative methodology, and as a data collection tool a semi-structured interview was used, being the method of sampling for convenience. Then the transcripts of the six companies interviewed were analyzed, the responses of the interview guide were also analyzed, and codes and product categories of good practices were identified. From the results of each question, it was compared with the proposed theoretical framework to obtain the information related to the objectives of the research. As a result of the research, some good practices have been identified in the elaboration of Pisco, where in order to achieve a positive impact in the sector, it is necessary to: (a) standardize how these good practices are performed so their results can be reproducible and (b) provide free advice and training by the State to wineries so that they can recognize the benefits of implementing these good practices (e.g., increase their competitiveness, enter new markets, among others).
Mercadeo--Planificación, Pisco--Elaboración--Perú--Ica, Planificación estratégica
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