El proceso de agendación de la política pública para prevenir y erradicar el trabajo infantil (2011-2018)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En esta investigación de Tesis, queremos conocer cómo es que se agenda la
problemática del Trabajo Infantil, y pasa de ser un problema social a un problema
público y el Estado se ve en la obligación de incorporar el tema en su agenda,
estableciendo políticas para intervenir en el problema, aprobándose el año 2012,
la Estrategia Nacional de Prevención y Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil 2012-
2021– ENPETI. Para ello, describimos el proceso de “agendación” de esta política
de prevención y erradicación del Trabajo Infantil, en el período 2011-2018,
determinamos los tipos de actores que participaron en el proceso y los que fueron
obviados, así como los tipos de problemas que surgen a raíz de su “agendación”.
Así mismo, tratamos de comprender los problemas que surgen en el proceso,
identificándose que tienen que ver en gran medida con la forma como se agendo
el tema, manteniéndose la tolerancia y permisividad de la Sociedad Peruana, con
el trabajo infantil. Donde es el Ministerio de Trabajo, quien logra agendar el tema y
es la OIT, quien brinda asesoría especializada y realiza incidencia para que se
agende. Así, el proceso de “agendacion” de la política pública de Prevención y
Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil, se asemeja a un triángulo sin base, con creación
de normas e instituciones sin presupuesto y escaso o nulo impacto. Concluyendo
que el proceso de “agendacion” en el periodo estudiado fue de baja intensidad.
In this thesis research, we want to know how it is that the problem of child labor was agendado, and it goes from being a social problem to a public problem and the State is forced to incorporate the topic into its agenda, establishing policies to intervene in the problem, approving in the year 2012, the National Strategy for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor 2012-2021- ENPETI. We will describe the process of "agenda" of this policy of prevention and eradication of Child Labor, in the period 2011-2018, we will determine the types of actors that participated in the process and the actors that were ignored as well as the types of problems that arise as a result of its "agendación". Likewise, we will try to understand the problems that arise in the process, identifying like a mean reason the way in how the issue is agendado, maintaining the tolerance and permissiveness of the Peruvian Society, with the child labor. Where is the Ministry of Labor, who manages to schedule the issue and is the ILO, who provides specialized advice and advocates to be scheduled. So, the process of "agendacion" of the public policy of Prevention and- Eradication of Child Labor is like a triangle without base, with the creation of norms and institutions without a budget and little or no impact. Concluding that the process of "agendacion" in the period studied was of low intensity.
In this thesis research, we want to know how it is that the problem of child labor was agendado, and it goes from being a social problem to a public problem and the State is forced to incorporate the topic into its agenda, establishing policies to intervene in the problem, approving in the year 2012, the National Strategy for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor 2012-2021- ENPETI. We will describe the process of "agenda" of this policy of prevention and eradication of Child Labor, in the period 2011-2018, we will determine the types of actors that participated in the process and the actors that were ignored as well as the types of problems that arise as a result of its "agendación". Likewise, we will try to understand the problems that arise in the process, identifying like a mean reason the way in how the issue is agendado, maintaining the tolerance and permissiveness of the Peruvian Society, with the child labor. Where is the Ministry of Labor, who manages to schedule the issue and is the ILO, who provides specialized advice and advocates to be scheduled. So, the process of "agendacion" of the public policy of Prevention and- Eradication of Child Labor is like a triangle without base, with the creation of norms and institutions without a budget and little or no impact. Concluding that the process of "agendacion" in the period studied was of low intensity.
Trabajo infantil--Aspectos sociales--Perú, Niños--Perú--Condiciones sociales, Perú--Política social
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