La influencia de la responsabilidad social empresarial en el comportamiento de compra de desodorantes de los consumidores peruanos entre 41 y 50 años a nivel de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) ha mostrado una evolución y desarrollo
importante en los últimos 50 años, dejando de ser un grupo de prácticas filantrópicas aisladas
para convertirse en un conjunto organizado y planificado de medidas que generan valor para
las empresas. Está demostrado que dicho valor es apreciado por los inversionistas, sin
embargo, de cara a los clientes, es decir, que tan influyentes son las prácticas de
Responsabilidad Social Empresarial al momento de tomar la decisión de compra, no es tan
evidente; pudiéndose encontrar varios estudios sobre ello en los países desarrollados, muy
pocos en Latinoamérica y algunos en el Perú. Esta investigación se realizó para el producto
Desodorante y enfocado en los consumidores de Lima Metropolitana, dentro de un rango de
edad entre 41 y 50 años, aplicándosele la encuesta a una muestra de 132 personas. Los
resultados presentan una relación positiva entre las acciones de Responsabilidad Social
Empresarial y la decisión de compra, así como también con la disposición a pagar por dichos
atributos. El estudio indica a su vez, que el efecto del conjunto de actividades de
Responsabilidad Social Empresarial es superior al de las Competencias Corporativas. La
presente investigación contribuye a tener una mejor comprensión de las relaciones de la
empresa con el consumidor del segmento estudiado y brinda información que puede ayudar al
proceso de toma de decisiones gerenciales.
La presente tesis es una ampliación del alcance de la investigación doctoral del profesor
Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman (2009), La Influencia de la Responsabilidad Social
Empresarial en el Comportamiento de Compra de los Consumidores Peruanos (Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú: CENTRUM). Esta tesis de maestría busca validar en la
muestra tomada, si la relación identificada originalmente por el profesor Marquina también se
presenta en la categoría de desodorante, ampliando el estudio a otros productos tal como el autor sugiere en sus recomendaciones finales. Con su autorización, se ha utilizado partes de
su tesis, particularmente en lo que se refiere a la revisión de la literatura y el método.
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) have shown an important evolution and development in the last 50 years, stopping being a group of isolated philanthropic practices to become an organized and planned set of measurements that generates value for the companies. It has been proven that this value is appreciated by the investor, however, facing the clients, in other words, how influent are the CSR practices at the moment where the buying decision is taken, is not so evident; it could be found several studies about this topic in the developed countries, a few in Latin America and Peru. This investigation was made based on the product Deodorants and focused on the consumers in Lima, in the age range between 41 and 50 years, the poll was applied to a 132-people-sample. The results show a positive relationship between the CSR actions and the buying decision, as well as with the disposition to pay for this attributes. This study indicates that the effect of the activities of CSR as a whole is superior to the Corporate Skills. The present investigation contributes to have better comprehension of the relationship between the company and the consumer of the chosen segment and gives information that can support the managerial decision making process. This thesis is an extension of the scope of the doctoral research of Professor Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman (2009), The Influence of the Corporate Social Responsibility in the Buying Behavior of the Peruvian consumer (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú: CENTRUM). This MBA thesis seeks to validate whether the relationship, originally identified by Professor Marquina, is also present in the deodorant category, following his final recommendations to widen the investigation to another products. With his permission, we are used parts of his thesis, particularly in regard to the literature review and method.
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) have shown an important evolution and development in the last 50 years, stopping being a group of isolated philanthropic practices to become an organized and planned set of measurements that generates value for the companies. It has been proven that this value is appreciated by the investor, however, facing the clients, in other words, how influent are the CSR practices at the moment where the buying decision is taken, is not so evident; it could be found several studies about this topic in the developed countries, a few in Latin America and Peru. This investigation was made based on the product Deodorants and focused on the consumers in Lima, in the age range between 41 and 50 years, the poll was applied to a 132-people-sample. The results show a positive relationship between the CSR actions and the buying decision, as well as with the disposition to pay for this attributes. This study indicates that the effect of the activities of CSR as a whole is superior to the Corporate Skills. The present investigation contributes to have better comprehension of the relationship between the company and the consumer of the chosen segment and gives information that can support the managerial decision making process. This thesis is an extension of the scope of the doctoral research of Professor Percy Samoel Marquina Feldman (2009), The Influence of the Corporate Social Responsibility in the Buying Behavior of the Peruvian consumer (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú: CENTRUM). This MBA thesis seeks to validate whether the relationship, originally identified by Professor Marquina, is also present in the deodorant category, following his final recommendations to widen the investigation to another products. With his permission, we are used parts of his thesis, particularly in regard to the literature review and method.
Responsabilidad social de las empresas, Comportamiento del consumidor, Investigación cuantitativa
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