Miedo al delito, autoritarismo de derecha y actitudes hacia la democracia en contextos de (in)seguridad ciudadana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente investigación se buscó describir las relaciones entre el miedo al delito, el
autoritarismo de derecha y un conjunto de percepciones y actitudes hacia la democracia. Los
participantes fueron personas de ambos sexos, mayores de edad, residentes en la ciudad de
Lima Metropolitana (n=150). Contra lo esperado, los resultados obtenidos no muestran una
relación directa entre el miedo al delito y el autoritarismo. No obstante, los resultados
evidencian relaciones entre autoritarismo de derecha y actitudes negativas hacia la
democracia en materia de seguridad ciudadana; satisfacción con la democracia y miedo al
delito. Posteriormente, considerando estas relaciones se realizó un análisis de senderos donde
se encontró que el autoritarismo y el miedo al delito, sí se relacionarían, aunque de manera
indirecta. Así, el autoritarismo estaría relacionado con las actitudes negativas hacia la
democracia en materia de seguridad ciudadana, ello afectaría la satisfacción de los
participantes con el sistema democrático; lo que incrementaría los niveles de miedo al delito.
Además, en temas de género las mujeres sentirían mayor miedo al delito y tendrían una
elevada percepción de peligrosidad en comparación con los hombres. Por otro lado, se
confirmó que el haber sido víctima de un delito, no influye en los niveles de miedo al delito.
The aim of this research is describe the relation between fear of crime, right-wing authoritarianism and a set of perceptions and attitudes towards democracy. The participants were people of both sex, of legal age, residents in Lima (n = 150). In contrast to expectations, the results do not show a direct relation between fear of crime and right wing authoritarianism. However, in this investigation it was found that relations between rightwing authoritarianism and negative attitudes towards democracy in citizen security, satisfaction with democracy and fear of crime. Subsequently, these relations were analyzed by a path analysis where right-wing authoritarianism and fear of crime were relation indirectly. Authoritarianism could related to the negative attitudes towards democracy in security, as well as the satisfaction of the participants with democratic system, which would increase the levels of fear of crime. In addition, was found that women feel more fear of crime than men. On the other hand, was confirmed that been a victim of crime, does not have any influence in the levels of fear of crime.
The aim of this research is describe the relation between fear of crime, right-wing authoritarianism and a set of perceptions and attitudes towards democracy. The participants were people of both sex, of legal age, residents in Lima (n = 150). In contrast to expectations, the results do not show a direct relation between fear of crime and right wing authoritarianism. However, in this investigation it was found that relations between rightwing authoritarianism and negative attitudes towards democracy in citizen security, satisfaction with democracy and fear of crime. Subsequently, these relations were analyzed by a path analysis where right-wing authoritarianism and fear of crime were relation indirectly. Authoritarianism could related to the negative attitudes towards democracy in security, as well as the satisfaction of the participants with democratic system, which would increase the levels of fear of crime. In addition, was found that women feel more fear of crime than men. On the other hand, was confirmed that been a victim of crime, does not have any influence in the levels of fear of crime.
Miedo--Aspectos sociales, Criminología, Autoritarismo, Democracia
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