Business Consulting de Pesquera Diamante S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Perú, nación con uno de los ecosistemas marinos más diversos del mundo, alberga más de
20.000 especies marinas. Instituciones como el Instituto Tecnológico Pesquero del Per (ITP)
y el Instituto del Mar Peruano (IMARPE) han realizado importantes contribuciones a la
promoción de la caza responsable de las especies hidrobiológicas de la región a través de la
investigación y la tecnología.
Esta Business Consulting se concentra en la empresa Pesquera Diamante S.A., con sede en el
Callao, Perú. Esta empresa tiene una notable capacidad de producción de 740 toneladas
métricas por día y una capacidad de almacenamiento de 7.200 toneladas métricas de
productos terminados congelados. El problema que se aborda en este estudio se centra en la
línea de negocio de consumo humano directo de jurel y caballa congelados. Mediante el uso
de técnicas y herramientas, este Business Consulting tiene como objetivo determinar el
problema central que presenta el área de consumo humano directo en relación a la pérdida de
rentabilidad y brindar propuestas de solución tales como: reemplazo de maquinaria, gestión
de proveedores y planificación de seguimiento de los procesos del área.
De acuerdo al problema central planteado en el presente estudio: Pérdida de rentabilidad por:
No llegar a la meta del 80% de congelado y Generar reprocesos por la calidad del producto
terminado, la empresa Pesquera Diamante, en el año 2022 ha generado una pérdida de
S/.2.249.035, a causa de: una inadecuada gestión, control y seguimiento al programa de
mantenimiento de la planta de CHD, generación de re-procesos por el tamaño del pescado y
reclamos de los clientes nacionales por variabilidad de pesos.
Por ello, planteamos tres alternativas de solución e indicamos que estaríamos generando un
retorno de la inversión de 138%.
Peru, a nation with one of the most diverse marine ecosystems in the world, is home to more than 20,000 marine species. Institutions such as the Instituto Tecnológico Pesquero del Perú (ITP) and the Instituto del Mar Peruano (IMARPE) have made important contributions to the promotion of responsible hunting of hydrobiological species in the region through research and technology. This Business Consulting focuses on the company Pesquera Diamante S.A., based in Callao, Peru. This company has a remarkable production capacity of 740 metric tons per day and a storage capacity of 7,200 metric tons of frozen finished products. The problem addressed in this study focuses on the line of business for direct human consumption of frozen horse mackerel and mackerel. Through the use of techniques and tools, this Business Consulting aims to determine the central problem presented by the direct human consumption area in relation to the loss of profitability and provide solution proposals such as: machinery replacement, supplier management and planning. monitoring of the area's processes. According to the central problem raised in this study: Loss of profitability due to: Not reaching the goal of 80% frozen and Generating reprocesses due to the quality of the finished product, the company Pesquera Diamante, in the year 2022 has generated a loss of S/.2,249,035, due to: inadequate management, control and monitoring of the CHD plant maintenance program, generation of re-processes due to the size of the fish and complaints from national clients due to weight variability. Therefore, we propose three alternative solutions and indicate that we would be generating a return on investment of 138%.
Peru, a nation with one of the most diverse marine ecosystems in the world, is home to more than 20,000 marine species. Institutions such as the Instituto Tecnológico Pesquero del Perú (ITP) and the Instituto del Mar Peruano (IMARPE) have made important contributions to the promotion of responsible hunting of hydrobiological species in the region through research and technology. This Business Consulting focuses on the company Pesquera Diamante S.A., based in Callao, Peru. This company has a remarkable production capacity of 740 metric tons per day and a storage capacity of 7,200 metric tons of frozen finished products. The problem addressed in this study focuses on the line of business for direct human consumption of frozen horse mackerel and mackerel. Through the use of techniques and tools, this Business Consulting aims to determine the central problem presented by the direct human consumption area in relation to the loss of profitability and provide solution proposals such as: machinery replacement, supplier management and planning. monitoring of the area's processes. According to the central problem raised in this study: Loss of profitability due to: Not reaching the goal of 80% frozen and Generating reprocesses due to the quality of the finished product, the company Pesquera Diamante, in the year 2022 has generated a loss of S/.2,249,035, due to: inadequate management, control and monitoring of the CHD plant maintenance program, generation of re-processes due to the size of the fish and complaints from national clients due to weight variability. Therefore, we propose three alternative solutions and indicate that we would be generating a return on investment of 138%.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Industria pesquera--Perú
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