Calidad en las empresas del sector reparaciones de Vehículos automotrices en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El crecimiento del sector automotriz en el país presenta una tendencia positiva en
los últimos años, así como las actividades relacionadas a este sector en particular en las
reparaciones de vehículos automotrices. En consecuencia, es importante que las empresas
dedicadas a esta actividad implementen sistemas o metodologías de calidad con enfoque en
el cliente, a fin de generar ventajas competitivas y mejorar la rentabilidad de la empresa.
La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo identificar si las empresas de reparaciones de
vehículos automotrices en el Perú que implementaron un SGC tienen diferencias
significativas con aquellas que no implementaron un SGC, con respecto al desempeño de
los nueve factores de la administración total de la calidad (TQM). La investigación tuvo un
enfoque cuantitativo, diseño transeccional y alcance descriptivo, y correlacional.
Los resultados obtenidos muestran que no existe diferencias significativas entre las
empresas de reparaciones de vehículos automotrices del Perú que tienen un SGC y las que
no tienen un SGC; asimismo, se obtuvieron valores promedios altos de cumplimiento en los
factores de liderazgo y planeamiento de la calidad para todas las empresas de la muestra. Es
importante señalar que los resultados pueden estar afectados por el conocimiento de los
encuestados, respecto a los nueve factores para medir el desempeño de la calidad total, la
interpretación de las preposiciones del instrumento utilizado o el desconocimiento de los
conceptos relacionados a un SGC por parte de la muestra encuestada. Por tal motivo, los
hallazgos encontrados en la presente tesis deberían ser complementados con otros estudios
de investigación. Se recomienda la formación de un gremio o asociación de empresas del
sector de reparación de vehículos que promueva su desarrollo, crecimiento y sostenibilidad,
que incorpore como parte de sus objetivos el apoyar la adopción de las mejores prácticas de
gestión de calidad entre sus asociados.
The growth of the automotive sector in the country has shown a positive trend in recent years, as well as related activities to the sector, in particular the repair and maintenance of automotive vehicles. For that reason, it is important for the companies this sector to implement quality systems or methodologies focused on customer satisfaction, in order to generate competitive advantages and improve their profitability. The objective of this thesis was to identify if the automotive vehicle repair companies in Peru that implemented a QMS have significant differences with those that did not implement a QMS, in terms of the performance of total quality management (TQM) nine factors. The research had a quantitative approach, a transectional design and a descriptive and correlational scope. The results showed that there are no significant differences between automotive vehicle repair companies in Peru that have a QMS and those that do not have a QMS; Likewise, high average values of compliance were obtained in the leadership and quality planning factors for all the companies in the sample. It is important to note that the results may be affected by the knowledge of the respondents, regarding the nine factors to measure the performance of the total quality, the interpretation of the prepositions of the instrument used or the ignorance of QMS concepts by the surveyed sample. For this reason, the findings found in this thesis should be complemented with other research studies. The formation of a guild or association of companies in the vehicle repair sector is recommended to promote their development, growth and sustainability, which incorporates as part of its objectives to support the adoption of the best quality management practices among its associates.
The growth of the automotive sector in the country has shown a positive trend in recent years, as well as related activities to the sector, in particular the repair and maintenance of automotive vehicles. For that reason, it is important for the companies this sector to implement quality systems or methodologies focused on customer satisfaction, in order to generate competitive advantages and improve their profitability. The objective of this thesis was to identify if the automotive vehicle repair companies in Peru that implemented a QMS have significant differences with those that did not implement a QMS, in terms of the performance of total quality management (TQM) nine factors. The research had a quantitative approach, a transectional design and a descriptive and correlational scope. The results showed that there are no significant differences between automotive vehicle repair companies in Peru that have a QMS and those that do not have a QMS; Likewise, high average values of compliance were obtained in the leadership and quality planning factors for all the companies in the sample. It is important to note that the results may be affected by the knowledge of the respondents, regarding the nine factors to measure the performance of the total quality, the interpretation of the prepositions of the instrument used or the ignorance of QMS concepts by the surveyed sample. For this reason, the findings found in this thesis should be complemented with other research studies. The formation of a guild or association of companies in the vehicle repair sector is recommended to promote their development, growth and sustainability, which incorporates as part of its objectives to support the adoption of the best quality management practices among its associates.
Automóviles--Mantenimiento y reparación--Perú, Calidad del servicio al cliente
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