Facilidad para negociar en el Perú a nivel de la Ciudad de Cajamarca – Cajamarca
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta es una investigación descriptiva, con enfoque cualitativo, que tiene como objetivo
general analizar la brecha entre los plazos y costos reales, y los normados, en la ciudad de
Cajamarca, para cinco aspectos vinculados con la facilidad para hacer negocios, acorde con la
metodología del Banco Mundial. Los resultados son de utilidad para los empresarios, quienes
ahora cuentan con información sobre la facilidad para hacer negocios en esta ciudad, así
como para las entidades gubernamentales, quienes pueden desarrollar medidas para aumentar
el atractivo de su ciudad para los inversionistas. La información fue recopilada mediante la
realización de entrevistas, guiadas con cuestionarios a distintas personas de la ciudad como
empresarios, funcionarios de la municipalidad, abogados y funcionarios del Registro Público,
entre otros. Al respecto, el informe Doing Business, elaborado cada año desde el 2003 por el
Banco Mundial (World Bank, 2017), reveló a través de indicadores, la facilidad para hacer
negocios en distintos países. Estos datos son relevantes, porque se ha encontrado que, en la
medida en que se reducen las barreras y se disminuyen los costos y tiempos asociados con la
creación y operación de las empresas, se estimula la inversión privada, lo cual se traduce en
mayor crecimiento económico. Con esta investigación, se determinará la facilidad para hacer
negocios en la ciudad de Cajamarca a través de las siguientes cinco variables independientes:
(a) abrir una empresa, (b) obtención de electricidad, (c) obtención de permiso de
construcción, (d) registro de la propiedad, y (e) cumplimiento de contratos. Finalmente, los
resultados de la investigación permiten concluir que las facilidades para hacer negocios en la
provincia de Cajamarca son limitadas, y que se hallan muy por debajo de las de Lima o de
distintas ciudades en Colombia o España. Asimismo, en Cajamarca, resulta más fácil hacer
negocios que en Lima en cuanto a pilares tales como abrir una empresa, obtener un permiso
de construcción y hasta registrar la propiedad, con lo cual se incurre, también, en menores
This is a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, whose general objective is to analyze the gap between the real and norms costs and norms, in the city of Cajamarca, for five aspects related to the ease of doing business according to the methodology of the Bank World. The results and conclusions are helpful for entrepreneurs, who now have data about easiness for doing business in Cajamarca and also for government in order to adopt measures to attract more investors, reducing barriers. All information has been collected through interviews conducted with questionnaires to different people in the city, such as entrepreneurs, municipal officials, lawyers and public registry officials, among others. The Doing Business report, elaborated by The World Bank (2017) every year since 2003, reveals through indicators how ease or not is doing business in different countries. These data are relevant because there has been found that when barriers are reduced, and the costs and times associated with the creation and operation of companies are reduced, private investment increments, which produces greater economic growth. This research will determine the ease of doing business in the city of Cajamarca, through the following five independent variables: (a) opening a business, (b) obtaining electricity, (c) obtaining a construction permit, (d) public registration of property, and (e) fulfillment of contracts. The results of the investigation allow to conclude that the facilities for doing business in the province of Cajamarca are limited, under Lima or other cities in Colombia or Spain. In Cajamarca it is easier than doing business in Lima on pillars like opening a business, obtaining a building permit and even registering the property, incurring also lower costs
This is a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, whose general objective is to analyze the gap between the real and norms costs and norms, in the city of Cajamarca, for five aspects related to the ease of doing business according to the methodology of the Bank World. The results and conclusions are helpful for entrepreneurs, who now have data about easiness for doing business in Cajamarca and also for government in order to adopt measures to attract more investors, reducing barriers. All information has been collected through interviews conducted with questionnaires to different people in the city, such as entrepreneurs, municipal officials, lawyers and public registry officials, among others. The Doing Business report, elaborated by The World Bank (2017) every year since 2003, reveals through indicators how ease or not is doing business in different countries. These data are relevant because there has been found that when barriers are reduced, and the costs and times associated with the creation and operation of companies are reduced, private investment increments, which produces greater economic growth. This research will determine the ease of doing business in the city of Cajamarca, through the following five independent variables: (a) opening a business, (b) obtaining electricity, (c) obtaining a construction permit, (d) public registration of property, and (e) fulfillment of contracts. The results of the investigation allow to conclude that the facilities for doing business in the province of Cajamarca are limited, under Lima or other cities in Colombia or Spain. In Cajamarca it is easier than doing business in Lima on pillars like opening a business, obtaining a building permit and even registering the property, incurring also lower costs
Emprendimiento (Administración), Nuevas empresas, Investigación cualitativa
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