Plan estratégico empresarial para Autopartes La Repuestera SAC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente estudio se realiza el Planeamiento Estratégico de la empresa Autopartes
La Repuestera SAC, una microempresa del rubro de autopartes de vehículos. Este trabajo que
se inicia con el análisis de la situación actual, seguido por el establecimiento de la visión, la
misión, los valores, y el código de ética. Posteriormente se realiza un análisis externo a través
del entorno de las fuerzas PESTE para determinar las oportunidades y amenazas de la
empresa. Luego se desarrolla la evaluación interna determinando las fortalezas y debilidades
de la empresa, mediante el análisis interno AMOFHIT. Asimismo se determinan los Intereses
de la Organización y los Objetivos de largo plazo.
Luego se realiza el emparejamiento y combinación de las fortalezas, debilidades,
oportunidades, y amenazas utilizando las matrices FODA, PEYEA, BCG, Interna-Externa y
la Gran Estrategia, y con ello elegir las estrategias a desarrollar. Después comienza la
implementación de este Plan Estratégico teniendo en cuenta los Objetivos de Largo Plazo.
Durante esta etapa se definen los Objetivos de corto plazo, los recursos asignados a estos y se
establecen las políticas para cada estrategia. Todo ello teniendo en cuenta la preocupación por
el medio ambiente, el crecimiento social sostenible y la cooperación con la comunidad
vinculada (stakeholders).
En la tercera etapa se desarrolla la Evaluación Estratégica, que se lleva a cabo
utilizando cuatro perspectivas de control: aprendizaje interno, procesos, clientes, y financiera;
del Tablero de Control Balanceado (BalancedScorecard (BSC)), para monitorear el logro de
los Objetivos y realizar las acciones correctivas pertinentes que lleven finalmente a la
empresa Autopartes La Repuestera SAC al logro de su visión plasmada al 2018.
The present study is about the strategic planning of the company Autopartes La Repuestera SAC, a microenterprise of the category of motor vehicle parts. This work starts with the analysis of the current situation, followed by the establishment of the vision, mission, values, and code of ethics. Later an external analysis is performed through the environment of PESTE forces in order to identify the opportunities and threats of the company. Then, internal evaluation is developed by determining the strengths and weaknesses of the company through internal analysis AMOFHIT. The interests of the Organization and the long-term objectives are determined. After that, the matching of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is performed using the SWOT, SPACE, BCG, Internal –External and Grand Strategy matrices, in order to choose the strategies that will be developed. Then, the implementation of the Strategic Plan begins, considering the long-term objectives. During this stage, the short-term objectives and the resources allocated to these are defined, as well as the policies for each strategy. All this, taking care for the environment, sustainable social growth and cooperation with related community (stakeholders). In the third stage, the Strategic Assessment is developed using four control perspectives: internal learning, processes, customers, and finances; of the Balanced Score Card (BSC), to monitor the achievement of the objectives and perform corrective actions in order to realize the vision of Autopartes La Repuestera SAC for the year 2018.
The present study is about the strategic planning of the company Autopartes La Repuestera SAC, a microenterprise of the category of motor vehicle parts. This work starts with the analysis of the current situation, followed by the establishment of the vision, mission, values, and code of ethics. Later an external analysis is performed through the environment of PESTE forces in order to identify the opportunities and threats of the company. Then, internal evaluation is developed by determining the strengths and weaknesses of the company through internal analysis AMOFHIT. The interests of the Organization and the long-term objectives are determined. After that, the matching of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is performed using the SWOT, SPACE, BCG, Internal –External and Grand Strategy matrices, in order to choose the strategies that will be developed. Then, the implementation of the Strategic Plan begins, considering the long-term objectives. During this stage, the short-term objectives and the resources allocated to these are defined, as well as the policies for each strategy. All this, taking care for the environment, sustainable social growth and cooperation with related community (stakeholders). In the third stage, the Strategic Assessment is developed using four control perspectives: internal learning, processes, customers, and finances; of the Balanced Score Card (BSC), to monitor the achievement of the objectives and perform corrective actions in order to realize the vision of Autopartes La Repuestera SAC for the year 2018.
Industria automotriz--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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