Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución del Tribunal Fiscal No. 09934-5-2017: Cesión de espacios en páginas web por parte de personas naturales para la inclusión de anuncios publicitarios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Acceso al texto completo solo para la Comunidad PUCP
En la actualidad, el uso de plataformas digitales para generar ingresos es una
práctica común. Estos ingresos pueden originarse en diversas actividades, tales
como la creación de contenido publicitario, la suscripción para acceder a
contenido exclusivo, la cesión de espacios para insertar anuncios publicitarios,
entre otros.
En el presente informe jurídico se discute, a la luz de la legislación, jurisprudencia
y doctrina, sobre el tratamiento tributario aplicable a las rentas generadas por
personas naturales, específicamente a través de la cesión de espacios en sus
plataformas digitales para insertar publicidad de terceros.
Tanto la Administración Tributaria como el Tribunal Fiscal mantienen una
posición firme en que las referidas actividades generan rentas de tercera
categoría, al involucrar la combinación de capital y de trabajo. Sin embargo, el
tema aún sigue siendo objeto de debate. Por un lado, algunos autores sostienen
que dichas rentas podrían ser clasificadas como de primera categoría, al basarse
principalmente en la explotación de un capital. Otros expertos señalan que
deberían ser consideradas como rentas de cuarta categoría, dado que provienen
del trabajo independiente de las personas naturales.
Considerando la popularidad y relevancia económica de estos ingresos, resulta
importante analizar la naturaleza de las actividades que generan estas rentas
para efectos de otorgarles un tratamiento tributario que sea coherente y justo.
The use of digital platforms to generate revenue is currently a very common practice. This income can be generated through different activities, such as the creation of advertising content, the subscription to have access to exclusive content, the granting of spaces to insert advertisements, among others. This legal report discusses, on the basis of legislation, jurisprudence and doctrine, the tax treatment applicable to income generated by natural persons, specifically through the granting of spaces in their digital platforms in order to include third-party advertisements. The Tax Administration and the Tax Court hold a strong opinion that the referred activities generate third category income, since they involve a combination of capital and labor. However, this topic is still under discussion. On the one hand, some authors argue that such income could be considered as first category income, since it is mainly based on the exploitation of capital. Other experts state that it should be treated as fourth category income, as it comes from the independent work of natural persons. In view of the popular nature and economic relevance of this income, it is important to analyze the specific nature of the activities that generate this income in order to determine a consistent and fair tax treatment.
The use of digital platforms to generate revenue is currently a very common practice. This income can be generated through different activities, such as the creation of advertising content, the subscription to have access to exclusive content, the granting of spaces to insert advertisements, among others. This legal report discusses, on the basis of legislation, jurisprudence and doctrine, the tax treatment applicable to income generated by natural persons, specifically through the granting of spaces in their digital platforms in order to include third-party advertisements. The Tax Administration and the Tax Court hold a strong opinion that the referred activities generate third category income, since they involve a combination of capital and labor. However, this topic is still under discussion. On the one hand, some authors argue that such income could be considered as first category income, since it is mainly based on the exploitation of capital. Other experts state that it should be treated as fourth category income, as it comes from the independent work of natural persons. In view of the popular nature and economic relevance of this income, it is important to analyze the specific nature of the activities that generate this income in order to determine a consistent and fair tax treatment.
Publicidad--Legislación--Perú, Internet--Legislación--Perú, Impuestos--Perú