Calidad en el servicio del autoservicio mayorista en la provincia de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo de investigación se busca realizar la validación de un
instrumento de medición de calidad de servicio, con el propósito de aplicar el modelo
CALSUPER en la provincia de Lima para el formato autoservicio mayorista. La calidad de
servicio implica evaluar elementos tangibles e intangibles que pueden percibir los
consumidores y está estrechamente relacionada con la satisfacción del cliente de acuerdo a
las estrategias que implementa la organización para mejorar la experiencia del servicio.
La metodología de investigación utilizada en la presente investigación, es de
carácter cuantitativo de corte transversal y no experimental, al desarrollarse en un lapso de
tiempo determinado; además, es de carácter correlacional entre dos variables: (a) variable
independiente: las cuatro dimensiones de modelo CALSUPER, (b) variable dependiente:
calidad total percibida por los clientes en el formato autoservicio mayorista, se tomó una
muestra total de 413 personas en las seis tiendas de Lima provincia, tomando como
referencia a las tiendas de autoservicio mayorista Makro por la antigüedad que tienen en el
Asimismo, se realizaron las pruebas de validez del instrumento CALSUPER y el
proceso estadístico de contraste de hipótesis para verificar la fiabilidad del instrumento.
Con ello, se determinó que existe una correlación significativa entre las dimensiones del
instrumento: (a) Evidencias Físicas, (b) Fiabilidad, (c) Interacción personal y (d) Políticas,
en relación con la variable calidad total.
Por último, se evidenció de manera global que el consumidor limeño en este
formato de autoservicio mayorista se encuentra de acuerdo con la calidad del servicio
mostrado. Y que el instrumento permite generar recomendaciones de mejora de calidad de
servicio para la empresa.
In this investigation study we will attempt to validate a quality of service measurement instrument, with the purpose of apply to the CALSUPER model in the province of Lima for the self-service wholesale format. Service quality involves evaluating tangible and intangible elements that can be perceived by consumers and is closely related to customer satisfaction according to the strategies implemented by the organization to improve the service experience. The research methodology used in this study is quantitative in nature and not experimental, as it is developed over a specific period of time. It is also correlated between two variables:(a) independent variable: the four dimensions of the CALSUPER model, (b) dependent variable: total quality perceived by customers in the self-service wholesale format. A total sample of 413 people was taken in the six stores in Lima province, taking as a reference to Makro wholesale store due to the length of time they have been in the market. The validity tests of the CALSUPER instrument and the statistical process of contrasting hypotheses were also carried out to verify the reliability of the instrument. With these, it was determined that there is a significant correlation between the dimensions of the instrument: (a) Physical evidence, (b) Reliability, (c) Personal interaction and (d) Policy, in relation to the total quality variable. Finally, it was evident that the Lima consumer in this wholesale self-service format is in agreement with the quality of the service shown. And that the instrument allows for the generation of service quality improvement recommendations for the company.
In this investigation study we will attempt to validate a quality of service measurement instrument, with the purpose of apply to the CALSUPER model in the province of Lima for the self-service wholesale format. Service quality involves evaluating tangible and intangible elements that can be perceived by consumers and is closely related to customer satisfaction according to the strategies implemented by the organization to improve the service experience. The research methodology used in this study is quantitative in nature and not experimental, as it is developed over a specific period of time. It is also correlated between two variables:(a) independent variable: the four dimensions of the CALSUPER model, (b) dependent variable: total quality perceived by customers in the self-service wholesale format. A total sample of 413 people was taken in the six stores in Lima province, taking as a reference to Makro wholesale store due to the length of time they have been in the market. The validity tests of the CALSUPER instrument and the statistical process of contrasting hypotheses were also carried out to verify the reliability of the instrument. With these, it was determined that there is a significant correlation between the dimensions of the instrument: (a) Physical evidence, (b) Reliability, (c) Personal interaction and (d) Policy, in relation to the total quality variable. Finally, it was evident that the Lima consumer in this wholesale self-service format is in agreement with the quality of the service shown. And that the instrument allows for the generation of service quality improvement recommendations for the company.
Autoservicio, Calidad de servicio, Investigación cuantitativa
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